Ban preachers of hate?

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i heard his comments afterwards. that wasn't an apology. it was a very sly way of saying that medieval text commands this, but this is not my opinion. i will not give my personal opinion on this but this is what the text says. i am not commenting this but this is what is written.

the pope further lied quoting verse 2:256 of the Quran "let their be no compulsion in religion" saying that this was said when Muhammad pbuh was powerless in Mecca.

in reality the verse was revealed in Medina when the Islamic state was powerful. "Let their be no compulsion in religion". (2:256)

muslims know this. but obviously non-muslims dont . they lap up every word of the pope.

The Quran says there is no compulsion in religion. there is no religion on earth that can be spread by the sword. and have such a large following at that too!


To answer your question in short then yes they should be banned from speaking, and if it reaches an extreme where they are inciting others to violence or are playing part in some terrorist plans then they should be deported if possible.

Islaam does not allow extremism of any kind, even in things like worship, for example the Soofi's who repeat certain words 50,000 times over without a break - this is extreme and there is no evidence or proof for these insane acts.
Likewise, the people who don't understand particular verses of the Qur'aan or ahaadeeth (sayings of the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him) and then from their lack of knowledge distort them and take them out of context to achieve their weak and pathetic aims - this is extreme and we don't accept it or support it.

We should show no support for extremists of any sort, we should just advise them nicely and ask Allaah to guide them, thats it. Let the scholars refute them and their deviant ideologies and expose them to the common people.

The Final Messenger of God, Muhammad - peace and blessings be upon him - is reported to have once said, "O you people, beware of being extreme and exceeding the limits in the religion, for that which destroyed the people before you was none other than extremism in the religion."

He also said, "The extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed."
I apologise I should have written Religious extremest.


Remember just like there are religious extremists there are also liberal/secular extremists too. The spectrum has two sides. The opposite of extremely hot is extremely cold. Which one are you? (Asking rhetorically, don't have to answer).

P.S. the Pope never really "apologized." Why do you think Muslims are still angry at him?? Also to get you up to date about the what the vatican church is really doing, please watch this video by BBC television. It will open your eyes:

Good links about the Pope here too:


Fixing da foundation
That is so not answering my question lol

Peace be upon you.


But its true though.
Ok let me rinse and repeat.

he's called for the flogging of those that drink alcholol, the stoning of gays. He has said the Islam is not relgion of peace but a religon of submisson. He wants every woman to wear a burkha.

If people adopt the Islamic Sharia and what-not you will see that people will live far better lives, and from my limited knowledge Islam is a religion of Peace and Submission.

Should countries that have Islamic radical fundamentalists preaching hate and distorting the Koran be banned from preaching?

Anyone that preaches hate should be banned in my opinion and furthermore the fools that "distort" the Quran :astag: should be banned too and shown the Straight Path along with the preachers of hate.

I'm thinking of the british preacher Anjem Choudery as an example.
LOL first time I have ever heard of him :SMILY346:

He ( to my mind) gives Muslims a bad name
Depends what he did and according to what I guess :SMILY209:

as he has called for the assasination of the pope,
lol the "pope" some folks wanna assassinate him, but the other day I saw a picture of him walking in a mosque :SMILY309: whats wrong with this world? make a decision lol...

he has said that the only innocent people are those that are muslim,
Allah swt Knows Best.

My dear Vegangoth - there are far more important things to learn about Islam then some "extremist" going on and on and on about something.

Learn about Islam, not the actions of Muslims.
(But if there trying to "justify" something by pointing to Islam, then investigate).



What wrong He said.......

WHat can you say to a person (POPE) who said,.............some of the teachings of prophet Muhammad are evil......................."

What can you say to a person (POPE) whose applogy to muslims was,''..........
I regret for misunderstanding my speech...................." where is the room of misunderstanding..............

What can you say who refuse to take off his shoes while entering to a mosque in Jordan.

This pope is the most most evil pope the history migh have seen.


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