

New Member

Before I start I would just like to thank you ALL for sharing your knowledge with me. Unfortunately I was not exposed to the correct Islamic way of life during my upbringing so was ignorant to many important aspects of this wonderful religion, hence my silly questions.
I have another rather silly question that I think I already know the answer to but here it goes..

A good friend of mine (NON MUSLIM) recently told me about a "spirit encounter” with an old woman at a museum she visited.
The woman was apparently physically reaching out to her.
She seems to have many of these so called "spirit encounters" and she is not usually one to lie. :shymuslima1:

As a muslima I understand that Jinn exist but can people have encounters with people that have already passed away?
Thank you for answering all of my small questions.


Junior Member

This is a good way to help me try to sleep after waking up to 'knocking' inside my house....hearing the athan go off at 2:30 am, ... having my cell phone open up on it's own....which it never does, earlier this evening, and catching a small electrical wire start to melt on some lights outside my porch.

And when I cannot sleep, I go to my computer and read email and go to TurnToIslam just to read forums.

I do not have any answers, but tonight, there have been two series of knocking in my house....when no one else is here.

I am not scared, yet....but what are the odds that you wrote something that I am trying to avoid thinking about so I can try to go back to sleep in the care of God/Allah for protection?



New Member
I am sorry Karima, my intention was not to scare anyone. You can read ayat al kursi before sleeping, that always helps me :shymuslima1:


Junior Member
With regards to Ghosts, The Islamic viewpoint is very clear, " There are no ghosts ", But Jinns are known to play tricks with humans, Jinns can take any form including the form of a dead person. As far as Islam is concerned, when a man dies his soul is confined to Barzakh, and has no connection with the physical world till the person is brought back to life on the day of judgement.

And as per one hadith, When one reads ayat al kursi before sleeping, Allah sends one angel to protect him till he wakes up in the morning.

And beleive me these jinns are no match for Allah's mighty angels. :)


New Member
Thank you for the response, I knew that this had to be the case, I just wanted to make sure before telling my friend this.


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum,

There is No Need for A Muslim to fear anything. Allah will protect them against all evil.

You must read Ayat al Kursi, read the 3 Quls, and keep yourself living like a true Muslim by doing those actions which are obligatory such as the prayer, fasting etc.

Everything such as alien encounters, UFO, Ghosts, Spirits, paranormal chills, an be explained by the Jinn.

Allah created Mankind and the Jinn to worship him, Iblis (the devil) was from the Jinn. Infact, he is the leader of the Jinn. The Jinn are created from fire. and are invisible to humans.

Iblis disobeyed Allah by not prostrating to Adam. He made an oath to Allah that he would try and sway the children of Adam away from worshipping Allah.

There are good and there are bad jinn. The jinn are commanded not to interfere or make contact with humans, however, the bad jinn are in alliance with Iblis and will try their best to fool people into disbelief.

So, they will work with the magicians in order to do magic, they will appear as ghosts, they will help soothe-sayers, they will do all sorts of things to make people think the impossible and to disbelieve in Allah.

A Muslim who keeps himself clean by having good hygiene, praying regularly, reading the Quran should not fear the Jinn. They need to pray and rely on Allah and not be fooled by anything. For it is Allah alone who will protect them and nothing can harm them without his permission.



Junior Member

After posting my reply, I managed to get back to sleep. None of this was scaring me since I was putting my trust in Allah in all things.

I did hear the athan alarm go off again around 3:30...and I figured I would check the batteries today...on this.

There were more sounds going on.....not like the knocking that I heard twice...inside the hallway. I just kept saying Bismallah...etc.

The coincidence of all of this reading during my night to be woken up by the something to think about....when I have not found much about this topic...on TTI...except about jinns.


ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member
Brother Mabsoot, what does "the 3 Quls" mean?

It means surah Ikhlas: Kul huwallahu ahad... surah falaq: Kul authu(th like this) bi rabbel-falaq.. surah an- Nas: Kul authu be rabbin-nas.



New Member
jinn encounter

allahs peace blessings and mercy be upou u

ur friend is i believe has heard a lot of people telling stories that never happened. u r firend being a hindu is supposed yo have listened to a lot of gohst stories of ravana . which she believes to be true. so then gentlemanits is her psycological nature that makes her believe her imagination. this state of mind is called placibo. for eg. whenever u take pills u feel immediate relief but this does not happen here its is state of mind and stisfaction that makes you feel thatu are relieved of head cahe ,but actually it takes about 3 - 4 hrs fot the tablet to start its action. hope u undestand what am i trying to say.
now let us try to think logically that when she is able to see ghosts then why not u and me. and then the state of mind of somebody who have seen ghosts i do not expect to be normal. then just slightly get depressed. and vexed is your friend vexed too. imagine dead people coming up to her talking to her and then still shes is perfectly normal. huh this is hard to believe stuff.


New Member

I guess too much Hollywood, Bollywood ...more like HOLLOWOOD can mess up people's mind and understanding about the unseen.

Too many crappy theories in the media today, I guess if you watch too much you tend to believe in them. Humans like mysteries that cannot be solved.

The Quran and sunna will clear up all that doubts and falsehood.

"(He Alone) The All-Knower of the Gha'ib(unseen), and He reveals to none His Gha'ib (unseen)."

"Except to a Messenger(from mankind) whom He has chosen(He informs him of the unseen as much as He likes), and then He makes a band of watching guards(angels) to march before him and after him."


Allah knows best


Junior Member

The thing I don't get is that you have so many non-muslims who believe in ghosts ( as in the souls of dead people who have not reached "the other side") yet at the same time they don't believe in a Day of Judgement, heaven/hell or a soul. Many of them think you die, and thats it - dust. Doesnt' make sense!:confused:

i guess thats hollywood for you as you said



Junior Member
Fear Nothing and no one except Allah

I don't believe in all this spooky stuff. There is nothing out there; it's just your imagination. Even if there was, God made you stronger than "Jins" = devils." They can't touch you or harm you for Allah has put a barrier between us and them. All they can do is make you think bad thoughts, so say "Aoudo billahi mina ashaytani arrajim" = I seek Allah's protection from Satan. Fear nothing but Allah.