Dawaah Starts At Home!


Blessed Muslimah
Asalamu Alaykum my dear brothers and sisters

I am born in a muslim family but iam finding it difficult to speak to my family about islamic issues and i dont know how to approach them because they know me more then everyone else and when i tried recently to speak to my sister about how its haraam to travel alone she shouted at me and told me shut up how do i prevent or speak to someone without getting negative feedback? has anyone suceeded in getting through to their family and what is the best way to speak to them? because it is hard i ask all of you to please make dua for me and my family inshallah :tti_sister:

wa alaykumu salam may allah guide us all ameen :hijabi:


New Member
Assalamu Alaykum,

Im a relatively new Muslim and Indeed I was shocked to find this out especially as In my previous life I had pretty much covered the globe solo, when I looked into it and reflected on it, its really just another great thing about Islam and its protective qualities I mean anything can happen. Currently Im reading my way through Hadith and I read that theres a timeframe of 3 days where travelling alone is permisible.
I feel like shaking people and begging them to wake up when they dont understand things but Ive reached the conclusion that their sealed in someway and cant actually see whats going on around them, the start of Al-Baqarah sums it up for me and indeed a lot of inner reflection but hey what do I know ...Allah knows best..So go easy on your sister and maybe try a different approach..Inshallah she'll get it. Wa alaykum salam


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

Sister i have seen those kinds of replies and the family thinking they know everything but the question is Do they act according to what they know? do they follow the sunnah of the prophet sallahu alayhi wasalam? ask them those qusetions. they may know it sis but they don't follow it, i have the same here but all i can do now is to make dua for them and for my slef, knowing the Ilm(knowledge) and not teaching to others and always thinking of they been right is Kibr. may Allah subhana wata'ala guide us all to the right path and may Allah subhana wata'ala save us from arrogance because it can lead you the way of doing shirk unknowingly.

No one is perfect that's why Pencils have erasers!



speak good or silent
Sister, when you're giving da'wah to your family tell them the source from Al-Qur'an and from the example of prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam. Like, when you advice your sister not to travel alone without mahram, tell her that the prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam said that to protect the women from any kind of trouble or harms. The most important thing, make Du'a for them, may Allah open their heart. With nice speaking, heart to heart,Insha Allah they will accept that. Alhamdulillah it works for my family ^_^, But of course eveything need process. Be patience, sister, our obligation is to call them to be a good muslim, but if they accept it or not, it is Allah's will.


Junior Member

May Allaah bless you for reminding your family members the Islaamic teachings.

For my part, I would suggest that you place hand written posters on walls which are frequently passed by. Write a Qur'anic verse one day, and the other day go to an authentic Hadith.

Write a small note and keep that in her handbag. She'll start to shout at you. Don't bother. Be patient.

Finally, it is Allaah who guides.



Junior Member

Talk about Allah ,tawheed, His greatness, glory and how exalted is he. know them about messengers, their daawah, purpose for which Allah sent them, purpose of humans creation. Reminder that deeds done for dunya are in dunya but good deeds done for Allah and sent before would accompany in akhirah.... (and much according to their suitability and understanding.)

InshaAllah, I hope there will be no retaliation/objection regarding.



Blessed Muslimah
asalamu alaykum brothers and sisters
Thank you for all your post and your time may allah reward you i will try and be more patient and inshallah increase my dua for all maybe allah will open thier hearts and eyes to it.
i just worry when i no longer see my sister and brother praying i feel i should warn them and rapidly because to leave your salah is a big sin and if i dont warn them it will be like iam concealing knowledge from them subhanallah and i feel stuck because when i tell them they think i tell them out of arrogance but i do it out of worry and love i just hope allah guides us all and opens all our hearts inshallah

i have tried leaving notes and hadiths on a notice board in our kitchen so all can see but it soon gets drawed on by my lil sis so i have to find a new place for my notes :hearts: lool i like the idea about notes in her bag lool :hijabi:

wa salam