3 years and memeorize the who Quran


Junior Member
3 years and memeorize most of the Quran

Sorry if this was posted before but it is worth seeing. His mother said that he only watches Alafassi Quran station and cries when any thing else on TV. She also said that this little boy did not speak until he was 2. At that age the first thing he said was the entire Swrat Alkahaf which came as a shock to the family. He is from Algeria, Sorry I can't post a link to the family interview.


Allah Akbar

I find that he recited surat AlKahf as first words even more shocking. He not only has memorized recitation, but he memorized exactly how the sheik recited it. This is a karama from Allah, subhanAllah wa mashAllah.

May Allah fill our lives more and more with the light.

Mashaallah, Amazing kid!

ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا و ذرياتنا قرة أعين و اجعلنا للمتقين إماما


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ

The dua is eggzaaklleee like Al Afasy Omg!! What a great student :) He is so cute MashaAllah. He recites Surah Maryam too, SubhanAllah. We at our teenage struggle to memorise these Surahs. His Surah Maryam is very similar to Kanderi's recitation. True, muslimda3ee, he imitates the Imam/Qari.

SubhanAllah. Jazak Allah Khair for sharing.