My Parents banned everything Islam


Trying 2 plz ALLAH
I had a talk with my family this morning...and my father and mother were yelling at me and saying to me, for now on we are taking everything away from you that has to do with Islam..because we are Christian in this house and you are the only one who is not, and under this house you have to follow these they took away my prayer rug, but they also said to me either you get rid of all your Islam or you move with another relative..

what should i do?
the website sister ja_tu gave is xcellent 4 finding Mosques PLZ try that. May ALLAH make it easy 4 u little one


Junior Member
Yes, i will try my best to say to them once again.
I am Jordanian, but my family is all Christian, and i dont have any relatives that are muslim.

Do you have any relatives living in Jordan? are any of your relatives Muslims also? I know how hard it can be for arab christians to revert to Islam, its very hard for them more then any other people. If you have any relatives that live in Jordan and maybe became muslims also maybe you should talk to them, since you are very young, if there is a jordanian community or arabic/musim community living where you live or are friends with any of them in school maybe you should tell them your situtation. and arrainge something.


Servant of Allah 247
may allah make this hardship easy for you. :tti_sister:find you the best solution inshallah...try to do all the Islamic rituals secretly for sometimes until ur parents are cool down inshallahn

Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Salam alaikom!!! Masha'allah it is so great to hear that you found islam at such a young age.

I am sorry to hear about you situation, I know how you must be feeling trust me I have been there. I think that moving out should be ur last resort only because u are so young and in Islam parents are so important. Whatever happens react to the situation in a good islamic manner so that they can see the beauty of Islam. And with everything that you do refer it to Islam and always talk about the good things in islam... if they will listen.

If they are really making it hard that it affects your islam, like u can't pray or anything like that than i would suggest living with a relative but only if u can be sure that things will be easier there and they will allow u to pray. And if you do move out always keep in touch with you parents and never forget how important parents are in islam... especially your mother. Just remember that they are only worried for you and want to protect you. They just don't understand the religion and it is in their nature to worry. Insha'allah Allah (swt) makes it easy for you and opens up your parents eyes to the beauty of Islam.

Can I ask how you found your way to Islam... If you dont mind.

Take care and be nice to your parents inshallah. Keep us updated with what happens inshallah. Wa-salam


Junior Member
I had a talk with my family this morning...and my father and mother were yelling at me and saying to me, for now on we are taking everything away from you that has to do with Islam..because we are Christian in this house and you are the only one who is not, and under this house you have to follow these they took away my prayer rug, but they also said to me either you get rid of all your Islam or you move with another relative..

what should i do?


My little sister I hope u doing well. Sis insha allah be patient, they may testing you or checking you how far you go. don't let them discourage you, or make you leave islam. They are yr parents and probably love you unconditionly, Insha allah sit with them and tell them how much you love your religion and them as well. Insha allah they will understand you. There are a lot of muslims in Penn state insha allah try to find them. I will make duaa fr you sis be strong insha allah.:ma:you are a brave sis, may allah protect you.



Junior Member
sorry to hear that, hopefully it can get better. i am not muslim, but my parents come from a strong christian background and my mom has a problem that i have a quran and that i look at prayer rugs online. i told my parents i am researching for myself what i want to be; and i explain to them many people who have converted to islam, have converted to islam for very intellectual reasons. they can give a support backing to why they dont believe Jesus is God and not just because the wind blew weird today.

hopefully it gets better as you get older, and tell them straight up hey im doing something positive for myself; and i could be like all these other "christian" 15 and 16 year olds who just happen to have sex, experiment with drugs/alcohol. but i have come to an higher understanding of life, which might not be yours but is helping me to make positive life decisions.

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Sallam Alaikum,

It is really a tough situation for as young as you. However as a muslim you should take it as a test from Allmighty Allah, who wants to test you faith.

As i have lived within the Arab society, i can understand why your parents are saying all this. However I also know that if you remain firm with respect to your parents, they will get the message that you may go on leaving them if they oppose you, and Inshallah I am confident in saying that they willnt oppose you once they get this message by your firmness.

I pray to Allah to make the hearts and minds of your parents soft... inshallah


New Member

assalamualikum sis i think u must not be worried infact try to explain ur parents that ur wat ur practicing is right and it is true path show them how it it is right religion and get angry with them just calimly explain them , tell ur parents to seat and listen to u once, and b4 telling them thing of wat ur going ro tell them inshallah they will understand uand rest leave it on allah and also dont forget to pray cos allah fullfills one's wishes when they pray and not just pray , pray wuth whole confidence that he'll make true ur wish and also i'll pray for and i would like to request all members topary for sis and also for me as i have my exams results comming wish me that i pass all my subjects. allahafiz


Junior Member
Salam brother

I was in the same situation, because u r young and still living in your parents house i think you should have kept it quiet especially because like me u dont have to wear hijab. Whenever they eat non halal meat or drink alchohol just say you dont want it and leave the room.

If you want get your mum on her own and explain why you want to be muslim and the nice things thereare to it.

I am living in my own flat with my husband and child and still feel scared when i hear my mums voice cos she is very loud and against islam and we must respect our mums. So just keep it quiet i say brother and just get on with your life how you want. Just dont mention anything islamic its what u want and if they dont want to know after you trying to explain just get on with ur life.

Allah hafiz - may Allah protect you and guide you all the way



As Salaamu Alaikum, Jesus was of Banu Israel and died that way.


Before i start any conversation i have to say this, sister ?( hope i'm not wrong :) )
When someone is mentioning Prophet should always say may peace upon him ( p.b.u.h./ s.a.w.s., or just a.s.) and Isa/Jesus s.a.w.s., did not died, he was raised to God Almighty and he is comming back insha'Allah like one of major signs of Kijjamah. :)

Now get back to this brother :)

I understand you having a problem with parents. I'm born muslim and my parents did'n wanted me to wear hijab... You know, they wanted me to be an "average" muslim. I know it's even harder when your parents are another religion than you, may Allah s.w.t., help you insha'Allah.

Listen, you are in that age when many of kids does'n take much responsability, don't think like they are supposed to, they often don't make right decissions, so your parent are in double jeopardy ! You have to show/proof them that your decission is final. You have to be strong and still loving and caring child to them. Talk to them, be nice to them no matter what, forgive them for anything and pray to Allah for them also, because maybe throug you Allah s.w.t., will also guide them to the straight path insha'Allah. Get more knowledge about Islam so that they see that you are not joking about that. I watched video from Texas reverters and mother of one said:" I would easyer accept him as a gay then muslim"- sobhan'Allah, but you have to be strong, show your good manners so that they can see that Islam is not teaching about being rude, bad... We'll make dua for you insha'Allah ! Moving out is not such good idea right on start. It would be easyer for you maybe on one side but still for a while only, because you are 15 years old, you can find a permanent job, and that other familly may get tired...but you have to try to make your parents mind change about you and accept you for who you are. You need them in your life ! Be carefull, keep your imaan in your heart but pray secretly. As they got your prayer rug, you can pray on clean towel insha'Allah, don't give up ! When they see that you are for reason into Islam, they will insha'Allah change toward you. But, if they don't change, then move out insha'Allah you'll be little older, so that you can find a room mate to share expences, and you will not be unconfortable in somebody elses house.

I hoppe that Allah Azza Wa Jalla will help you insha'ALlah. Remember, you are not the only one in these problems, read about sahabas how they have struggled ind they didn't gave up.

Pray to Allah s.w.t., to give you strenght, and pray to Allah s.w.t., for your parents aswell.

There is no enjoying Islam and imaan without srtuggle... Only then you can know how really you are ready to sacrifice for Allah s.w.t., and Allah s.w.t., will reward you all in your favor here and on Ahirah insha'Allah !

Looking forward to hear good news from you, may Allah always guide you to the straight path and make you a house in Jannat_Ul_Firdaws. Ameen !



I have already said to many that no matter if i have a rug or not i dont need it you can take it away, it wont stop me from praying to Allah

Brother he wanted to see if you know what to say about prayer rug/dhikr beads. That mean that you wiil be sure for place where you are praying is clean ! Dhikr beads you have on your fingers insha'Allah you'll use them more than dhikr beads because Prophet s.a.w.s., once said:" Do your dhikr on your fingers because they will witness for you on the day of Judgement". There is no specific problem in using beads, 'cause sometimes we get confussed and forget how many we did, but try fingers.


New Member
Salam alaikom!!! Masha'allah it is so great to hear that you found islam at such a young age.

I am sorry to hear about you situation, I know how you must be feeling trust me I have been there. I think that moving out should be ur last resort only because u are so young and in Islam parents are so important. Whatever happens react to the situation in a good islamic manner so that they can see the beauty of Islam. And with everything that you do refer it to Islam and always talk about the good things in islam... if they will listen.

If they are really making it hard that it affects your islam, like u can't pray or anything like that than i would suggest living with a relative but only if u can be sure that things will be easier there and they will allow u to pray. And if you do move out always keep in touch with you parents and never forget how important parents are in islam... especially your mother. Just remember that they are only worried for you and want to protect you. They just don't understand the religion and it is in their nature to worry. Insha'allah Allah (swt) makes it easy for you and opens up your parents eyes to the beauty of Islam.

Can I ask how you found your way to Islam... If you dont mind.

Take care and be nice to your parents inshallah. Keep us updated with what happens inshallah. Wa-salam

It is a very long story of how i found my way, but ill try to make it short...I used to be a Christian, and my family and i would always go to the church, and sometimes i would go to a youth group..but everytime i went something didnt feel right,and i always felt unconfortable about being there,and many of the things they taught about i didnt believe...and when i would pray we would say in Jesus(pbuh) name, but i always felt no matter how hard or how long i prayed it didnt feel like anything,but i know that my mother would always say to me you wont always get a reply but i never did, and i was devoted christian...I had a friend from malaysia, and she was muslim, at the time i didnt know what muslim was actually i have never even heard anything of Islam when she said to me im muslim i was like oh ok thats nice, and im than now that i knew what muslim was it seemed as if i started seeing alot of things about Islam and stuff, so than i decided i would do research on my own and find out for myself, than i did this for about a year, than i met a friend that was also muslim and i would ask many questions and sometimes try to debate but he would always explain and it made sence what he said unlike Christianity than i was like i didnt know what to do anymore, i was having a hard time knowing what was the truth...what i was taught since childhood..or this..and i thought to myself if i chose the wrong thing i didnt want to end up at the wrong place in the i prayed and asked what is the right way...actually i didnt even know who to ask anymore because i felt if i asked the wrong way than i wouldnt get a than i just felt i will ignore it,and maybe i will get some than for like 2 months it seemed the the way of Islam made more sence and this Christianity just didnt seem the make a long story shorter i converted to Islam on Feb. 4th and this was the best day of my life, and ever since i have been a changed person, and i am still learning more each day...but the only problem i have is that my parents dont accept it at all...and my mother is the yelling type and is always yelling at me and saying you are going to hell! but i dont let it get to me becuase i chose the right way....but they still force me to go to church, and they still hide that im a muslim from the rest of the its this...theres more to it but im in school right now and cant type everything...:)


New Member

My little sister I hope u doing well. Sis insha allah be patient, they may testing you or checking you how far you go. don't let them discourage you, or make you leave islam. They are yr parents and probably love you unconditionly, Insha allah sit with them and tell them how much you love your religion and them as well. Insha allah they will understand you. There are a lot of muslims in Penn state insha allah try to find them. I will make duaa fr you sis be strong insha allah.:ma:you are a brave sis, may allah protect you.


yes i relize this is a test from Allah and that i should be patient and of course i would never turn back to my old ways.


New Member
Brother he wanted to see if you know what to say about prayer rug/dhikr beads. That mean that you wiil be sure for place where you are praying is clean ! Dhikr beads you have on your fingers insha'Allah you'll use them more than dhikr beads because Prophet s.a.w.s., once said:" Do your dhikr on your fingers because they will witness for you on the day of Judgement". There is no specific problem in using beads, 'cause sometimes we get confussed and forget how many we did, but try fingers.

hehe it seems as if many have thought i am a brother...but i am a sister:hijabi: its ok!! :lol:
but anyways i always wondered what the beads were for and wasnt sure, thanks for explaining


Your Sister In Islam
Salam sister. I hoop that everything will work out for you. Insha allah ur problems will be fixed. Allah subhana wa ta'ala is with you no matter what. Be strong and pray. Insha allah ur parents will also open their eyes and see what islam is all about.ameen.:tti_sister::tti_sister:

salam wa rahmat allah wa barakatou.:hijabi::shymuslima1::blackhijab:


hehe it seems as if many have thought i am a brother...but i am a sister:hijabi: its ok!! :lol:
but anyways i always wondered what the beads were for and wasnt sure, thanks for explaining

:ma: sister, i more than glad now 'cause i can talk to you more, and not only when needed :)

You have big sisters hugg and support :)

Join us in sisters club only, so that we can talk more :)



New Member

I am 15, and reverted Feb. 4. Yes I have family members that arent really religious, and that are more accepting. Yes I have talked to them, actually many many times i have, and they dont care, they even say to my face they think i am going to hell. Yes, they think that they are saving me...but i know Islam is the right way, and there is nothing they can do to me to Stop me from being a Muslim.

To be very honest I don't no wat ur going through but at da end of the day. wat ur doin itz right for u. I'm 15 too but was born in a muslim family but i av met alot of committed christians n they are very understanding. Try talking to them again n se wat they say. But don't push them too far. try explaining dat Islam is a peacfully full of love and harmony. Don't worry Allah will help u.:blackhijab: Annie


New Member

My advice to you is, first and foremost, settle down your parents and talk to them. Persuade them of your faith in Allah. If you already tried this and didnt succeed, then just bare with them and leave everything to Allah,when the time comes that you are 18 leave them right away coz you know your old enough to live on your own, dont do something irrational and run away, it would only do you no good at the age you are now. This is just a test for you frm Allah and you know that no matter what obstacle that does happen to you, you know faith will reign. Hope I helped in some way.

May Allah guide you in your path...:tti_sister:


New Member
Here's what you do

Sister, you are too young to even think about moving out. So keep that option off the table.

Here's the strategy you need to take:

1. As they become more aggressive, you increase your kindness
2. Don't even dare to be negative to them in anyway. You must respect them.

They are your parents and are terrified of you going to hell according to what they have been taught all their lives. So here's how to calm their fears:

Say to your mom and dad nicely the following:

"look, Jesus peace be upon him, who I love and respect even more as a Muslim now, says in the Bible in the Book of John Chapter 5 Verse 24 that:

'Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes HIM who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.'

Say Mom, Dad, as a Muslim now, I firmly believe in and worship HE who sent Jesus as a prophet to the Jews. And Jesus here in the Bible is saying that I am SAVED because I believe in HE who sent him. Then why are you so worried?"

Also, mention to them that Jesus NEVER said in the bible that he is GOD or to worship him. To the contrary, Jesus always talked about a GOD above who did everything.

And so tell them that your beliefs as a Muslim are more in line with what Jesus taught then what the Christians teach today.

Remember, your goal here is not to prove them that their religion is wrong cuz that would be messy. You are simply trying to calm their fears and open a communication channel.

stay firm and kind,

Allah is only one