A Former Jehovah's Witness


Junior Member
In The name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.

Asalaamu Alaikum,

This is my story of how Allah (swa) guided me to Islam.

Ten years ago I was an active (regular pioneer - 100 hours per month in the ministry work) Christian - Jehovah’s Witness. I lived in an all white rural community in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA, the majority were Christians. One day while on the internet while exploring an Islamic web site in order to address a question, I was asked by one of the forum members what my opinion was about Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world. At the time I considered myself relatively well rounded in religious topics (although most of my religious concepts were based on the teaching of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society -Jehovah’s Witnesses) but knew quite little about Islam. Little did I know that this very innocent question asked by a forum member was the beginning of my journey to the guidance of Islam - Alhamdulil-laah.

Feeling pressed to answer this person’s challenge about my knowledge of Islam, I drove into our small town and went to the local book store and asked for a copy of the Quran. They had no such books in stock. Next I went to the library and again asked for a copy of the Quran. No such books were available nor did the librarian offer to acquire one for me. I went back to the forum member who asked me my opinion about Islam and explained that I was unable to answer the question because there were apparently no translations of the Quran anywhere in my town. He asked for my address and had an English translation mailed to me from his country.

I will never forget how excited I felt the day it arrived Priority Mail. It was delivered as I was about to drive to work so I took it with me. My friends and co-workers were primarily Jehovah’s Witness and when they saw me reading through a book that was not published by their organization they warned me to not taint the “truth” I had among the Jehovah’s Witnesses with a “polluted” religion. They became very aggressive in providing me with literature written by their organization that explained Islam in a very derogatory light. Regardless I was compelled to keep reading the translation of the Quran. I had no idea that Islam spoke about all the same prophets that Christianity recognized and even contained an entire chapter named after the mother of Jesus called Surah Maryam. My dearest Jehovah’s Witness friend of many years would enter my room unannounced while I was reading and fiercely object. I felt as through Surah al-Baqarah was speaking directly to me with the words, 2:204 “ And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents.” and 2:1 “This is the book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah.”

Although unexpected, the more I read the Quran translation the more deeply it affected me and my personal life. Because of this it quickly became necessary for me to hide my Quran in order to avoid reprimand from my Christian family and friends. Sadly I began to feel alienated from everyone I loved but the Quran urged me on with comforting words such as in surah al-Maidah 68Say, "O People of the Scripture, you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.”
For many years I had actively been going house to house putting pressure on countless people to pray to Jehovah God in the name of Jesus that they may be redeemed of their sins by the blood of the savior and live forever on a paradise earth. However the Quran sternly warned me of the tremoundous crime it is to say that Jesus was the son of the Most Merciful and I knew I had to abandon this corrupt Christian Theology. My life was about to change forever but I had no choice for Allah (swa) says that He comes between a man and his heart.
I found the religion of Islam to be very explicit and consistent for all worshipers regardless of their culture, gender or country. It gave me clear instructions on how to pray, when to pray, what to say and even how to dress and so it was not long before I changed my style of dress to ankle length loose fitting jumpers and tucking my hair up underneath a hat. My family mocked my clothing, even calling me “the tent lady” and saying, “what’s up with the hat?” I was undeterred but disappointed in their ruff manners in spite of their religious instructions. I started to hide a hajab inside the glove compartment of my car and when I was out away from the company of my acquaintances I would cover in submission to Allah’s (swa) commands for modest believing women. It felt like such a relief to be relatively free from the eyes of men who had no shame in casually looking at women other than their wives and relatives. For me wearing the head scarf was my statement: “I’m not approachable for casual or flirtatious conversation, please respect the fact that I am trying to be a God fearing individual.”
Caught between two worlds, I felt the very foundation of my present lifestyle, friends and community coming to an abrupt change of direction, yet at the same time I was experiencing a sense of happiness, comfort, peace and most important to me, an inner strength stretching me to undertake a life changing journey. After many attempts to speak to my family and friends and urge them to open their heart to the message of the Quran I was making no progress and felt that I was simply not qualified to refute their deeply ingrained misconceptions about Islam, lest it negatively affect me in my faith.
Within my circle of Jehovah’s Witness friends it became more and more offensive for me to participate in their style of worship so I began to avoid attending religious meetings and events. It was not long before they suspected that I was “leaning away from the truth.” The elders were notified to call on me but I managed to avoid their counseling visits as well - Alhamdulil-laah. Soon friends that I had for many years began to take a position against me, turning away when they saw me, not extending any greeting. This was the beginning of a shunning process that the Jehovah’s Witnesses call disassociation which eventually leads to dis-fellowshiping. Members who are disassociated or dis-fellowshiped are thought to be danger to the rest of the congregation due to their different viewpoints that challenge the authority of the WatchTower Bible & Tract Societies presumptuously divinely directed guidance through what is known as the Governing Body.
One day one of my closest Jehovah’s Witness friends, an older lady, decided to test me. She invited me to a dinner, then insisted that I be the one to say the prayer before we ate the meal. I politely asked that she say the prayer and I would be right back momentarily as I had to attend to something. This didn’t work and they continued to push me further to conduct the prayer before we ate which of course my conscience would no longer allow me to do - as according to Christian beliefs the prayer must be concluded, “in the name of Jesus.” Eventually I managed to avoid conducting the prayer but as we proceeded to eat our meal I was giver a large glass of wine which Jehovah’s Witnesses actively endorse as a remedy citing the Bible scripture at I Timothy 5:23 “Stop drinking only water, but use a little wine for your stomach because of your frequent illnesses.” These were just two of many more challenges targeted at me in order to test my faith.
Finding solitude in the Quran, I realized from reading about the prophet (saw) and the companions migrating to another land where they would be free from persecution that I also had to leave my present life behind if I was to grow. For try as I might I did not find a single Muslim in my town to associate with.
Four months into reading the Quran, I broke the news to my loved ones that they had feared. I had embraced Islam and would be leaving in order to live among a Muslim community, not really knowing where to find one. I sold the majority of my possessions, packed up the remainder in my car, said good-bye and drove with nowhere in particular to go. I drove alone through hundreds of miles of mountains, the Mojave Desert, and open wetlands across the United States anxious but exhilarated. Viewing breathtaking scenery and sunsets that spoke to me of the majesty of Allah (swa) and His perfection in creation. I prayed continually for guidance and protection, asking Allah to place me in a new living condition that would be best for my progress in Islam.
Surah al-Kahf 28 And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect. Eventually I settled into my new life as a Muslimah. I contacted my Christian friends and family to let them know that I was safe. They did not wish to speak to me, which exposed the insensitive nature their church leaders and religion had instilled them. Initially I was hurt and disappointed. But then I realized that Allah (swa) had mercifully taken me out of a very crooked system of worship and answered my prayers.
Allah tells the truth ash-Sharh 2-8 ...and we removed from you your burden which had weighed upon your back and raised high for you your repute. For indeed, with hardship comes ease, with hardship will be ease. So when you have finished your duties stand up for worship. And to your Lord direct your longing.
Now even after so many years, I still reflect on the number of people whom I had a role in misleading as a Jehovah’s Witness regular pioneer and it pains me to this day and I ask Allah to guide them from the shierk I invited them to and to forgive me.”
When I was a Jehovah’s Witness I felt that there was an aspect of my worship that was incomplete. It did not reach to every small facet of my life as I felt true worship should. Now that I have been guided to Islam - Alhamdulil-laah I feel obligated to engage in conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses who call at my door and also former Jehovah’s Witnesses on various internet forums. Unfortunately I’ve found some to be prejudice against Islam and unwilling to use sound reason. I do not mind their ill-manners towards me but when they attack the religion I give up in hope of reaching their hearts but Allah guides whom He wills and I pray that anyone reading my story will taste the sweetness of the divine message of the Quran which speaks to all mankind. A religion designed to impact every aspect of our lives, a detailed religion that does not leave mankind in any doubt.


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu wa rahmatullah wa baarakatuhu my dear,new sister in Islaam.

Allahu Akbar,SubhnAllah,Alhamdulillah.:tti_sister:

Mashallah dear sister that Allah subhan we teal has guide you to Islaam,and wallahi while I was reading your story my heart was beating on every your word because your love to Islaam,and for Allah subhan we teala.

May Allah reword you with Jannattul Fidows and strenght your iman.Ameen.:)



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum

wow SubhanAllah this was beautiful.
JazakAllah khair for sharing
and MAy Allah (swt) bless this sister with love and mercy - ameen


aka Tree2008
As salamo alaikome sister.......

Your post brought tears to my eyes. My journey to Islam was very similar to the one you just wrote. Alhamdulilah you made it and so did I!!!

May Allah reward you in this life and the next.........

Sister Isra*


Junior Member
:salam2: Sister,

Alhamduiliah, that He guided you to the truth.

Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay here,




My Dear SISter in ISLAM,
I don't know how to thank you for your posting. While I was reading your journey to ISLAM I thought Allah has chosen an angel for His Deen of AL-ISLAM. Yesterday, the imam of our local mosque answer the common question

" If Allah guides whomever He Wills then why there are so many nonmuslim in the world?"
" Why Allah is not Guiding all of the Human beings on earth to ISLAM?"

by quoting a verse in the KORAN where Allah tells us

{ (Note: I cannot quote the verse exactly, but meaning is very close so far I remember, so dont doubt about its meaning, I heard it in his (IMMAM) lecture in my own ears)}

"Allah does not guide those whom He (SAW) does not find any goodness in their hearts".

No technology, no human being can find out how (good, bad) is the heart of a human being. Only Allah Knows it and that's why Allah does not guide those whose heart are empty of good thing. Although it might appear to something different to us but only Allah knows the real state of heart.

Reading your journey to ISLAM I found the proof of this FATWA. Really, Allah has guided you because your heart was pure.

May Allah give you patience, perseverence in upholding the message of ISLAM. May Allah increase your faith and grant peace and real success in your daily life and the life hereafter.

Your Brother in Faith.



Junior Member
Asalaam aleikum ramatullah baraktu!

Welcome to this Muslim family! Your story touched me very deeply and I am honored to have read it. I was also shunned and cast out from my family when I converted. (I was Jewish previously) It's amazing that the very people who teach love and acceptance are the very ones who turn their backs on you, huh?

But please consider yourself one of 1.2 billion family members. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!



Junior Member
asslamu alikum

Allah Akbar,Whosoever Allah guide is the truly guided one and whosoever Allah leaves astray none can show him guidance.

Welcome you sister to this wonderful family,May Allah reward you for sharing us your touching and ispiring story ,may Allah strengthen your faith.

Muhammad Saleh

Junior Member

i feel honored to have you here on this forum and to be able to communicate with you.

may Allah guide your family and friends to the right path. Ameen

After reading your thread i am wondering where would i stand on the day of judgement when my deeds and sacrifices for seeking Allah's pleasure would be compared with other muslims like you.

Plz remember me in your prayers.



Blessed Muslimah

Wallahi i feel honored to have a sister like you, your story shows me the mercy of Allah and whenever Allah wills for people to be guided none can misguide them and you show the meaning of that to me in your story.

Mashallah May Allah bless you for sharing you experience it adds to our imaan and it adds to our ummah to have you in our sister hood....

I love you for the sake of Allah sister :hearts:



Junior Member
Assalamualaikum Sister,

I wish I had an Iman as strong as yours. You just made my day!

May Allah (swt) continue to guide you and make life easy for you



Junior Member
Allahu Akbar... Ma sha Allah.. Al hamdu lil Lah...

This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time.. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing. I ask Allah to keep you steady on His right path and grant you His Paradise... Ameen.. I wish I could meet you in person.. :)

Please stick around our community here and don't leave us.

Al Salam alaikum.


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I just managed to read your full story, mashAllah I can't believe tears soak my eyes. It will be good to know how are you doing now? Are living with Muslims community around you now?


Junior Member
sister May Allah (swt) reward you in this world and hereafter for the sacrifie you made. my brothers and sisters has say it all Allah only guide whoever HE wishes. May Allah (swt) guide us to the right path ameen.

welcome to TTI enjoy your stay sister Insha Allah. and thanks for sharing with us this wonderful story of yours.


Junior Member
salaam sister

welcome to TTI and of course welcome to ISLAM!!!

subhanallah!!! a very touching story :)
may allah swt bless you..amiin

wassalam :) :)


Left long ago
Asslam u Alaikum wr eb dear sister,

Subhan Allah ...what a beautiful story. Allah u Akbar....

Jazak Allahu Khayran Khathira...May Allag grant you Jannat-ul-Firdous.

Very welcome to the forums.

Wa Alaikum Salam,


Staff member
:salam2: Sister,

Very very touching story...

SubhanAllah! great to know that there are Women who despite being weak and helpless go to such lengths to accept the truth.


Allahu Akbar!

may Allah increase for you and give you in abundance in this life and the hereafter.

this day, from this point on, we have a choice. To follow what has been made abundantly clear.

life gets better and better the more we make the best choices and do the best actions.

Allahu Akbar!

welcome to tti

Allahu Akbar!
