What's the truth?

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Prophet Mohammad :saw: said that a human life is more sacred and important than the Holy Kaaba (the cube like building in Makkah around which Muslims circle around and which is most sacred to Muslims).
So the punishment of death for an apostate doesn't match with the previous view - Or does it?

No it does not,dosen't mean it hasn't happend though

Most of the punishment is applied when a person openly declares in public. In the time of Prophet Mohammad :saw: some Islam haters played this game that they would accept Islam and then leave it and then say bad things about it to discourage others. So this punishment is meant to discourage them instead. Allowing a society to be destroyed is worse than sentencing someone to death.

But if some one leave Islam silently or is gay without announcing it in public, then we are told not to dig dirt and apply punishment on people.

Fair enough

Sister Laura ... Allah is our creator He knows what is good for us and so He has given us these instructions because He doesn't want any bad things, corruption and immorality in our society. With the threat of these punishments Allah protects the society. I would say that these punishments are a mercy of Allah (the Glorious and Most High) on us and on our future generations.

Well that's where you and I would differ

I know you think it is your right to do whatever you want. So... Can you say "HiJack" in a plane? LOL Can you say that you will "kill the American President" openly inside America? Aren't these your rights of freedom of expression too?

No,no I don't belive in freedom of expression at all costs the examples you made are one's that I wouldn't agree with

My point is that if these humans (Allah's creation) can make these rules then the creator of the Heavens and the earth - Allah (SWT) can make his rules too.

Yes but the rules don't have to infrindge on basic civil liberties though. Fair enough leaving Islam and shouting bad things about it is wrong but to go so far as killing someone is just reinforcing that perhaps that person may have been right. From what I've seen Muslims ( most Mulims) have a pretty thick skin and are not going to let a disgruntled ex Muslim steer them away from their faith, it's too improtant.

Allah has created this Universe as a testing place where many different species are being tested. Humans and the Jinns (btw Satan is a Jinn) are being tested on this planet. Allah has given jinns capability that they could affect human minds. So Satan and his offspring and his follower jinns continuously work on misguiding and misleading humans. They appear in their victim's vision, this can give their victims an excelrating feeling to deceive them, but remember Satan always give them false guidance and try to make them a pervert or a immoral person.

Allah also has the power to affect people's mind. He also has the power to give people false information.

If you think about what he teaches, you will always find flaws in it. Only Allah can give you all the answers and guide you towards the truth with no flaws.

Are you talking about Allah teaching?


Junior Member

Of course you wouldn't understand or accept it because you as you said yourself gay, Every religion you look at doesn't accept the homosexual's, like Christians, jews and many other religions because God created Man and Women to be mates and partners on this earth together as one person said God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. sorry hope i didn't offend just wanted to explain that Behind every command and prohibition there is a valid reason and logic behind it whether you accept it or not. Women and Men Mate and have offspring obviously gay couples cant do that and its unnatural.

Islam has came with truth, justice and peace that is everlasting. The societies you live in now, are they accepting of your orientation? i dont think so!

In society what do you think will be the result of the people if you have a sexually loose society? Rapes, Teenage pregnancies and STI will prevail, In these soo called developed and modernized countries and societies there are so many ills like Rape every 30 seconds a girl is raped in America the so called powerful country has no marals or rules to stop the ills of its own people compare this to where a majority of muslims live and i garantee that it has not got the same figures, now tell me is this peace in your eyes because this is what the soo called western society is promoting what is the solution ISLAM.......Agree or not that is the truth.

Peace hope i didnt offend you.



Of course you wouldn't understand or accept it because you as you said yourself gay, Every religion you look at doesn't accept the homosexual's, like Christians, jews and many other religions because God created Man and Women to be mates and partners on this earth together as one person said God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. sorry hope i didn't offend just wanted to explain that Behind every command and prohibition there is a valid reason and logic behind it whether you accept it or not. Women and Men Mate and have offspring obviously gay couples cant do that and its unnatural.

God did create Adam and Steve just maybe not as a couple. So what about those heterosexual couples that can't have kids are they unnatural? What about the animal kingdow,Science has prove that there is ar least 51 animal species that display homosexuality.

Some religons do accepts homosexuality, my religon for examples as well as all pagan one's. You didn't offend I have heard it all before lol. The killing gay's offends though.

Islam has came with truth, justice and peace that is everlasting. The societies you live in now, are they accepting of your orientation? i dont think so!

Yes Scotland is very progressive. We can get married, adopt kids sure there are many people that don't like us but there are many people that don't like Muslims you just ignore them and move on.

In society what do you think will be the result of the people if you have a sexually loose society? Rapes, Teenage pregnancies and STI will prevail, In these soo called developed and modernized countries and societies there are so many ills like Rape every 30 seconds a girl is raped in America the so called powerful country has no marals or rules to stop the ills of its own people compare this to where a majority of muslims live and i garantee that it has not got the same figures, now tell me is this peace in your eyes because this is what the soo called western society is promoting what is the solution ISLAM.......Agree or not that is the truth.

So your equating Homosexuality with rape, teenage pregnancy and STI's? Not every gay person is promiscious, everone knows rape rarely has anything to do with sexuality it's about power. and as for teenage pregnacy that's not an issue amongs gay people.

Peace hope i didnt offend you.

You didn't offend


I personally believe homosexuality is a chemical imbalance of the brain and i'm sure that it can be treated but these days it seems such a taboo subject to discuss because of all these over the top gay rights activists won't even at least consider the fact that just maybe it maybe true. Not here to offend you just a personal opinion.



I personally believe homosexuality is a chemical imbalance of the brain and i'm sure that it can be treated but these days it seems such a taboo subject to discuss because of all these over the top gay rights activists won't even at least consider the fact that just maybe it maybe true. Not here to offend you just a personal opinion.


Chemical embalance of the brain, that's intresting I hadn't heard that before.
When I read posts like this it makes me sad. I know it's not just Islam that has a hardline of gays etc but DEATH you gotta be kidding me? As a gay person myself I find that idea abhorant and to be honest makes me think that Islam the Religon of peace yeah right!!!
But I also know that this (death to gays etc) is the hardline approach and I'm sure that more moderate Muslism do not agree with that idea so in that case I think Islam the religon of peace yes possibly.

Hello Vegangoth

First off, I'm not a "moderate" Muslim according to YOUR definition. How would you like to be labeled as a 'extermist liberal' who promotes gay movements & other anti-moral beliefs? Do you understand what harm you are causing to society, your family, to yourself? Think and reflect for a moment then get back to me. No matter what country you live in, you abide by it's rules.

We Muslims have rules too you know. In the U.S. you are not an "adult" until you are 18 but you can have sex as early as 11 years old. These are the rules you follow. We have different standards and they are much more logical, reasoning, and conservative. The religion of peace comes with a moral responsibility. No morals equals no peace. Peace for the society equates to peace for your own mind.

There are people out there that don't like to be in control of anything and I hope you don't fall into this category. No control is a anarchial & reckless society. Controls are put to safeguard people from Satans plan (which is to send people astray), well at least from an Islamic stance. We Muslims are one of the kindest people earth- see the story of Y'vonne Ridley (a British reporter) who reverted to Islam captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Chinese treat their elders like lifeless & useless people, most of the time they put them to sleep through euthanasia, and some of them even burn and cook them! It's difficult to say "hello" to a stranger or invite them for a cup of tea to your home even if you don't know them and iin this society (U.S.) this is seen as "weird" and out of "norm" but I can easily invite any Muslim to my home. And that makes all the difference in the world.



I read the post because the word truth was contained in the title, Islam is the Truth. the Messanger is the Truth and Allah subhana talla is the Truth.

If we do not follow the Quran Karim or the Sunnath of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we are in essence not Muslim.

I so not befriend gays. I need Muslims. I befriend Muslims. I need to remain on the path to Allah subhana talla. Surrounding myself with Muslims helps me to be closer to Allah subhana talla. I need those who love the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, to be with me. This increases my iman. This unites us.

Those who have different opinions are welcome to worship that which they do. However, I worship that which the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, taught us to worship.

It is that simple.
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