Your way to Islam !!!!!share your story


New Member
assalamu alaikum,

reading all this stories, everywhere Im finding some pieces of my one...
living in a family of christians (father catholic-not going to church,against this community saying that they r the richest in the world which is unfair, etc.; mom is kalvinist- i was brought up in this religion-who attends masses, prayes every evening,was leading me to pray ,truly believes in love n family), who had divorced 17years ago. Firstly I must say that influenced me a lot, i was struggling with my selfconfidence n till now Im very sensitive inspite Im a strong person, able to survive enywhere.I was struggling to find myself, how to live, what n where to live ...I had an interrest in medicine n nursing so I studied nursing (11 years all together). I worked in 2 hospitals n love my work very much- i like to help people but also Im interrested in scientiffic works.
My social life was various-always different people, mostly musicians or people interreested in music. They are freeminded, "excusing" smoking n drinkin be saying "im smokin or drinkin to get into a mood to produce great song"..i was goin out but knew its not good, why to be under drugs or alcohol to create somethin, should proudly create songs without that. They did not stop or even listened to me. I stopped meeting them.
Iy family loves me but r too busy by their problems- dad has a new wife, mom affected by divorce between i was searching the real meaning of our existence n since app 5 years I regularly read books of differrent religions.
I studied buddhism n I liked it for its peraceful phylosoophy,than I've read tantra, zen, judaism..I knew christianity, read some chapters of Bible, saw many movies.
There was a set of books of different religions beautifuly covered in leather in one shop. iIdidnt hv enough money to buy all of them but I decided i'll buy 2 peaces each time n will read them. I bought judaism n buddhism as fors, left there taoism, hinduiosm n as last I was planning to buy the thruth is that I heard only negative things about Islam, so I wasn't very much interrested to read it among the first.
Because I wasn't happy in Slovakia very much n felt like to travel n gain some experience in nursing from western countries, also to meet different people, I decided to go to Ireland where I am now for 2,5 years. After couple of months I began to work in a nursing home where I met a great person, now my soulmate-and he is a Muslim!Immediatelly we knew we can talk n talk..he was very happy that Im interrested in Islam n with passion was explain me every single question I'd given him.I was very excited to listen about Islam- finally there was someone to tell me the truth about Islam, the real life of a real Muslim. He opened my eyes, told me everithin. Now I selfstudy Islam, I managed to buy a Slovak version of Qur'an with explanations (better for me to understand as slovak is my native language), two beautiful big boogs in leather:), I have another Qur'an in slovak without explanation and also I have 2 in english:)- Im becoming a collector:). I realized I was always a Muslim as I always believed there Is one great superpower, we cannot imagine n express exactelly.In Qur'an Im findig great things which make sence, are logic, fair n also scientifically proven that Qur'an has been revealed from Allah thru angel Gabriel to Mohammed (pbuh). I found the TRUTH. But before I will convert publicly (I did in my room n my whitness was Allah), I want to finish Qur'an.
N also to find here some muslim friends I can chat with.
With my friend Im daily in contact n guess what- we love each other. We want to get married, but need to wait for some things to get sorted. Hope that his parents will commend him for bringing me to Islam n will accept me. That is my biggest fear, but I'll pray- Allah blessed me already by sending me this person through whom I became "to understand" so meany things.
Please say a little prayer for me to Allah to continue to lead me on a true path n my friend's parents to accept me as a real Muslimah.


Junior Member

I reverted when I was 15, alhamdulillah. I was in middle school. At that time, one of my best friends was Palestinian, Muslim, and a hijabi. Through her I saw a lot of interesting things I never knew about. I was generally interested in culture in the first place so I tried to get all kinds of random infos from her. I wanted to understand her better so I read some books on Islam, and hijab etc. Well when we entered high school she went to home school, and we no longer got to see each other everyday. The masjid was at the end of my street (subhan'Allah!), and they used to have dinners with lectures every saturday. I started going every saturday to see her, but at the same time I got to listen to the Islamic lectures and see Muslims. I really learned a lot, and though I came without hijab everyone was really accepting. No one knew that I was interested or that I was secretly learning about Islam, since I started to study it secretly after attending a few lectures. After I had finished reading the Qur'an, I told my friend I wanted to convert! She thought I was joking... she had no idea that I was interested in Islam at all! But she was so happy... a few weeks later I took my shahadah with her, her father, and my mother.

As for my family, they took it so easily, alhamdulillah. I've heard so many horror stories over the years and it has really made me thankful for my parents. My Mom had no problem at all. Sometimes she would get upset in the beginning when she learned more about the religion, but it passed and she is no very accepting. I didn't tell my father for a very long time because I was scared of what he would think (at that time I hadn't put hijab) but when I actually told him, he was even easier than my Mom! He never spoke against me to this day, and supports me in all my decisions. My sisters as well didn't mind. Alhamdulillah I have a pretty liberal family and they are pretty accepting, even though they identify as Christians. Over these years they have even learned a lot from me about Islam and have a great respect for it! I'm talking with them now seriously in the hopes for them to convert. Insha'Allah my work will have some effect on them and they can all accept this true religion! Ya rab... the one thing I regret is not being able to talk with my grandma. She will die soon (cancer), and she is so old she doesn't comprehend much of anything. It really hurts me to think of her dying as a disbeliever... :[

Five years have passed, that friend of mine has become my VERY best friend and we are inseparable. I want to major in teaching in my university so one day I can work at the Islamic school in my city, since they are always needing teachers. I've married now recently to a really nice brother, alhamdulillah. Looking forward to increasing my deen and insha'Allah making beautiful little babies who will be very good Muslims! :blackhijab:

Sorry it got a bit long hahah... :shymuslima1:


Junior Member
assalamu alaikum,
Please say a little prayer for me to Allah to continue to lead me on a true path n my friend's parents to accept me as a real Muslimah.

May Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala grant your wish and make his parents proud to get you as daughter-in-law.


Junior Member
Alhamdulillah. Hope you will spread the words of Islam to your family


I reverted when I was 15, alhamdulillah. I was in middle school. At that time, one of my best friends was Palestinian, Muslim, and a hijabi. Through her I saw a lot of interesting things I never knew about. I was generally interested in culture in the first place so I tried to get all kinds of random infos from her. I wanted to understand her better so I read some books on Islam, and hijab etc. Well when we entered high school she went to home school, and we no longer got to see each other everyday. The masjid was at the end of my street (subhan'Allah!), and they used to have dinners with lectures every saturday. I started going every saturday to see her, but at the same time I got to listen to the Islamic lectures and see Muslims. I really learned a lot, and though I came without hijab everyone was really accepting. No one knew that I was interested or that I was secretly learning about Islam, since I started to study it secretly after attending a few lectures. After I had finished reading the Qur'an, I told my friend I wanted to convert! She thought I was joking... she had no idea that I was interested in Islam at all! But she was so happy... a few weeks later I took my shahadah with her, her father, and my mother.

As for my family, they took it so easily, alhamdulillah. I've heard so many horror stories over the years and it has really made me thankful for my parents. My Mom had no problem at all. Sometimes she would get upset in the beginning when she learned more about the religion, but it passed and she is no very accepting. I didn't tell my father for a very long time because I was scared of what he would think (at that time I hadn't put hijab) but when I actually told him, he was even easier than my Mom! He never spoke against me to this day, and supports me in all my decisions. My sisters as well didn't mind. Alhamdulillah I have a pretty liberal family and they are pretty accepting, even though they identify as Christians. Over these years they have even learned a lot from me about Islam and have a great respect for it! I'm talking with them now seriously in the hopes for them to convert. Insha'Allah my work will have some effect on them and they can all accept this true religion! Ya rab... the one thing I regret is not being able to talk with my grandma. She will die soon (cancer), and she is so old she doesn't comprehend much of anything. It really hurts me to think of her dying as a disbeliever... :[

Five years have passed, that friend of mine has become my VERY best friend and we are inseparable. I want to major in teaching in my university so one day I can work at the Islamic school in my city, since they are always needing teachers. I've married now recently to a really nice brother, alhamdulillah. Looking forward to increasing my deen and insha'Allah making beautiful little babies who will be very good Muslims! :blackhijab:

Sorry it got a bit long hahah... :shymuslima1:


Dear Sister;
Thank you for your posting. I make dua for you. May ALLAH bless you more. May Allah bring happiness in your own family. Keep trying to convinece your parents and sister to accept the only way of paradise.

May Allah make you successful in your every rightous intentions.



New Member
my story

Assalamo Alaykom wa RahmatuAllah

MashaAllah so beautiful stories..Here's my story:

I was born to a not-so-religious family. My mother is a Lutheran christian and my father an Orthodox christian. But they are just namely christians, they don't really go to church ( unless there is a funeral or wedding ) and I've never seen them pray.

I used to be an atheist till the age of 14. That was when I went to the confirmation camp organized by the church. It's really just a tradition, EVERYONE goes there, so I went there too. I wasn't really excited about it but it turned out to be fun! And at the confirmation camp I started really believing there is God. But I never believed that Isa alayhissalam was son of God.

I became pretty active at the church, I used to go to these Bible classes there, because I really wanted to know more. Of course I was the most annoying student, because I never quit asking these questions like "why Jesus (alayhissalam) never says worship me if he really wnated us to do that?" etc..

At this time, I was spending time on the net a lot, and I started talking in some sort of chatroom with this boy, who was arabic and muslim. And I didn't really know anything about Islam at that point. Only had those stereotypes ( muslims are terrorists, they oppress women etc etc ) in my mind. He started telling me about Islam, but I denyed it all for the next couple years. We would talk for HOURS online about religions. And what confused me, was that he had actually prooves, and I got nothing to back up what I'm saying about christianity. And I was already having lots and lots of doubts about my religion and these conversations with him just made me even more sure christianity is not for me.

I was feeling maybe a little depressed at the time, because I believed there is God, but I didn't know which way to worship is the right way.

I remember like it was yesterday. One night, it was in december, I couldn't get any sleep. I felt absolutely awful because I wanted to belong somewhere, not just be a believer without religion. And this caused me a lot of heartache. I could not turn to christians, because they would tell me that christianity is the right way. I could not turn to muslims, because they would say their religion is the right way. So..I turned to God, Allah, the One and Only. I prayed "Oh God, please help me. You know how I feel. I cannot find the right way like this, please give me a sign, because You know what is the right Path". And right after saying this..I mean IMMEDIATELY after saying it, that muslim boy I had debates with, calls me ( and this was in the middle of the night, at 3am ). I answer the call and he says "hi how are u, are u ok?" and he sounds a little worried. I say I'm fine. And he continues talking "I'm sorry if I woke u up, I just woke up and had this feeling I should call you right now, are you sure you are ok?" And right at that moment I knew Islam is the Right Path. I told him "can we please talk tomorrow, I need your help in something". And then ended the call. I remember walking towards the window of my room and I looked to the sky and I just felt so light, so relieved. And I just felt that it was the first time I opened my eyes. The sky was dark blue, almost black, and there was a beautiful moon. And as I stood there, it started snowing. It was the best moment in my life. I just suddenly felt so free. SubhaanAllah.

I felt like Im in a dream, this cannot be true. But it was more beautiful than a dream because it was true. Alhamdulillah.

Now I'm married to that "muslim boy" alhamdulillah, we have been married for a year now. And I just couldn't ask for more. I wear hijab, I pray 5 times a day, I'm a muslim. And I get to thank Allah everyday for guiding me to the right path.

That's it. Alhamdulillah I'm a muslim.




New Member
my family reactions..

Assalamo Alaykom wa rahmatuAllah

Alhamdulillah my family took it really well. First my mum paniced and was totally overreacting about it. But alhamdulillah she realized that I didn't become a terrorist after saying my shahada. She still sometimes says "btw" things, like "oh I heard about that and that, and muslims this and that"..But I know that it is only because she loves me and is worried about me, that what if someone will hurt me, so it doesn't make me upset alhamdulillah.

My dad didn't really say anything, he is propably just happy because someone here in the west has the spine to do what she REALLY wants and to stand out in the crowd, if u know what I mean.

My sister just said "ok, do what u like", lol. I also asked her with me to the masjid where I said my shahada and she came alhamdulillah.

My brother was happy to hear about it because he always love everyone who is different. lol. And mashaAllah he is a GENIOUS. I gave him the copy of translation of Qur'an so he can read it and inshaaAllah Allah guides him to the right path, ameen.

And my grandparents just said "well if this makes you happy, then you should absolutely do it! and btw, that scarf looks very nice on you"..Alhamdulillah, they are so sweet and loving, I love them so much. May Allah protect them and open their hearts to Islam, ameen.



Ya Elahi!

I was born a muslim in a muslim family Alhumdulilah....
Yet I did not truely understand or accept its beauty....When I was 12 years old I thought that Christianity was the answer. :astag:

However I continuously read comparative religion literature especially those by Ahmad Deedat and realised that Islam was the one true religion.

My Iman came and went over the years of my acceptance but right now at this point in my life....I am more in tune with Islam more than ever Subhanallah

I am in the straight path and May Allah never take my guidance away. Ameen.



Junior Member
Mashallah , SubhanALLAH, and Alhamdulillah
All of your storıes are really great and inspiring …
its amazing how different people come across İslam..and also ; it’s great to see how the muslims are growing every day…
Allah always with us and shows us the light
May ALLAH bless and guide all of us​


Junior Member
Brother Asad Abdullah Castillo... Al Salam alaikum.

I have just read your story and it's very touching masha Allah.. Have you connected with your father or mother since you've become a Muslim? What was their reaction??

May Allah keep you on His right path and grant you His Jannah.. Ameen.




Junior Member
I was born in Alaska back in the 60s. My parents divorced in 1970, so even though I was raised Catholic my mother wasn't able to participate with us because divorce in the church is a sin unless under certain circumstances. When my family moved to Washington in 1980 I was craving spirituality so I tried to go back to church. But of course by this time the church was full of acoustic guitars and girls dancing and clapping in the aisles. Yeah, no. Not for me. Throughout most of life I wanted to become a priest. But I didn't like today's church so I felt lost.

That changed when in the early 90s I found a traditionalist Catholic church that still did Mass in Latin, the way it had been done for centuries. I found my niche. I told the priest of my church that I had always wanted to be a priest and he suggested I contact the seminary in Minnesota who still trained priests the traditional way. They invited me to come stay a bit and see if it were something I wanted. I stayed there a while, and did the Daily Offices (they prayed 3 times a day though most traditional Catholic monasteries pray 5 times a day...sound familiar?) and was even there for an ordination and I thought "WOW! This is where God wants me!"

I applied for entry in 1993 and waited...and waited...and waited. Finally, 2 weeks before the school year was to start, I called the seminary and asked what was up. The Bishop who was the rector told me to talk to my local pastor (this bishop is named Richard Williamson - he was in the news earlier this year because he denied the Holocaust and came under fire for it).

Now I am going to skirt around this part, simply because there are a few things I don't feel comfortable discussing on a public forum. But suffice it to say that during the time I was going to Mass with this pastor I confessed my sins to him as any good Catholic would. One of those sins was in relation to the sinful way I was living my life, and I was hoping that by entering the priesthood and dedicating my life to God I could finally be free from some bad habits. make a long story short, someone told something to someone. I won't point a finger at the good Father and say he broke the seal of the confessional, but somehow the Bishop found out things I hadn't told him and he said, and I quote, "Its God's Will you don't enter".

I spent the next 10 years or so in what you almost might call rebellion. God's Will huh? Who is this MAN to tell ME God's will? I dabbled in Wicca. I read about Druidry (I still do that, though only with the interest in anthropology). But NOTHING put me in touch with God.

I moved to California in 2003 and then bought my house in 2008. I found a Catholic church just up the street from me and once again the soul rendering longing to be in touch with God started to tear me up. I started to attend Mass again and it felt good - if a bit "lacking". During this time I had met an individual who lived in Egypt. We became fast friends online, often chatting on webcam or on the phone. During our friendship he moved to Dubai. I learned a little about Islam from him during this time, but he was rather closed lip about his faith. Suddenly, during Ramadan 08, he stopped talking to me. To make a long story short, he pretty much did away with anything to do with the internet - his online friends included. His best friend sent me a SMS (text message) explaining that our mutual friend had repented his lifestyle - as it were - during Ramadan and had returned fully to Islam.

Well ok, I thought. What's this Ramadan? I consulted Shaykh Google and read up on the month the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w. I read the sirah of the Prophet s.a.w. and realized he was an amazing man. I bought an English translation of the Qur'an and started reading it. At first it was a bit dry and then suddenly the light came on and I just said "WHOA!" It made sense!

I found out that there was a mosque nearby my house - as in, even closer than the Catholic church was. So, a friend had recommended I go in for the Jumuah services. "Sit in the back" he said. That way I could duck out once they start the salat. Sounded like a good idea at the time.

Well, what I didn't realize is our community was huge and the "back of the prayer room" was actually just a dividing wall between the two rooms. I ended up doing my first public salat without having any idea what I was doing. I spent the next couple of weeks studying Islam and sending emails to every Islamic Center and Masjid in Sacramento because I had NO idea what to do next (to this day none of those emails have been answered, but that's a subject for another thread).

Finally after Jumuah one week the shaykh pulled a young man up to the front saying "So and so here is ready to embrace Islam..." I got to watch my first shahadah. Unfortunately, it wasn't mine. I commented to the brother sitting next to me "One of these days, that will be me!". He gave me a startled glance and said "You mean, you've not made your shahadah?" He grabbed a passing brother and told him my situation. Next thing I knew, the brother and I were sitting in the masjid's office and he was grilling me. I knew the 5 Pillars, I said. I also knew the 6 Articles of Faith. "What are you waiting for then?" he asked. "Well, I don't know ANY Arabic and I don't know the prayers and I..." "You don't come into the world knowing that" he said. So... on Dec 5 2008 I made my shahadah and here I am.

I will talk later about the bumpy ride it's been! :)

There you go!




Left long ago
Asslam u Alaikum wr wb,

wow!!! beautiful story brother Danyal. Allah o Akbar...Masha Allah ...Surely Allah Guides whom he wills.

Jazak Allahu Khayra for sharing with us.

Welcome to Islam and welcome to TTI.


Junior Member
Brother AsadCastillo,

I admire you to a very large extent for holding strongly to your belief despite losing all your friends and family. This must be a very hard thing to swollow. May Allah keep your heart on His guidence and grant you His Jannah.. Ameen. I look forward to reading your posts.

Take care my brother in Islam. :D
