Anger management.


New Member
Any advice on anger management as i've got a bit of a temper and often get upset over past incidents!:tongue:

I've heard that there are many things a Muslim/ah can do that calms a person down so please enlighten me.How do we conquer our own anger??


Smile for Allah
Whenever you get angry, the first step would be to try and keep silent. That's what I do. If you won't talk during that time, there's less chances something bad will come out of your mouth. Or I walk away from the scene.

Also, they say if you're standing when angry, you should sit down, if you're sitting, you should lie down. Also making wudhu during that time helps. There is a hadith along the lines of that anger comes from shaitan, and shaitan is made of fire. Fire is quenched by water, so whoever gets angry should do wudhu.


Junior Member
also- if u get angry, drink water. i need 2 work on my temper too! try to count to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on.....

wow- just gave myself advice! :lol:


Slave of Allah (swt)
:) wat helps me is that i say to myself that ANger is a trait of a kaffir not a muslim, and i remind myself i am a muslim i submitted my will to Allah (swt) and it calms me down :)


Junior Member
Salaam aleikum

U can also say : A oezo billaahi min-ash shaitaan nir rahjiem.

I seek my refuge in Allah away from shaitaan the rejected one

And the tip about taking wudu is true i did it before! I like the tip about keeping silent and also about counting. It could help ! Thanks


Junior Member
First thing to do is to remember our prophet mohamaed (I don't Know the english sentence in english)

اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد

second : go and wash your hands,face..(the thing you do before salat) sorry I don't its name in english.

if you are up , sit down.