Return the Glory


Clear Skies!

Today Muslims are portrayed as terrorists, barbarians and uncivilized. But most of those who accuse Muslims did not know that the developments they see in the every field is due to the Muslims.

Blair and Bloom, two western religious historians wrote in the book "Islam, thousand years of faith and power" that it is important for the westerners, before branding the Muslim community as uncivilized violent extremist religious fanatics, to learn how great a nation was the Muslim Ummah. Everything whether it is science, business, construction, architecture administration, their foundations were laid by the glorious Islamic Civilization of the past which originated from the belief that :shahadah:.

We have lost all the glory today. What we require is something like Islamic Renaissance. In order to do that we Muslims too have to be inspired by the greatness of our past. Our greatness, what the Muslims had done for the world is still in existent. Their mark and scars are left every where to be seen. I request all the Muslim brothers and sisters to get inspiration from that and work together to bring back the glory of the past.

As an example of the scars, I would like to present the letter 'x' which we use in algebra to represent the 'unknown'. The 'x' brothers and sisters, is a scar out of many which would testify to the mathematical superiority of Muslims during the medieval times.

Khwarizmi, the pioneer of the Algebra in his book 'Aljabr wal Muqabla....' he used to write the unknown as 'shay', meaning 'thing'. Later during the renaissance of the west Khwarizmi's work was translated into Latin and they used to write 'shay' as 'xay'. 'x' is the equivalent of Arabic letter 'sheen' in Latin. Later they cut the 'ay' from the 'xay' leaving only x, the universal symbol of the unknown directly concocted from the Muslims Mathematician.

There are many such examples. I posted just one to remind my brothers and sisters to learn about our civilization and strive to bring back the golden age of our civilization. Lets not make the mistake of the past lets join together as one nation!


New Member
Asalaamu aleykum

What do you suggest, in theory, we Muslims need to do now to reclaim our lost glory? We keep talking about many things that we had before and lack now, however, we don't even have the vaguest idea of how to go about turning our hopeless situation around. We are actually loosing grounds even now as we speak, and hope is not in sight. I say we rely on brute hard work and sacrifice to see us different in generation or so. That is the only way out and it is the way we initially became rulers of our destiny with Allah's blessing. Do you think that it is right to hope for miracles to save us? Do you? No miracles at all! Allah is the giver of such power and he made it clear to us that "he only helps those who help themselves." So, if we eliminate supernatural intervention (though Allah subhana Allah watacala can do that and more if he wishes) to save us, we have to help ourselves. Westerners did, so did the Asians. Allah did not prefer them over us; yet they enjoy more of everything we lack. See the pattern?


Junior Member
:D Extremly good point. We've lost much in the present:(- but that doesn't mean we can't get it back:D

For member *ABCHeR* these types of things-
- wear the hijab proudly
- smile often and be brave against people who say wrong against you
- go to the Masjid often, in the most blank and regular manner (don't take the back road- go right out in front!)
- Speak out against people who say bad about Islam
-Don't copy the "Western Way" of bad things
- If someone asks if you are a Muslim- reply that yes you are- proudly.
-and also: Read Qur'an, Pray, Fast, save up for Hajj....


Junior Member
- "
"If someone asks if you are a Muslim- reply that yes you are- proudly" (sis rightpath_357)
Dont know why but some muslims they change their id's or names.They dont want to be clarified as a muslim.

And am proud to say that am a muslim and am proud of it .ALLAH AKBAR


New Member
Asalaamu aletkum again

Yes we can always say we are muslim proudly, however, that is not even enough! We have to pass that level. We are fighitng for our dignity today; but what we need to do is to stop even consideirng to opologize for "being" muslim. Most of us are everyday fending off insults and busy fighting for little respects like being allowed to practice freely. We need more! we need to assert ourselves and stop aopologizng for our faith. SALAAM