Whats behind VALENTINE DAY??


Junior Member
Brother, can you please post the article here on this site? It's not working for me.

Assalamu aleikum,

I sent you the Article in ur gmail account please spread it.

Ni'Mah :-- Thanxs for the wonderful and easy method to spread the word fast. sms will be a good thing to do also and I already did with mine so its upto everyone also to do so...spending few shillings for stopping Munkar am sure the reward is great from Allah. Shukran for the wonderful idea!!

May Allah make us all love one another for His sake!!

Jazakallahu kheir!!


Junior Member

Shukran all for ur effort in spreading the word and this is not the end of our mission. May Allah guide us all the right way and always increase our love for one another to guide our Brothers,Sisters and ourselves in the way of Allah...Amin!!! :tti_sister:

Jazakallahu kheir!!