1,132 Palestinians killed???


New Member
:salam2:what to say I m in a constant state of shock, I fell helpless , wish i could someway be able to help my fellow muslims there, itz only we muslims that are responsible for this plight of ours, some stay sleeping in their luxurious palaces, some stay running after their wordly ambitions, some busy in killing their brothers, and most seems begging westerners...this is the story of todays muslim, dont understand what answer they have prepared for this slumber, cowardiness,cruelty...to act is a far fetched dream, they dont even bother to condemn it


Junior Member
may Allah be with them

اسكنهم الله فسيح جناته
may Allah reward them with janah
and may Allah help the rest to be more powerful
salaam 3lykum


Junior Member
I've been depressed for weeks now..... especially when I talk to americans around here and they seem to side with Israel.. I feel that the whole world view us as dog meat that don't matter.. I am speechless.... The illogical seems logical to all here in the US ??? How can this be??



brother bigAK, we cant live with honor untill we learn to take stand and ready to leave our luxuries. Untill then, every illogical will be logical and following condition will always be true
if (muslimsKilled == "Logical") {console.writeline("because they are muslims");}



We need to stand up. We need to understand that our inidividual needs are not to be considered. There is a time when we become one. Here in the US my brothers and sisters wish to please the others. They do not wish to upset the apple cart.

Many memebers want to assimilate within America. They simply turn their backs in the assimilation process.

I am no longer upset. Because in the end the Victory belongs to Allah. We are the ones being tested. We have to search our hearts and think of what we can and should do. That is an individual decision.

We can not play the blame game. When we adhere to that which is good and right we encounter situations that allow us to continue with the good and right.

Our brothers and sisters in Gaza have put us to shame. They have earned victory in every denotation of the word.


Our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters slain in the cause of Allah. May Allah grant them Jannatal Firdaus, Ameen!

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I believe this unilateral "ceasefire" by zionist will be for temporary basis as they do not want to paint Obama's inauguration with blood. Meantime, any of you saw Ehud Olmert was talking to the media the other day about this ceasefire? I can see a big syhaitaan standing next to him probably whispering to him what next.