What would you talk about?

Happy 2BA Muslim

Assalamu alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

If you were asked to give Friday khutbah (sermon), what would you talk about? Please, no fancy ideas sisters, I mean if you were a man. What topic/topics do you think really need to be brought up to the Muslim ummah?

Jazakum Allah khairan!!!



Tamed Brother

Brother, you can have a lot of point to address which are actually used as allegations by nonMuslims against Islam.

One of the most important concept and interesting too:
PanIslamism. Any Muslim who lives in any part of world is actually citizen of one one body called 'Ummah'. And you need to address the issues about the duties of a Muslim towards PanIslamism in contrast to Patriotism as well as what are common grounds for Patriotism and PanIslamism.

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Junior Member
Assalamu alakum

I would like to address the lack of understanding wrt womens things. After all there are no taboos in islam!!!

the reason why is bcause when i got married, i got told off for not praying.......ofcourse i explained why....but i have to ask, why he didn't know about it before, he does have 2 sisters and a mom. dot need to broadcast it but it would have saved me an argument.

I just think too muc is kept hush hush way tooooooo much that there is no understanding.

Another example is he thought that u go to the hospital and come out with a baby, no struggling etc...needles to say he learned from experience. There just seems to be little understanding of how difficult some thing are for us women and it causes lots of problems, not jus with me but


Junior Member
Salam. I would talk about how cowardly Muslims are today and most of them have the mentality that Islam is in the mosque only. Many religious Muslims dont even think about speaking up against the bad things happening today AND the bad things OUR governments are doing! Why on earth is this!??! I think I would have a heart attack at the end of my sermon or I would just explode !


Tamed Brother

I would put the point of brother 'Praise2Allah' as:

You can talk about apologetic behaviour of Muslims. The feel shame to be Muslims and try hide their Islamic acts instead of being proud to be Muslims.

For example, if a Muslim wants to go for prayer and somebody asks him where are you going then he just tries hide and does not truely tell that he is going for prayer be cause he is "MUSLIM" Alahmadulillah.
