Please help me to answer this

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun

ape khabar ni,
saya sempat ketawa liat situs itu bang,
pelajarilah ayat-ayat alquran menggunakan tafsirnya dengan benar,apalagi ayat-ayat yang Mutasyabihat(hanya Allah yang mengetahui pastinya).


Junior Member

It appears as if a teenager has written this particular website. Honestly, it's like reading a piece of poetry and then trying to take it apart with science...and using analysis in a different language too. Bad form. The Qu'ran was written in a very lyrical and poetic manner, there are analogies and imagery scattered throughout so using scientific analysis is awkward at best.

Not only that but some verses were grossly taken out of context and historical aspect completely ignored. Case in point, where the Quran instructs to wait until after the holy month of Ramadaan to seek out infidels and kill them. During this time the enemies had been attacking Muslims and killing them when they were most vulnerable, fasting during Ramadaan. They were instructed by Allah swt not to kill out of anger and thus violate the holy month but to wait until afterward and then find the killers. Frankly I think this reveals remarkable self control on the Muslims bahalf, for though their families and loved ones were murdered they still would not violate Allah's command.

There are moer huge inaccuracies on this website and it is a very shoddily constructed anti-Islamic site. I actually snickered when I saw "religiousfreedom" as part of the link...I knew it was a thinly disguised excuse of a hate site.

