Inspiration Sayings/Quotes


Forever Student

I, personally, love collecting quotes and sayings that I find in misc. places. I'd like to know what other quotes or sayings people use or like. I hope this becomes a fun thread!!
I'll start...

"Wisdom and power follow endurance and patience"

"We have to believe that there is something out there working for good. Behave yourself and never mind the rest"
~Beatrice Potter

"A weakness is a strength which has yet to be properly utilized"

"We are in each other's lives for a purpose, no matter how long, or short that time may be... Let us leave each person with the sense of love."

... Sorry, I always forget to write down names of where the quotes come from... most of mine are unknown and I have tons more where this came from. :shymuslima1:


seeker of knowledge

Those were beautiful quotes sis. I love to contemplate upon these wise sayings which sometimes made me cry. Some of my favourite quotes are listed below.


~ Ward off passing thoughts, for if you do not, they will become ideas. Ward off ideas, for if you do not, they will become desires.Fight the desires, for if you do not, they will become resolve and determination. And if you do not ward them off, they will become actions. If you do not resist them with its opposite, they will become habits.And it will be difficult for you to get rid of them. [al-Fawâid by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah] -

~ Know disciple, that the beginning of the path is patience, and its end is thankfulness. Its beginning is difficulty, and its end is bliss. Its beginning is toil and weariness, and its end is opening, unveiling and arrival at the ultimate goal which is gnosis of God, arrival to Him, being comforted by Him, and standing in His noble presence with His angels standing before Him. The one who makes gracious patience the foundation of all his affairs turns to every goodness, reaches everything that he hopes for, and wins all that he seeks. [From Good Manners -by Imam al-Haddad] –

~ Whatever you have in your mind: forget it!
Whatever you have in your hand: give it!
Whatever is to be your fate: face it! [Abu Sa'id]

~Hasan Basri said: An essential requisite for humility is that when an individual steps out of his home, whomever he sees he considers him to be superior to his own self.

~ Sufyân ath-Thawrî (rahimahullâh) said, “When your brother is out of your sight, mention him as you would like him to mention you when you are out of his sight.”

~ Ash-Shâfi‘î (rahimahullâh) said, “Whoever spread gossip for you spreads gossip against you. Whoever relates tales to you will tell tales about you. Whoever when you please him says about you what is not in you, when you anger him will say about you what is not in you.”

~ Never do I argue with a man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong, or to expose him and win victory over him. Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently pray - O Lord, help him so that truth may flow from his heart and on his tongue, and so that if truth is on my side, he may follow me; and if truth be on his side, I may follow him. [Imam Al-Shafi'i]

~ Whoever strives for knowledge for the life to come obtains great gain in righteousness. But he is in utter loss who seeks [knowledge] to obtain an advantage over people! [Abu Hanifa]

~ Put aside your pride, set down your arrogance, and remember your grave. [Ali radi Allah anhu]

~ Make your good deeds salt and your manners flour. [Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah]

~ Abû Hurayrah (radiyAllâhu ‘anhu) was asked about taqwâ. He said, “It is a road full of thorns. One who walks it needs to have extreme patience.”

~ A man came to Ali and said 'Tell me about the decree.' He said, "It is a dark path; do not travel it." He said, 'Tell me about the decree!' He said, 'A deep ocean; do not enter it.' He said , 'Tell me about the decree!' He said , 'The secret of Allah which is concealed from you; do not investigate it!' He said, 'Tell me about the decree!' He said , 'Questioner! Did Allah create you for what He wills or for what you will?' He said, 'Of course, for what He wills.' He said, 'Then He will make use of you for what He wills.' [Ali ibn Abi Talib]

~ If someone gave you a beautiful, expensive new hat, wouldn't you be grateful for the generous gift? But shouldn't you be even more grateful for the One Who gave you the head to put that hat on. [Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak]

~ The key to sincerity is Qiyaamul-Layl, because only the sincere wake and stand when others are lying asleep. [Imam al-Haddad]

~ The eye of a small person makes small things look large. And the eye of a great person makes great calamities look small. [Mutanabbih]

~ “Whoever proposed to the world, then the world would not be satisfied until he gave up his Deen as dowry.” [Mâlik ibn Dînâr]

~ It is useless to have a learned tongue but an ignorant heart. [Shaykh Abdal Qadir al Jilani]

~ "I looked at all friends and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance but did not find a better sustenance than patience." [Umar (rad)]

~ As a Sufi once said: “Sit with those of this world, and you become a speck in its sea. Sit with those of Allah, and the world becomes a speck in your sea.”

~ If what you desire from this world is what should suffice you, a little should suffice you; but if you desire more than your sufficiency, the entire world will not suffice you. Control your egos by abandoning what the world contains, for you have entered it naked and naked you will leave it. [Imam Ghazali]

~ Love your friend with some reserve, for he might become inimical to you someday. Despise your enemy with some reserve, For he might become your friend someday. [Ali radi Allah anhu]

~ Watch your eye, should it ever reveal to you the faults of others, say to it: "O my eye, other people have eyes too." [Ahmad al Zarruq]

~ Do not approach me on the basis of your noble pedigree. Approach me on the basis of your righteous devotion. Be sensible! You have nothing of real value to offer. You can have no standing in the presence of Allah on the basis of your ancestral pedigree alone. For that you must acquire the genuine pedigree of righteous devotion." [Shaykh Abdal Qadir al Jilani]

~ If someone's state does not lift you up, and his words do not lead you to Allah - then do not keep his company! [From the Hikam of Ibn Ata'illah, Tr. by Ai'sha Bewley]

~ If you cannot be of benefit to the Muslims, then do not harm them; if you cannot make them happy, then do not make them sorrowful; if you cannot please them, then do not abuse them; and if you cannot praise them, then do not disparage them. [Yahya ibn Mu'adh]

~The sincere person is the one who hides his good deeds just like he hides his evil deeds. [Yaqub al-Makfoof]

~ If you see someone older than you then respect him saying, ‘He has beaten me to Islâm and righteous action.’ If you see someone younger than you then respect him saying to yourself, ‘I have beaten him in sins.’ If the people honour you then say, ‘That is from the grace of Allâh, but I do not deserve it.’ If they degrade you then say , ‘This happened as a consequence of a previous sin.’ If you throw a pebble at your neighbor's dog, then you have harmed him. [Bakr ibn ‘Abdullâh al-Muzanî]

~ Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel, since each of them is irreplaceable and, once gone, can never be retrieved. Do not be like the deceived fools who are joyous because each day their wealth increases while their life shortens. What good is an increase in wealth when life grows ever shorter? Therefore be joyous only for an increase in knowledge or in good works, for they are your two companions who will accompany you in your grave when your family, wealth, children and friends stay behind. [Imam Ghazali ]


Slave of Allah (SWT)
Favourite quotes


I too love collecting quotes and sayings that I find in many books from western and eastern philosophers. I apologise for not writing down the names of whom the quotes came from, but I recommend a book called The Book of Arabic Wisdom: Proverbs and Anecdotes by Hussain M. Al-Amily (Editor).

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.

A fool rides a long way to and fro; a wise person steps towards a determined goal.

A genius is a talented person who does his homework.

A good plan executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.

A kingdom found on injustice never lasts.

A man who does not stand for nothing, will fall for anything.

A person’s face is an open book if one can read it.

A positive thinker does not refuse to recognise the negative, he refuses to dwell on it.

A problem well stated is a problem half solved.

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

A rumour is what you didn’t see but what you just heard.

A wise man makes more opportunities than he finds.

Abilities start with a vision and end with achievements.

Ability has limits, possibility has none.

Action is the antidote to despair.

Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.

All the strength you need to achieve anything is within you.

Ally with the strong and dodge your enemies.

Among all willing injustices, most occur out of greed and ambition.

An approving eye sees no faults; a disapproving one digs for them.

An archer is distinguished not by his sharp arrows but by his score.

An honest word can do for a thousand speeches.

Arrogance is consolation for those who are doomed to stay small.

Ask an experienced person, not a learned one.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.

Choose to have a vigorous mind than a vigorous body.

Counting another’s good fortune won’t enlarge yours in any way.

Customs are the plague to the wise and the idols of fools.

Debt is humiliation in daytime and worry at night.

Deeds are judged by intentions.

Destiny favours the few and harasses the many.

Disguise in your heart and it will slip on your tongue and wink on your eyes.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, but remember that what you have now was once among the things only hoped for.

Don’t let the best you have done so far be the standard to the rest of your life.

Don’t look into who said it, but into what was said.

Don’t look too far ahead, lest you trip up.

Don’t praise the beginning before you see the end.

Don’t start a job you don’t intend to finish.

Don’t throw yourself into the fire to escape the smoke.

Events are the teachers of fools and the wise alike.

Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.

Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future.

Every truth has two sides. It is well to look at both before we commit ourselves to either.

Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes.

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

First learn the meaning of what you say and then speak.

Fools speak of what they hear, the wise of what they see.

Forgetfulness is the cure of grievous memories.

Forgiveness is perfect when the offence is forgotten.

Fortune slides with him who dares.

Fresh secrets are a mystery, old ones are history.

Friends are much better tried in bad fortune than in good.

From the errors of others, the wise man corrects his own.

Give your counsel to a thousand, but your secret to no one.

Go that extra mile… it’s never crowded.

Goals are dreams with deadlines.

Going away is your decision, coming back won’t be.

Good deeds cut off the tongues of gossip.

Gratitude shows itself in three ways: in the heart, on the tongue, and by the hand.

Great lives never go out. They go on.

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

Greed is the poverty of the present.

Happiness is not having what you want, but enjoying what you have.

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.

He who can properly summarise many ideas in a brief statement is a wise man.

He who does not put his error right will commit it twice.

He who doesn’t bear the pressure of learning today will have to sustain the burden of ignorance tomorrow.

He who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age.

He who searches for wisdom is wise; he who thinks he has found it is a fool.

He who seeks knowledge must desire from a young age to hear the entire truth.

He who spends rightly acquired fortune in good deeds may never become exceedingly rich, but also he will never be a poor man.

He who wants to act will find the means, he who doesn’t will find an excuse.

Hold your tongue except in these occasions: to defend your right, to denounce wrong, to thank a favour, and to give counsel if asked for it.

Hope is a waking dream.

I am indeed rich, since my income is superior to my expense, and my expense is equal to my wishes.

I like you, I cover your faults; I dislike you, I expose them.

I not only use the brains I have, but all I can borrow.

If a beautiful woman is a gem, a good woman is a treasure.

If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.

If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don’t accept, because you will lose one friend. On the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept, because you will gain one friend.

If you are loved go and sleep in security.

If you are not getting as much from life as you want to, then examine the state of your enthusiasm.

If you can’t be a rose, don’t be a thorn.

If you want to have peace of mind, keep saying “Never mind”.

Imagination is the beginning of creation.

It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one.

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.

It is easy to get good players. Getting them to play together, that’s the hard part.

It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up again.

Judge a person not by what they say but by what they do.

Kind hearts don’t grow old.

Knowledge is the best of treasures: it is light to carry around, not vulnerable to theft, and useful in time of need.

Knowledge is the function of being.

Laws are silent in time of war.

Learning in youth is engraved in stone.

Leave aside what you hear and do not believe all that you see.

Let an eye rather than a name go bad.

Life is nothing but a wish and the will to accomplish it.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage.

Love comes down from heaven; hatred has no good place to come from.

Love doesn’t ask for beauty, but beauty asks for love.

Love of money is the disease which makes men most grovelling and pitiful.

Medicine is bitter, recovery is sweet.

Meet a person with an open hand and they’ll meet you with an open heart.

My interest is in the future… because I’m going to spend the rest of my life there.

Necessity makes even the timid brave.

Never bend your head, always hold it high. Look the world in the face.

Never ruin an apology with an excuse.

No one can harvest glory on a bed of feathers.

No one can take from knowledge more than one can understand.

No road is too steep that leads to a friend.

Nobody gets to live backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.

Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law.

Nothing is seen clearly and certainly by a man in a hurry. Haste is improvident and blind.

One can learn theories better from a book, but to grasp their essence one must put them into practice.

One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.

Opportunities pass quickly and return slowly.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Our great business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.

Our happiness depends upon wisdom all the way.

Patience is of two kinds: one is to bear what one does not desire, and the other is to sustain missing what one desires. Both show courage.

Philosophy is the best medicine of the mind.

Problems are to be met half way and stopped from advancing further.

Reason and judgment are the qualities of a leader.

Request from a stranger, ask from a friend, and demand from a rival.

Riches that are the fruit of dishonest labour are full of shame.

Self-respect is the starting point of respecting others.

Shared secrets are public news.

She who conveys gossip to you will convey gossip about you too.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you’ll land among the stars.

Silence is the wisdom of the few.

Solitude is better than bad company.

Squeeze the past like a sponge, smell the present like a rose, and send a kiss to the future.

Strength is born in the deep silence of long-suffering hearts; not amid joy.

Success is never final, failure is never fatal, it is courage that counts.

Success is not the fruit of your ambition, but of your desire to achieve.

The aim of art is not the outward appearance of things but their inner significance.

The best physicians of them all – Dr Laughter & Dr Sleep.

The company of just and righteous men is better than wealth and a rich estate.

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.

The error of the past is the success and wisdom of the future.

The farther good travels, the more it multiplies.

The formula for failure is trying to please everybody.

The fruit of silence is tranquillity.

The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.

The fundamentals of justice are that no one shall suffer wrong and that the public good be served.

The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

The happiness of your mind depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

The heart shows the direction, the mind shows the way.

The job doesn’t dishonour the person, but the person may dishonour the job.

The measure of a truly great man is the courtesy with which he treats lesser men.

The mind is a gift from God, knowledge is the gift of the mind.

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.

The more mature the mind, the less talk in the mouth.

The one without a witness is a liar.

The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren’t is the willingness to work very, very hard.

The path of destiny has many crossroads.

The person in a hurry does it badly twice.

The purpose of the law is to prevent the strong from always having their way.

The remedy of ill times is to be patient with them.

The wise man travels to discover himself.

The world is a mirror: it looks at you the same way you look at it.

There is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light of one small candle.

There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.

Those with a lively sense of curiosity learn something new every day of their lives.

Time heals what reason cannot.

Time passes silently greeting no one.

To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

To get the body in tone, get the mind in tune.

To repeat an apology is to recall the offence.

To understand someone is to have sympathy for them.

Tolerance is generosity and the sign of faith.

Treat your superior as a father, your equal as a brother, and your junior as a son.

True happiness consists in being considered deserving of it.

Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay, falsehood by haste and uncertainty.

Truth is often eclipsed but never extinguished.

Vanity is the failure of wisdom.

We commit errors because we are hasty, we learn from them because we are wise.

We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.

What is deferred is not abandoned.

What lies within our power to do, it lies within our power not to do.

What you can’t see with your eyes, you’ll see with your mind.

When harm is added to ingratitude, the injury is complete.

When tomorrow comes, think tomorrow’s thoughts.

When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.

Wisdom has five phases: self-restraint, self-reliance, pursuit of knowledge, learning from the experience of others, and putting to practice what is good for the community.

Worries of the world are many, yet they are divided and shared.

You can’t be let down if you have no expectations.

You never know when you are making a memory.

Your tongue is your messenger, don’t let it misrepresent you.

Youth in age is more pleasant than age in youth.

Nobody can change or avoid his destiny.

People first ruin their health for the sake of money, and then spend money to regain their health.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Precaution is better than cure.

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.

:wasalam: :hijabi:


Junior Member
What did you do Muslimah?? Copy a whole website?? just are good mashallah....
I love quotes too...they're great and always aspirational...mashallah everyone...inshallah, i'll make a contribution inshallah once i finish this paper i'm working for school that i've gotta finish before i fail (everyone please make dua for me that i get a hundred percent; it's 60 percent of my grade)
Salam everyone


Muslim Guy
Salam alaikum. Well, my quotes won't be as high standard as the ones above, but the following are funny ones that I can remember of the top of my head:

1. Don't judge a book by its movie. (teeheehee)

2. 98% of all statistics are false.

3. Put 3 Arabs in a room, and they will make 4 political parties. (this one is always redone with different groups).

PS: I'd put nicer ones with more meaning, but I think Muslimah77 already posted all the ones I like in that big big list above:p


Forever Student

Wow! Thank you guys so much!! I'm really excited to see what more quotes and sayings I can find. I have a stack of notecards already and it is just growing rapidly now.




Forever Student

Some more...

"To know that you don't know is the beginning of knowing"

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

I'm at work so I'll have to go home tonight and see what more I can find.