Allah time world time 2(Al Hajj 47)

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun

As my promise in thread (Allah time world time)

Allah said in Quran surah Al Hajj 47
"And they ask you to and Allah shall never fail in His promise, and undoubtedly, there is with your Lord such a day like a thousand years in your reckoning."

in that ayat : a Day with Allah is 1000 days in world
Note : I will use (At) as Allah time and (Wt) as world time

imagine if we wonder to know how old we are in Allah time

age count :
my age now is 23 years old
with formula : (years age/1000 years Wt)*1 day At
i figured = (23/1000)*1
= 0,023 day At
= 0,552 hours At (0,023 * 24 hours At)
= 33,12 minute At (0,552* 60 minute At)
= 1987,2 second At


Prophet Rosullullah Muhammad S.A.W
Our prophet past away in age 63
lets count : (63 years Wt/1000 years Wt)* 1 day At
= 0,063 day At
= 1,512 hours At
= 90,72 minute At
= 5443,2 second At

Prophet Noah AlaihiSalam story
Quran surah Al Ankabut 14
Allah swt said "And verily we sent Noah (as Our messenger) unto his folk, and he continued with them for a thousand years save fifty years; and the flood engulfed them, for they were wrong-doers."

from that ayat we know prophet Nuh As(Noah) sent to his folk for 950 years

lets count : (950 year Wt/1000 years Wt) * 1 day At
= 0,95 day At
= 22,8 hour At
= 1368 minute At
= 82080 second At
wow subhanallah

Ashabul Kahfi story
Quran surah Kahfi 25 Allah said "And (it is said) they tarried in their Cave three hundred years and add nine."

we know Allah tarried "they" in cave for 309 years

lets count again = (309 years Wt/1000 years Wt)*1 day At
= 0,309 day At
= 7,416 hours At
= 444,96 mnute At
= 26697,6 second At

According hijriah calendar now is 1429 H
How long 1429 H in Allah time?
lets count
we will use 1 year in Hijriah is about 354 days

1 day At = 24 hour At, then
1 day At = 354 *1000 years Wt = 354000 day Wt
1 hours At = (1/24)* 354000 Wt
= 14750 day Wt
= 41,7 years Wt (14750/354)
and then
1429 Hijriah = 1429 year Wt/41,7 years Wt
= 34,3 hours At
= 24 hour At + 10,3 hour At
= 1 day At + 10,3 hour At

What we can get from this calculation is that in Allah side , we live in this world is very2x in short time do not reach 1 day in Allah side. The real life According Quran is in Akhirah(after life).

if we see human age average now in this world mostly 60 until 80 years old or is About 1,44 until 1,92 hour in Allah side and it is possible less than but very rare more than that.

So i believe we live in this world is for very short period of time and dont get amused by the world.

See in Quran

Qs Al Mu'minun 110-114

110 'Then you made them a laughing stock, until in making them such, you forgot My remembrance and at them, you used to laugh",
111 'Undoubtedly, this day I recompensed them for their patience that they alone are triumphed".
112 Allah said, 'how long did you stay in the earth by number of years'.
113 They said, 'We stayed for a day or part of a day, therefore ask those who count.
114 Allah said, 'you stayed not but little, if you would have knowledge'.

Qs An Nissaa' 77

Have you not observed those to whom it was said 'restrain your hands, and establish prayer and pay the specified charity (Zakat), then when fighting was made obligatory on them, then some of them began to fear people as they should fear Allah or even more than that, And said they 'O our Lord! Why have you prescribed fighting on us, You, would have allowed us to live for a short period'. Say you 'the enjoyment of the world is little and the Hereafter is better for the god fear, and you shall not be wronged a single thread (a least).

Qs Al Israa' 52

The day when He will call you, then you will come praising Him and will think that you tarried not but little.

Qs Al An'aam 32

And worldly life is nothing but a play and amusement. And undoubtedly, the last abode is better for those who fear. Do you not then?

Qs Al Ahqaaf 35

Have you patience then, as had the resolute Messengers; and be in no haste about them, as on the day when they will see that they are promised with, (it will seem to them) they had not tarried in the world but for an hour of a single day. This is to deliver Then who shall be destroyed but the people dis-obedient.

Conclusion :
Our time is very2x short. and all thing that we have done in short of period will be judge by Allah SubhanaWataA'la.Use your time wisely.

"Robbana Atina fiddunyaa khasanah wa fil Akhiroti khasanah wakina adzabbannaar" Amieen yaa robbal alamin.

Wallahu a'lam Bissowab.

:salam2: :):SMILY252:


Junior Member
[SIZE="7[COLOR="Blue"]"]بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ[/COLOR][/SIZE]

asalama aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu bro. shukran for the post may ALLAH S.W.T reward you for this.asalama aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu


Junior Member

Jazaa akumullaahu khairan!
Brother ahmad al magtani, I appreciate your effort. There is no hurdle for anyone to think about Qur'an and the revelations in. There are some they do not allow others to think or opine contrary to the predecessors.

For an example, read the verse 189 in Surah Baqarah, the translation is:

They ask you (O Muhammad) about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage. It is not al-birr (piety, righteousness) that you enter the houses from the back, but al-birr (is the quality of the one) who fears Allaah. So, enter houses through their proper doors, and fear Allaah that you may successful.

For an example:
Here, Allaah pointing out to those entering the houses through backdoor prohibites the practice.

We can think: It is referred to the new moon of everymonth and once you received the message that the new moon is seen everyone should immediately enter into the month. Therefore, for the whole world it is alright to accept the moonsighting anywhere in the world.

When we tell this there are some find fault with us. Even after knowledge came in they do not want to discuss the facts.

This is one of the shortcoming of our Ummaah.

That is why I appreciate your thought.
May Allaah bless you and His mercy be upon you.
