Wallahi,i would have died yesterday!!!

sister amina

Salaam,a personal experience to share with you all,it was a normal day.i woke up at six,got ready,ate my breakfast,infact i also ate my dry fruits.and when i reached the madrasa, I was supposed to stand,it is a rule in my madrasa that whoever is absent for one day should stand till 9 am.i stood till 8:30 am and i was ok i laughed with my friends and talked to them.then i suddenly started to feel that dizziness,so i told the girl beside to inform my ustadha,that im not feeling well,but even as she turned around to talk to my ustadha,i fell down!!!i fainted,and i dont remember what happened after that,then my sister and my friends came running to me,they say that my eyes became completely white,but did not feel anything personally,for me it was as if i was dreaming about something,and then i woke up and started to call my sister's name.my ustadha said to pronounce the shahada,at that time i felt that every thing was over,that my time has come and it was a mixed feeling of happiness and confusion.but there something strange at that time,i did not feel sad,not for a second did i feel sad about leaving this world.i dont know why.i took the shahada with difficulty but it was correct though.then i closed my eyes for a second and realised that i was ok.that this not the end.they took me to a nearby sofa where i lay down for an hour.when i came home my mom and dad were almost up to tears after hearing this.they took me to the doctor.she says i have blood defeciency.my sister and friends are so scared,that whenever they see me they are reminded of the horibble thing that happened to me........pray for me.Im sorry but i cannot describe every thing in detail,because my mom does not allow me to use the laptop much.hope u all understand as this is all i can do.thanx for reading and hope that i did not waste your time.amina.

zainab bala

Allah is sufficient.
All praise is due to Allah who gave you another chance to live. I pray that such horrible situation never happen to you again. Please take care of yourself, obey the doctors by taking your medication as required.
I leave you under the protection of Allah.


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu dear sister Amina,

Allah Akbar for that waht has happend you dear sister,but Alhamdulillah I am very glade to hear that now everyting is fine.
Maybe your blood presure fall down that day or maybe you did not eat well,so that maybe be the reason.

Take care dear sister,and may Allah protect you Inhallah

I am glade that you are better now Mashallah

May Allah bless you



알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum sister

Alhamdulillah I am happyto see u fine :).. May Allah heal u and protect u InshAllah.. Drink alots of water and food.. Take good care of urself sister Amina :)


Yearning Slave
Just to add...


Just to add on to this brothers and sisters.

Have any of you felt before a moment when you think that Allah wants to take your life away? What I meant was, the feeling that at that moment it might be the moment you will die.

I am curious about this. There are 3 instances for me that I felt ALHAMDULILAH, Allah gave me his Mercy and I still am able to live.

1. I was almost knocked down by a van. It was about a metre away from me before it changed direction and sped off.

2. I tried doing a head stand (very foolish act) but when my head was elevated from ground, my hands slipped and my head went down on the ground first. I passed out for about 5 seconds.

3. A taxi reversed suddenly while I was crossing the road behind it.

Astaghfirullahal 'azhim


Yearning Slave
Ooops I forgot!

:salam2: again

I hope you are doing well dear sister Amina. Try drinking more isotonice water. Insya-Allah.



Salaam,a personal experience to share with you all,it was a normal day.i woke up at six,got ready,ate my breakfast,infact i also ate my dry fruits.and when i reached the madrasa, I was supposed to stand,it is a rule in my madrasa that whoever is absent for one day should stand till 9 am.i stood till 8:30 am and i was ok i laughed with my friends and talked to them.then i suddenly started to feel that dizziness,so i told the girl beside to inform my ustadha,that im not feeling well,but even as she turned around to talk to my ustadha,i fell down!!!i fainted,and i dont remember what happened after that,then my sister and my friends came running to me,they say that my eyes became completely white,but did not feel anything personally,for me it was as if i was dreaming about something,and then i woke up and started to call my sister's name.my ustadha said to pronounce the shahada,at that time i felt that every thing was over,that my time has come and it was a mixed feeling of happiness and confusion.but there something strange at that time,i did not feel sad,not for a second did i feel sad about leaving this world.i dont know why.i took the shahada with difficulty but it was correct though.then i closed my eyes for a second and realised that i was ok.that this not the end.they took me to a nearby sofa where i lay down for an hour.when i came home my mom and dad were almost up to tears after hearing this.they took me to the doctor.she says i have blood defeciency.my sister and friends are so scared,that whenever they see me they are reminded of the horibble thing that happened to me........pray for me.Im sorry but i cannot describe every thing in detail,because my mom does not allow me to use the laptop much.hope u all understand as this is all i can do.thanx for reading and hope that i did not waste your time.amina.
:salam2: sis ter,alhamdhulilah you are well and safe.
sister do not panic as this is very normal and happen very often in teenagers as well young females.about 80% higher in females than males.because dur to menstruation monthly we often get deficient in blood and leads to aneamia.so our oxygen and glucose carrying to brain is lessened and so blackouts happen. So as your doctor said you are anemic and should be taking more food rich in iron,vitamin and folic acid.repeated episodes of blackouts can cause nerve damage in brain and brain cell death.or else it usually does not cause much problem.Also long term anemia can cause irregular and decreased growth in all systems of your body,other wise we all at som part of our lives,usually experience a little low blood level.so you need to drink lot of liquids with high suga/glucose these days and eat green leafy vegetables.
so do not panic and take things wasy,,and trust in allah(swt)hope that helps sis.:hearts:


Junior Member
:salam2: siter amina,

:SMILY209: alhamdulilah you are safe and sound!!!! may allah bless you and grant you a long life inshaAllah!!!

take care
keep smiling :) :)


misbah ul haya

Junior Member
asalam u alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, alhamdulilah you are well once again.i thought to tel what you must do after getting anemic but a senior of mine.....'' sister prosperous'' has already prescribed you all.:) so now i ask you to act upon her advice so that it must not happen once again. wasalam

sister amina

assalamualaikum,thanks everyone for your kind and caring replies.Yes I have started taking good care of myself and inshallah I will be be fine in one month.
may allah guide us all.ameen.ma3assalama.:)