A little girl named Al-Bara'ah


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
This story of a little girl named Bar`ah who is 10 years old, her parents were doctors who moved to Saudi Arabia in search of better life.

In this age Bar`ah memorized the whole quran with the tajweed, she was very intelligent, her teacher use to tell her she should be in middle school not primary one....

Her family is small and committed to Islam and its teaching....suddenly one day the mother started feeling sever abdominal pain, after tests and checkups she found out that she have cancer, but in its late stages.

The mother thought how she can tell her daughter, specially if she wake up one day and didn't find her mother beside her... so she told her (( Bar`ah I will go to pradise ahead of you, but I want you to read the Quran you memorized every day since it will protect you in this life))...

The little girl didn't really understand what her mother is trying to tell her...but she started feeling the change in her mother status specially when she was transferred to stay in hospital on permanent bases. The little girl used to come to the hospital after her school and recited Quran for her mother till evening when her father used to take her home.

One day the hospital called the husband and informed him that his wife condition is very bad and he need to come as fast as he can, so the father picked Bar`ah from her school and headed to the hospital, when they arrived he asked her to stay in the car ... just she wont get shocked if her mother has passed a way.

The father get out of his car, with tears fills his eyes and while he crossing the road to enter the hospital, he was hit by a speeding and died in front of his daughter who came crying to her father....!

The tragedy of Bar`ah is not over yet... the news of father's death was hidden from the mother, but after 5 days the mother passed away ! leaving Bar`ah alone in this life. She became alone without her parents, and parents friends decided to find her relatives in Egypt so they can take her to them..

Suddenly, Bar`ah start having sever pain like her mother, after few tests and check up it was confirmed with the cancer... at the surprise of every one she said (( Alhamdu Lillah now I will meet my parents ))

All family friends were shocked and suprised, this little girl facing calamity after clamity and she is patient and satisfied with what Allah ordained for her.

People start hearing about Bar`ah and her story, and a Saudi guy decided to take care of her .. he send her to UK for treatment. One of the Islamic channel (Al hafiz - The protector ) got in contact with this little girl and asked her to recited Quran .. and this her beautiful recitation....


They contacted her again before she fall into coma and she made dua for her parents and sang a nasheed...


The days passed by, and the cancer spread all over her body, and the doctors decided to amputate her legs, she was patient and satisfied with Allah's ordains.. after few days the CANCER spread to her brain, the doctors decided for urgent brain surgery..and now she is in UK hospita, but in COMA...

SO pray for her health and speedy recovery

another recitaion


فتاة اسمها براءة

هي طفلة مصرية في العاشرة من عمرها ، والديها طبيبين سافرا للسعودية بحثاً عن عيشة أفضل ، كانت براءة طفلة غاية في النباهة والذكاء لدرجة أنها حفظت القرآن الكريم كاملاً بأحكامه في هذا السن ،معلمتها كانت تقول لها دوماً لابد وأن تكوني في المرحلة الإعدادية وليس الابتدائية ، أسرتها هي أسرة سعيدة صغيرة ملتزمة ، وفجأة ودون سابق إنذار شعرت الأم بآلام شديدة وبعد الفحوصات تأكدت أنها مصابة بالسرطان بل في مراحله المتأخرة ، فكرت الأم كثيراً كيف تخبر ابنتها خاصة إذا استيقظت يوماً ولم تجدها ، وأخيراً بعد طول تفكير قالت لها : (يا براءة أنا ها سبقك على الجنة ، والقرآن اللي حفظتيه لازم تقرئيه كل يوم عشان هو ده اللي هيحفظك في الدنيا) ... لم تفهم براءة الأمر بصورة واضحة ، ولكنها شعرت بالتغيير حينما تركت أمها المنزل وأقامت بصفة دائمة في المستشفى ، فكانت براءة تذهب صباحاً للمدرسة وتعود على المستشفى تلازم أمها تقرأ لها القرآن ولا تبرحها إلا في المساء حينما يأتي أبيها .. وفي صباح أحد الأيام اتصلت على غير المعتاد إدارة المستشفى بالوالد وأخبرته أن زوجته في خطر وعليه الحضور الآن ، فأسرع الوالد من عمله إلى مدرسة براءة وأخذها في يده وأسرع إلى المستشفى ، وحينما وصل إلى المستشفى طلب من براءة المكوث في السيارة حتى يطمئن على أمها ثم يعود لها ليأخذها لتراها ، هو أبى أن يأخذها معه حتى لا تصاب بالصدمة مباشرةً إذا ما كانت الأم قد ماتت ، فخرج الأب مسرعاً من سيارته عيناه تملأها الدموع وعقله شارد بالتفكير ، وأثناء عبوره الطريق للدخول للمستشفى صدمته سيارة مسرعة فمات من فوره أمام عيني براءة ، فنزلت براءة مسرعة تبكي في حضن أبيها الذي تركها في السيارة ليموت وحيداً في
الطريق .. يا سادة مأساة براءة لم تنته بعد ، تم إخفاء خبر الوفاة عن الأم التي ترقد داخل المستشفى ولكن بعد خمسة أيام فقط … رحلت الأم ، رحل الأب ورحلت الأم ولم يبق إلا براءة في الحياة . أصبحت وحيدة بعد أن مات أبويها ولا تعرف أي قريب في السعودية ، واجتمع أصدقاء الوالد وأهل الخير من المصريين والسعوديين ، لإيجاد حل لوضع براءة ، وكيفية الترتيب لتوصيلها لأهل أبويها في مصر .. ولكن وبدون سابق إنذار تشعر براءة بآلام شديدة وبعد الفحوصات تعرف الطفلة الصغيرة أنها تحمل نفس مرض الأم ، فتبتسم الطفلة الصغيرة وتقول أمام الجميع (الحمد لله هشوف بابا وماما ) الجميع كان في ذهول واندهاش عجيب ، ابتلاءات تعقبها ابتلاءات تنزل على رأس الطفلة الصغيرة وهي صابرة سعيدة بقضاء الله ، بدأت قصة براءة يعرفها الناس رويداً رويداً داخل المجتمع السعودي وتكفل بها رجل سعودي صالح أبى أن يعرف الناس حتى اسمه ، وسفرها على نفقته الخاصة إلى بريطانيا للعلاج من هذا المرض الذي لا يرحم لا صغيراً ولا كبيراً ، وهي في المستشفى اتصلت بها قناة الحافظ على الهواء لتطمئن على صحتها وطلبت منها قراءة بعض آيات من القرآن فقرأت بصوت عذب جميل ما سمعت في حياتي كلها صوت أجمل ولا أعذب من صوت براءةواتصلت بها مرة أخرى قبل غيبوبتها الأخيرة وأنشدت الفتاة أنشودة للأم أبكت ملايين
المشاهدين وأعقبت ذلك الدعاء لوالديها بالرحمة والمغفرة وتستمر أيام الألم في المستشفى في بريطانيا ويستشرى هذا الورم الخبيث في جسدها ويقرر الأطباء بتر ساقيها على الفور ، وهي صابرة راضية بقضاء الله تقضي فترات وعيها في الحياة في قراءة القرآن ، وبعد مرور أيام سرح المرض مرة أخرى ووصل للمخ ، فقرر الأطباء إجراء جراحة عاجلة لها في المخ من أسبوع ويرقد جسدها الصغير الآن في غيبوبة كاملة


Junior Member
thiS Is verY TOUchiNG..
MAde mE CRy whILe heaRIng heR VOicE..
may Allah graNt her PAradiSE aftER aLL the haRDshipS THAt shE's bEEn throuGh..
May shE ServE As aN inspiraTioN To aLL muslimS.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

May Allaah gives strengths to this extraordinary little girl. Make her become one of the occupants of Jannah. Ameen.


mashAllah, very touching story. may Allah accept from her all her duaa and good deeds and all the duaa for her speedy recovery.


Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
mashallah her oice is so amazingly peaceful.may ALLAH grant her full recovery,and may her parents souls rest in peace.ameen

jazakallah khaira for sharing such post.brother.my lil sister in islam is an inspiration.

Abu Hannah

Slave of Allah
Subhan Allah. Look at this brave girl in the face of her trials. Her recitation of the Quran is so moving. May Allah (swt) bless her with Jannah, and make her a cause for her parents to enter Jannah as well. May they all dwell there in peace together Insha Allah.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

I had to sticky this.... Look at this example then look at our miserable selves who complain over the smallest of trials! May Allaah cure her and raise her rank upon rank. May He forgive the parents who have raised this rose who has grown firm amidst concerte, and reward those who've taken and paid for her care. She's in the UK receiving treatment? Anyone know where (I'm guessing St. Barts).


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaykum

MashAllah, SubhnaAllah it is so beautiful and in the same time so sad and touching story. May Allah reword our sister with Jannatul Firdows and her beloved parents for thier suffer and dedication to Allah.ameen.

The voice of our sister is amazing mashAllah,and it can reach all hearts.

Ya Allah, I really do not have words to say my feelings except to pray for our sister. Every time I feel ashamed of myselfe and many of us do, becaue many times we find ourselves wining even for litlle things. We should all be gratefull to Allah on everything that He has given us and learn and take messages from the stories like this, to be guide in our future life Inshallah.

May Allah help our sister and protect her always. ameen,ameen.



Smile for Allah
Her voice is so beautiful. I'm crying over here, her voice has touched me so much. And she's so peaceful among afflictions. Please Allah, cure this little girl, or reduce her hardship and pain and make her among the ones who enter Jannah. Ameen.

Hana Askar

Junior Member
She has an amazing voice Masha'Allah. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant her speedy recovery and grant her parents Al-Jannah for raising such a child.


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
May Allah reward her good health and cure her disease and may Allah grant such a patience to all of us and grants all of us a sure palce in Jannatul Firdausa,Ameen.


Junior Member

Very touching. I read also the comments... I don't know , but really sometimes we do not realise what we have and we always hesitate about small things (instead of this story) ... Sometimes even like this to tell is wrong, because each of us has our own destiny, but still we need to understand that all what happens have a reason.
May Allah bless her always. May Allah give peace for her parents. Amin.:tti_sister: