Jewish girl converted to Islam, wearing a veil

noor aldeen

Junior Member
Jewish girl converted to Islam, wearing a veil

In the name of God the Merciful

Manual / Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported Thursday that a young Jewish city of Karmiel northern "Israel" at the age of 19 years announced converted to Islam out of conviction and wore a veil.

The newspaper quoted Maru Davidiopi_y saying: "I have to admit that I did raise a lot of pain and anger of the Jews."

Maru added: "I was born Jewish and my ancestors were killed in the Holocaust, and many consider me a traitor and believe that you did something crazy, and some wonder how I did and I gave up on being Jewish and forget my ancestors and what happened with them."

The newspaper pointed out that Murrow is now practiced Islamic rites and left Judaism completely, it is now the veil covering her head and read the Koran, and the transformation of the Force is like an earthquake for the family, is enough to say: The father of the right-wing "Israel" and that his ideas against the Arabs.

Maru said: "I became interested in the Qur'an and I'm at the age of 13. There are many questions that I was looking for answer I did not find these answers in religion, and for the first time I went to the mosque and when I left the mosque and found my heart clean and pure and I feel very comfortable, and I found all the answers I want to get it in Islam. "

She added: "My mother hit the frustration and I understand this situation, and their sense of betrayal was normal, though, I will never leave my parents, it is best to adapt to the new situation, and understand what you've done."

Maru and tried to convince her parents to convert to Islam, but her mother said: "It is satisfied as Jewish and do not wish to change her religion.

A campaign to prevent Jews from converting to Islam:

The Zionist press sources reported that "Israel is seeking an unethical manner to get the names of young Jews living abroad to request them not to marry a young non-Jewish."

The newspaper added: "Some of the Israeli elite and drew sharp criticism for the campaign that led the Government to be a form of racism."

For his part, commented MK know Oorbenh Party House Jewish by saying: "Every Jew changes his religion is a painful loss for the Jewish people."

Give a large number of Jews from their religion:

The Jewish Agency, responsible for the situation of Jews abroad, abandoning more than 50% of young Jews in their religion abroad after the marriage of non-Jews.

Press sources indicated that the needle hundreds of Jews in "Israel" brandishing their Islam every year and the numbers are increasing steadily.

The newspaper "Maariv" that hundreds of Jews in "Israel" go a year applying for the Office of the Ministry of Justice to leave their religion and embrace Islam.

The newspaper pointed out that it has a number of facts and figures showing that hundreds of Jews declared their Islam and this phenomenon has grown in the past five years.

فتاة يهوديه تشهر إسلامها وترتدي الحجاب

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المختصر / ذكرت صحيفة الموندو الأسبانية اليوم الخميس، أن شابة يهودية من مدينة كرمئيل شمال "إسرائيل" تبلغ من العمر 19 عامًا أعلنت إسلامها عن اقتناع وارتدت الحجاب.

ونقلت الصحيفة عن مارو دافيديوبيتشى قولها: "أنا اعترف أن ما فعلته سيثير الكثير من الألم والغضب لدى اليهود".

أضافت مارو: "ولدت يهودية وأجدادي قتلوا فى المحرقة، والكثير يعتبروننى خائنة ويعتقدون أن ما فعلته جنون، ويتساءل البعض كيف فعلت ذلك وتخليت عن كونى يهودية وأنسى أجدادى وما حدث معهم".

وأوضحت الصحيفة أن مارو الآن تمارس الشعائر الإسلامية وتركت اليهودية تماما، فهى الآن تغطى رأسها بالحجاب وتقرأ القرآن الكريم، وهذا التحول الذى طرأ عليها يعتبر بمثابة زلزال للأسرة، ويكفى أن يقال: إن والدها من أنصار اليمين فى "إسرائيل" وإن أفكاره ضد العرب.

وذكرت مارو: "أصبحت مهتمة بالقرآن الكريم وأنا فى سن الـ13. هناك العديد من الأسئلة التى كنت أبحث عن إجابتها ولم أجد هذه الإجابات فى دينى، وذهبت للمرة الأولى إلى المسجد وعندما غادرت المسجد وجدت قلبى نظيفًا ونقيًا وكنت أشعر بارتياح شديد، ووجدت كل الإجابات التى أريد الحصول عليها فى الإسلام".

وأضافت: "والدتى أصابها الإحباط وأنا أتفهم هذا الوضع، وشعورهم بالخيانة أمر طبيعى وعلى الرغم من ذلك فلن أترك والدى، ومن الأفضل أن يتأقلموا على الوضع الجديد، وأن يتفهموا ما قمت به".

وحاولت مارو أن تقنع والديها باعتناق الإسلام ولكن والدتها قالت: إنها مرتاحة لأنها يهودية ولا ترغب فى أن تغير دينها.

حملة لمنع اليهود من اعتناق الإسلام:

وكانت مصادر صحفية صهيونية قد ذكرت أن "إسرائيل تسعى وبطريقة غير أخلاقية للحصول على أسماء الشبان اليهود الذين يعيشون في الخارج لمطالبتهم بعدم الزواج من شابات غير يهوديات".

وأضافت الصحيفة: "بعض النخب الإسرائيلية وجهت انتقادات حادة لهذه الحملة التي تقودها الحكومة على اعتبار أنها شكل من أشكال العنصرية".

من جانبه، علق عضو الكنيست أدري أوربنح من حزب البيت اليهودي على ذلك بقوله: "إن كل يهودي يغير دينه يعتبر خسارة مؤلمة للشعب اليهودي".

تخلي عدد كبير من اليهود عن دينهم:

وكانت الوكالة اليهودية المسئولة عن أوضاع اليهود بالخارج عن تخلي أكثر من 50% من الشباب اليهود في الخارج عن ديانتهم بعد زواجهم من غير يهوديات.

وأشارت مصادر صحفية عبرية إلى أن مئات اليهود في "إسرائيل" يشهرون إسلامهم كل عام وأن أعدادهم في ازدياد مطرد.

وذكرت صحيفة "معاريف" أن مئات اليهود في "إسرائيل" يتوجهون سنويًا بطلبات لمكتب وزارة العدل لترك ديانتهم واعتناق الدين الإسلامي.

وأوضحت الصحيفة أن لديها عدة معطيات وأرقام تدل على أن المئات من اليهود أعلنوا إسلامهم وهذه الظاهرة تنامت فى السنوات الخمس الأخيرة.

المصدر: مفكرة الإسلام



Allah guides whom He wills.

More and more are finding Islam through the Mercy of Allah swt.



Junior Member
Masha Allah, Masha Allah, this always brings a smile to my face. May more and more people turn to islam (TTI :D) and may we all continue to grow as muslims.


Junior Member
SubhanaAllaah. Allaah shows the world yet again how even in places where Islam is hated more than anywhere else... that Allaah is more than capable of bringing righteous Muslims from among them. SubhanaAllaahi wa-Bihamdih, SubhanaAllaahi el'Atheem.


Junior Member
i had goosebumps after reading that, just goes to show, Allah guides whom He wills, even those who you would never think would be guided to Islam. Allah will make this religion victorious, islam spreads by itself, lik a flower dispersing its seeds and then you see the flower growing everywhere. Allah will make this faith greater than All faiths, even if the non-muslims despise it.

it was thought that Omar ibn al-khattabs donkey would become muslim before he would, yet Allah guided him and he was one of the greatest men who walked this earth, radiyallahu anhu

noor aldeen

Junior Member
SubhanaAllaah. Allaah shows the world yet again how even in places where Islam is hated more than anywhere else... that Allaah is more than capable of bringing righteous Muslims from among them. SubhanaAllaahi wa-Bihamdih, SubhanaAllaahi el'Atheem.

jazak allah kerain weakslave thanks for passing

noor aldeen

Junior Member
i had goosebumps after reading that, just goes to show, Allah guides whom He wills, even those who you would never think would be guided to Islam. Allah will make this religion victorious, islam spreads by itself, lik a flower dispersing its seeds and then you see the flower growing everywhere. Allah will make this faith greater than All faiths, even if the non-muslims despise it.

it was thought that Omar ibn al-khattabs donkey would become muslim before he would, yet Allah guided him and he was one of the greatest men who walked this earth, radiyallahu anhu

thanks sister hana for sharing and passing by
allah keep you save


make dua 4 ma finals

it's beautiful how Allah is so merciful......showing His religion and guiding those who truely seek of His guidance. SubhanaAllah, walhamdullah walahu Akbar!
may Allah reward you for sharing..... may Allah make the journey of the new Muslims one that is easy and may He keep 'em guided.ameen

noor aldeen

Junior Member

it's beautiful how Allah is so merciful......showing His religion and guiding those who truely seek of His guidance. SubhanaAllah, walhamdullah walahu Akbar!
may Allah reward you for sharing..... may Allah make the journey of the new Muslims one that is easy and may He keep 'em guided.ameen

thanks for passing by allah will keep you save