First Black Imam of Saudis Grand Mosque


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

This is the first time I hear of the shaikh...I looked him and heard a couple of his recitations on ilaha illa's so beautiful and moving..he's truly blessed..may allah grant him the khair of his imamhood and his blessing of memorizing and reciting the Qura'an in the dunya and the akhirah..Ameen



Junior Member


this usa newspaper shows the animal nature of these writers.

You know a sheik is a sheik or imam is imam we never refer to them as black, or any color.

As muslims please be cautioned with these devilish associations. Furthermore, in al Islam, pious believers should be called or referred by the best names, the ones they like to be called.

This racist country I live in, my son never knew the name association used with race till I had him return here to these schools. Otherwise he never knew any names other than calling a person by his name.



Servant of Allah


this usa newspaper shows the animal nature of these writers.

You know a sheik is a sheik or imam is imam we never refer to them as black, or any color.

As muslims please be cautioned with these devilish associations. Furthermore, in al Islam, pious believers should be called or referred by the best names, the ones they like to be called.

This racist country I live in, my son never knew the name association used with race till I had him return here to these schools. Otherwise he never knew any names other than calling a person by his name.


Mashallah I love this sheikh for the sake of Allah, you right brother the media needs to understand the colour of the person is not what matters in Islam, it is all about the deeds.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother


this usa newspaper shows the animal nature of these writers.

You know a sheik is a sheik or imam is imam we never refer to them as black, or any color.
As muslims please be cautioned with these devilish associations. Furthermore, in al Islam, pious believers should be called or referred by the best names, the ones they like to be called.

This racist country I live in, my son never knew the name association used with race till I had him return here to these schools. Otherwise he never knew any names other than calling a person by his name.


I strongly support your comments.