Will Allah send us in hell because of this. WHY?

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Shahid abdullah
1.If Allah already know everything then what we are doing is already decided than why we are sinner. Yeah somebody will come up with a fact that this world is a examination and people in examination hall don't know what will be in the paper except the examiner. Yeah i know but in examination it is not decided that what marks everybody will get. And in this world we already believe that everything has been decided since this universe came into existence. So the examiner know who will pass and who will fail.

2.If Allah give everyone HADAYAH than why he will send to hell the people whom he decided not to give hadayah? He gave Hadayah to anyone with his own will.

3.Does not that mean we are robots or we are angles with little bit difference.

4.If i love someone i will protect him from every harm and i am willing to sacrifice my life for that person or belief. If Allah loves his creation more than 70 mothers than he created so much harm for their loved ones.

5.Ulama says if parents do bad deeds than their childern suffer because of their wrong action why this is so. Whats wrong childern has done. Why somebody else get punishment for anybody else. Does it make sense?

6.If i do dua to Allah to save me from something and i found myself completely helpless than it is the duty of Allah to protect his creation whom he says i love him more than 70 mother. If i did something wrong than he will throw me in hell just because of my sin even i do dua "Allah save me. I completely helpless in this situation i can not drag myself." Everybody know there are some situations when human feel completely helpless. Thats why Allah says ask for my help and if he did not help than he will send us into hell. Why?

By the way i am not sorry if i offended you. Thanks


Muslim Brother

The test is for us and not for Allah, thats the first thing so that every soul will get what he or she has done in this life in the hereafter. Another thing is that Allah has told us the right and wrong path, we have to choose - Allah does not force you to do a certain act but you choose to do it, eg the devil chose to disobey Allah and therefore failed his test.

You were put in this world by Allah, Allah will take you out of it and Allah will judge you after you are dead, no human or anything else can change this, its part of the test and this is to see which human is worthy to go to heaven and which isnt.

The quran and the prophets are mercy to us so that we do not go astray and they show us that right path.

By the way why are you not sorry if you have offended someone??

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
If Allah already know everything then what we are doing is already decided than why we are sinner. Yeah somebody will come up with a fact that this world is a examination and people in examination hall don't know what will be in the paper except the examiner. Yeah i know but in examination it is not decided that what marks everybody will get. And in this world we already believe that everything has been decided since this universe came into existence. So the examiner know who will pass and who will fail.
If Allah give everyone HADAYAH than why they will be in hell? He gave Hadayah to anyone with his own will.

Does not that mean we are robots or we are angles with little bit difference.

If i love someone i will protect him from every harm and i am willing to sacrifice my life for that person or belief. If Allah loves his creation more than 70 mothers than he created so much harm for their loved ones.

Ulama says if parents do bad deeds than their childern suffer because of their wrong action why this is so. Whats wrong childern has done. Why somebody else get punishment for anybody else. Does it make sense?

If i do dua to Allah to save me from something and i found myself completely helpless than it is the duty of Allah to protect his creation whom he says i love him more than 70 mother. If i did something wrong than he will throw me in hell just because of my sin even i do dua "Allah save me. I completely helpless in this situation i can not drag myself." Everybody know there are some situations when human feel completely helpless. Thats why Allah says ask for my help and if he did not help than he will send us into hell. Why?

By the way i am not sorry if i offended you. Thanks

First of all let me tell you, you have got lot of misinformation.

Firstly you dont know correctly the concept of Qadr.

Well let me give you an example, as you have used examination as a case. I will use the same case to explain Qadr to you.

In a classs the teacher before exams because of him teaching the class and knowing from this experience says that Student A will pass and student B will fail based on the experience that Student A is hardworking and Student B is not working hard , has no interest in studying, etc etc etc..

If after the examination , Student A passes and Student B fails, it is not because the Teacher knew that Student A will pass , so the Student A has passed or Student B has failed because the Teacher knew he will fail.

Same Way Allah has created us, he has given us free will on the actions, on our decisions we make and comment, However, because Allah has ELMI GAIB- The knowledge of Unseen being God/ the creator of Worlds, he knows whether a Person will end up being bad or good or be in hell or heaven.

So if i go to hell ( may Allah have mercy on me and give me Jannah) it would be because of my bad deeds or actions, i have done or committed in my life as i have full control on doing good or bad.

It is not because Allah knew because of his knowledge of Unseen that i will go to Hell.

Secondly can you show us any ahadeeth where Allah or Prophet says that because of bad deeds of parents the kids will go to hell. You have claimed Ulemas have said it, please show your proof.

I am sure you may have misunderstood Ulemas, it is possible they may have said that if parents are bad it is possible that the kids too will go on the wrong way, so the parents are responsible for kids.

Infact there are numerous Ahadeeth which say that children who are good are Sadaqa Jariya for the parents irrespective of the parents being bad or good.

I hope it clears some doubts you have....



Just a brother
Allah subhana ta'ala has knowledge over everything. Human being has given certain free wills. We will be judged on how the free wills are used.

Allah is never an oppressor but most the merciful and magnificent.

That's the believe of Motazilla.



ukhtikum fillaah

What is the Issue of PreDestination in Islam? part1



Shahid abdullah
In a classs the teacher before exams because of him teaching the class and knowing from this experience says that Student A will pass and student B will fail based on the experience that Student A is hardworking and Student B is not working hard , has no interest in studying, etc etc etc..

Are you trying to say Allah also guess on the bases of assupmtions. Allah know exactly what he is doing. And Allah know what wxactly will happen. IF he do the same like teacher than how he know Ilm-u-gaib.

Well the place i am living is lack of resources if i were in my country than i can quote but only source that i know now is the video of Hamza Yususf on you tube i will send the link because i need to listen again all of his videos to find out.

All i am asking Allah was aware that Satan will reject to Sajda to Adam(peace be upon him).

Well we can see in our daily life some childern born in a worst situation and they spend their whole life in the situation how can i assume such childerns will born and they will seek for truth even they dont where to get food for next day what erong they did can you answer? And if you say this is because of the society or government who is taking care of their people than again my argument is there why Allah punish anybody else.

I do not have any problem if Allah says go to earth and do good deeds. If you will not do what i ask you than i will send you in Hell i prepared for you. You just try and you will see my hell. If this is case than its ok for me but i have aproblem Why allah saying this i am rehman and raheem and i love my creation. Why he did not simply said i am your Lord do as i ordered you and thats it. No dawa for love.

Ishaq Syua'ib


First of all, I'm not offended.

The source for my saying: the whole verse of Allah's words and Al Hadits which I know.

Incase you have read the hadits about taqdir. What Rasulullah deny is someone who say, that something happens while Allah haven't write it.

He also denied people who said that Allah going to put someone in Heaven because of their deeds.

Allah hath leave people who will be in Hellfire with no excuses. They are the source of every business which denies worshipping Allah and from applying His Law in this life.

If your thinking now goes to people who is Muslim and doing big sin, and will he go to Hellfire?. Rasulullah has stated that shalat is the agreement between Allah and all his slaves, people who don't do Shalat, in the Hereafter they will be punish and some won't be punish (Allah will forgive them).

If your thinking goes to another: Allah creates every thing with hikmah. He could do everything on His kingdom (Mulk), and although all is His, He has forbade Himself from doing injustice.
Consider hidayah as this way, someone who likes hidayah could know how big is hidayah, because he sees the Kafirin on earth.
Kafirin are grateful to ilah (God) in a way that he worships whether his own self or whatever.
Actually ar Rahman creates Kafir so that this Kafirin will show to Muslim the fact like in this verse of Al Qur'an:

I take refuge to Allah from Syaithan the accursed

Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter,- to them we shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein,- without diminution. (QS.Huud 11 : 15)

Then please look at verse 16, the verse after this.

Al An'aam 028: Yea, in their own (eyes) will become manifest what before they concealed. But if they were returned (to earth), they would certainly relapse to the things they were forbidden, for they are indeed liars.

You want to know why Allahu Ta'ala do not force hidayah to Kafirin, it is because he never force good and evil to someone.

Thy want to know why people will go to Hell? Because they have prepared themselves to enter it.

Thy want to know how big it is human being's body? See National Geographic, Discovery Channels, Encyplopedia of Miracles of Al Qur'an and As Sunnah.

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Ishaq Syua'ib

leave Me alone

Allah Subahanahu will not burn everyone who don't know his Rahmat, if the DAKWAH does not reach them or reach them in a way that they think that what their doing isn't syirik according to Allahu Ta'ala.

If we keep on questioning about why we live or someone elses living now. Allah have told us that he has Mizan. That Mizan (scale) is very OBJECTIVE scale.

Everyone will be judge by Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu according to what they know and capable of. In the Hereafter there will be a trial between creatures. There will be QISHASH.

Infact Allahu Ta'ala is the first one who will let these QISHASH being done by Bani Adam and by animals. He will let people QISHASH to each other.

Why you think that all PEOPLE who isn't a Muslim will all go to Hell? You must read more Hadits. And also, there are people who right now, still not know anything about Allahu 'Azza wa Jalla and Rasululullah, it is YOUR TASK to tell them the real AHLUS SUNNAH BELIEFS.

I'm sure thy could do just that. MasyaAllah tsumma syi'na.

I take refuge to Allah from Syaithan the accursed

Al Mudatstsir (74)011. Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!-

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.


Shahid abdullah
From the video

1.We will rewarded with our action. Ok
2. Dua stop the qadr. Ok
3. Do not ask go deep into the Qadr. Ok

Action = will+strenght+time+space
nothiong i created all things from Allah than my actions are thoses which he created.

Allah ask human unconditionally to think and now we are told no to go deep into qadr. Not to think.

If he want us to follow blindly than thats what i am doing than why he asking me to think. I do not have problem if he do not ask me to think because i am already following blindly and i am happy with it.

Hmm so qadr is Fuzzy logic.


Here to help
why Allah tests us........

God knows all that has happened, all that is happening and all that will happen. That's a fundamental belief, since God implies Perfection - therefore Perfection means that He has to have knowledge of ALL His creation.

So why does He test us?

The response is simple; He knows the answers, but we don't - and since the test is for us, we need to strive to earn His pleasure by obeying Him and His Messengers:saw:'. By striving for this target - we hope to be successful in this life and the next. That's His Promise to His obedient servants.

An examiner knows the answers to all the questions he puts forward to his students, the students work hard to achieve the grades they need. Although they know that the exam has already been planned out, the student has to work sincerely and put effort into his/her work to get the desired grades.

Those who attempt to work hard, sincerely - their efforts will not go to waste, whereas those who are too lazy and dont' even attempt to get a good grade - then they'll lose. They'd never know what grade they would have got, if only they had attempted it! They might have been successful.

in other words;
its like the teacher knows that the student is going to fail the Exam, because of lack of obedience/study, so he is going to give the student the exam to show him that he is going to fail, otherwise the student might deny that he will fail



Junior Member

its actually a good question...

im sure plenty of muslims secretly deal with some of the same questions..but are afraid or ashamed to ask them! mashallah no questions are stupid brothers and sisters! there is no such thing as stupid questions...however there is something called stupid people! because they are to ashamed or arrogant or neglectfull to ask something they dont understand!

the answer to your questions..or better said, a huge help to your answers would be understanding the names of ALLAH ta3ala and his attributes..

i promise you all of these things will be cleared out for you, the videos are avaiblable here on tti explaining the names of ALLAH ta3ala!

a must for everyone


Shahid abdullah
it is because he never force good and evil to someone.

This is the Aqeeda of another school of thought that Allah made this world and he did not inetrfare into this world. Now this is the example of automatic world running independtly. Islam say against this Aqeeda.

There is story of abdullah bin abbas or any other sahabi rasull(saw). I am not sure about wordings. But the main theme is this people were talking about qadr and they were talking about condition or anything else not sure. One sahabi(RA) listen and he became so aggressive to these people and said stop talking about this now you are giving this condition and tomorrow you will say bad things are not from Allah. Every bad and god is from Alllah.

In the video i already explained about action and its implementation.

Ishaq Syua'ib

How's Ghailan Doing?

From the video

Allah ask human unconditionally to think and now we are told no to go deep into qadr. Not to think.

If he want us to follow blindly than thats what i am doing than why he asking me to think. I do not have problem if he do not ask me to think because i am already following blindly and i am happy with it.

Hmm so qadr is Fuzzy logic.

a'uudzubillaahi minasysyaithanirrajiim min hamzihi wa nafkhihi wa naftsihi

Az Zukhruf 058. And they say, "Are our gods best, or he?" This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people.

Some people could teach very well to people like Karen Armstrong, I'm sure that she will tell something. And also Ghailan, he might be happy of having "a blind follower".


Assalam manit taba'a huda to Kafirin
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh to Muslimin.


Make dua for us all
Hi sha587

i see that you are a muslim from your profile!!!
if you don't believe that Allah is all knowing and just and that Islam is the only true religion, then are you introducing a new religion for us since you are "not sorry if you offended any one" of us???

would you like to hear that Allah doesn't know what are our destiny so that you may be satisfied and this life makes sense to you? (then how can Allah be Allah if he doesn't know everything??????)

sha587 DON'T let shaytan play with you head... one can say a sentence and looked at in many different ways (good and bad)!!!... have trust in Allah, do your best to be a good muslim, and don't let saytan play with you brain!?!?! (you do believe that you have a brain without seeing your own brain!!!???)... hope you pass this test and become a stronger muslim as indeed this life is but a test and we are going to leave it one day (no doubt)... take care sha587


Shahid abdullah
When i said Allah don't know anything of course he know everything as he created all universe. and i am not introducing a new religion.

What i have seen so far anywhere i started this discussion it actually go to wrong direction. After all this experience i think i have to find out the answer by myself. As it was already decided i will start this discussion so there is no point to continue as it also already decided to end this discussion.

Its alright i am at my own................................................................


Here to help
why Allah tests us........

God knows all that has happened, all that is happening and all that will happen. That's a fundamental belief, since God implies Perfection - therefore Perfection means that He has to have knowledge of ALL His creation.

So why does He test us?

The response is simple; He knows the answers, but we don't - and since the test is for us, we need to strive to earn His pleasure by obeying Him and His Messengers:saw:'. By striving for this target - we hope to be successful in this life and the next. That's His Promise to His obedient servants.

An examiner knows the answers to all the questions he puts forward to his students, the students work hard to achieve the grades they need. Although they know that the exam has already been planned out, the student has to work sincerely and put effort into his/her work to get the desired grades.

Those who attempt to work hard, sincerely - their efforts will not go to waste, whereas those who are too lazy and dont' even attempt to get a good grade - then they'll lose. They'd never know what grade they would have got, if only they had attempted it! They might have been successful.

in other words;
its like the teacher knows that the student is going to fail the Exam, because of lack of obedience/study, so he is going to give the student the exam to show him that he is going to fail, otherwise the student might deny that he will fail

have you read my answer? :(


Shahid abdullah
I already explanied your example. Muslims should not try to understand Allah. May be because he do not want to or may be we are not....


Junior Member
This question was asked to Hazrat Ali (RA) that how much control Men have over their actions and their fate.

Hazrat Ali(RA) replied by saying that to that man "Lift your one leg up".
He Lifted.
and then Hazrat Ali(RA) asked him to lift up his second leg up .
He said that He would fall on ground.

So hazrat ALi said that this much control you have over your fate but not whole.

For e.g You dont decide where you would be born.

this can be explained in such a way that Allah has decided things as a whole and many things of a particular person BUT CERTAINLY HE WILL LEAVE THE DECISION OF GOING TOWARDS RIGHT OR WRONG ON THEM.

As Allah's name is "Al Adal " "The just one" .So you dont expect Allah to write every thing in man's fate and PREDETERMINE every thing and Punish man kind for doing what he has written for them.

MEN HAVE CHOICE but little and only little enough to chose one path .

2) Regarding your second question that why Allah says dont think too much about me .Then its bcz Human beings with their small minds cant think of a thing toooooooo BIG.
for e,g How would you explain the term INFINITE .God has existed for ever.
How would you explain that God is uncreated.

BCZ human logic and human philosophy says "Every thing is created and exists for particular time"

These principles led Greeks to believe in a chain of Gods one creating other and figthing and marrying thus making Mythology.So one should ask to the greeks WHO CREATED THE FIRST GOD IN YOUR CHAIN of thousands.

The answer is that Greeks wasted their time in thinking some thing they CANT.


Shahid abdullah
Allah said in quran i am sending my khaliph to the earth its means we are His Kaliph or should i say representative. And its logical representative contain should alomost or at least most of the qualities of representator so the point is
Is human represent all the qualities that Allah have if it is not than how he can be representative?
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