ever heard bout a river under the sea??


Junior Member

i heard an unbelievable information from internet.... it's about a river under the sea... it's just too unbelievable to be true, but saying bout unbelievable things reminding me *kunfayakun*... everything is possible if Allah makes it be possible...


but it just seems like HOAX info... :p but after all, the info i got seem so true... it's convincing me... :shymuslima1:

then i get you some quotes about it... InsyaAllah*amiin* :hijabi:

there's a quote saying, *These amazing pictures were taken by the professional diver Anatoly
Beloshchin in the cave Cenote Angelita, Mexico. Heres his description:
We are 30 meters deep, fresh water, then 60 meters deep salty water and
under me I see a river, island and fallen leaves Actually, the river,
which you can see, is a layer of hydrogen sulphide. It must be an
unforgettable feeling once youre there and see it with your own eyes.*

other quotes, *besides diving in fiji, diving cenotes in mexico is one of the most intense experiences you can ever have. the trippiest part is that when you dive in the caves, you will start at the top which is usually warmer saltier water (wait, i might be mixing this up) from the ocean, and as you go down you pass into colder fresh water. its a weird sensation, made absolutely trippy by the fact that where the barrier between the two is there is a crazy mixing effect that makes you feel like the cave is melting around you. its fun to stick your head right in the middle. let me see if i can find a link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YTY-GAZxJk#t=01m35s*

*very true. In this case it is also a halocline where the difference between the temperatures of water is not only temperature but salinity. In this case, one is fresh, drinkable water, and the other is sea water that has seeped into the caves due to proximity to the ocean. There isnt much weirder than changing your depth by a few feet and being 15 degrees (F) warmer.*

i don't know if this is HOAX... :p

i just want to share... it's just interesting... ;)

for more information :


"He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses." (Q.S. Ar-Rahman verses 19-20)

just want to share... :)




Junior Member
true or not the pic surely is amazing:p..........interesting!!!lets see if it's true:)

jazakallah khaira for sharing ukhti:)


well, you are welcome ukhti.. :D

i'm glad you like it... :D

it's just too amazing to be true, it's just too interesting... :hijabi:

but i won't go there to see if it's true or not, it's scaring me enough just by seeing the pictures... :shymuslima1:



Junior Member
It's not a hoax, we learned about this particular phenomenon in undergrad. I thought the pics were haunting and beautiful even then.