All fb users report this page

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Assalaam walaikum,

I was at a lecture many many moons ago. The gentleman who was speaking had to be escorted to the building. He had to have bodyguards walk him around the campus, where he had taught for 25 years. He was not fired but was not given a raise in 25 years. Did that stop him from telling the truth, No.

I asked him where do you get your energy for the battle. He responded with these simple words...I save my energy for the war. I pick and choose my battles very carefully.

These are arrogant and ignorant peoples. They do not have the understanding that there is a punishment for their actions. We know it. They are a witness against themselves.

These arrogant and ignorant peoples do not even understand their government has robbed them of all their civil liberties, as given, in the Constitution. They are so focused on us..the rug is being pulled under their

This is a simple battle I will not fight. I do urge others, should they wish, to comment and comment every day and have all your brothers and sisters in Islam to comment. Make so many comments that they will have to close down the page. It is that simple. If only 2000 of us make a comment daily until May 20..guess what..the system will collapse.

my love,
your aapa


Junior Member
Unfortunately, I don't think FB will remove it. I got upset about some groups last week, and not a thing was done. And those groups were praying for specific people's deaths, complete with threats of violence and language I've never used and would never use. But I could be wrong about FB removing stuff like this.


Junior Member
unfortunately i clicked through. mods please remove this thread.
how stupid are we??? why are we promoting them?


Junior Member
You can report it without joining it. If you join it to discuss with them, you're increasing their numbers.. and also giving people who want to start a fight something to do, but that's your choice. I tend to get upset when I try to discuss things with people, so I"m a bad person for that. :) You can join, post then leave also. Up to you. I know they're just doing it to get a reaction though... Internet lets people do things they'd never do normally.

Aisha. joyo

Asalama Alykum brothers and Sisters i hope you all are best state of emaan and shifa too.

I wonder if any of you have Fb? Do any of you think about this? Does Fb post this or Fb users. The only thing you can do is to reported. If you have Fb. That is what you can do. Inshallah when i longed in mined i will repored the post and the user who posted that. I can't longed in from my school so when i get home i will do it inshallah.

wasalama all of you!


~Salam to all!


★اللهم صلي وسلم على نبينا محمد ★

Thank you for the information brother,May Allah swt reward you for this.

Eversince this issue was brought up about those Christians in Denmark and now this @facebook making cartoon and drawing about our prophet Muhammad :saw: .

:SMILY47:The very important that Christians have to realise and acknowledge that one and only true enemy that they have to face is the jews because :SMILY45:The jews killed Jesus and The holy prophet has nothing to do with that tragedy and why yyy r they always picking up on our prophet ~Muhammad :saw: . the prophet of Allah swt.

How can The Christians compromise with The Jews on killing Jesus Christ???
R they too afraid of The Jews for revenge?Or their mental got tangle up and retard for that simple conclusion???

This is really unfair and unjustice!:SMILY47:

Selawat Nabi S.A.W. - Sheikh Misyari

:tti_sister:May Allah swt forgive and bless upon all muslim~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!
~Wassalam :)


Assalaam walaikum,

Sister...we need to be careful. There are many many good Jewish people. We have to be careful that we do not spread hate. Islam is about the Truth.
Here we have one situation wherein a small group of people are being stupid. It is that simple. Let us be mature and either comment or report.
The hate law can be applied here. This is an example of hate. Thus, if FB operates within the US..we can as individuals hold FB responsible for allowing hate to be promoted.

But, we have to be above any hate. We have to be correct. We can not afford to engage in simplistic thinking. We are Muslims. We worship what we worship. Ye worship that ye worship. We walk on the path of Truth.

They will always pick on our Prophet. He is the Mercy and Light of Allah subhana talla. No matter what they do there are over one billion people alive today who are Muslims. And Insha'Allah there will be two billion.

I pray that I have not offened you in any manner.

my love,



Salam alaikum warahmatullahiw abarakatuhu

may Allah just guide them to the right path.....just what I can pray for that...
By the sustainer of the world,whatever they do,the y do it by the spirit of Satan,but By the Lord of the whole universe....they can do their this type of activity, nothings gonna be deducted from the majesty of Allah SWT....and by this type of activities...Inshaa' true muslim will deviate their path...or they will be misleaded....but their faith in Allah and His Rasool SAWS will be more strong .....ameen

May Allah guide them along with us...

Barakallahu feeke
Jazakallahu Khairan wasslam


Junior Member
As salam alykom

Well I have report it, but as for the persons who has so big website as Facebook, it might take years to control each group what they are making... InshALLAH there in future be more mods who look after these kind of things.

My husband told that Facebook games have made from Jews... He said he will stop playing them just because they made them. Is it correct way? actually im playing there game called 'FarmVille' i dont think it is bad game, but neither im in so big knowledge to say something more. Might be some advice please?

Sorry, i just didnt want to make a new tread so am asking here :) hope you do not mind :SMILY259:


Junior Member
Well I have report it, but as for the persons who has so big website as Facebook, it might take years to control each group what they are making... InshALLAH there in future be more mods who look after these kind of things.

My husband told that Facebook games have made from Jews... He said he will stop playing them just because they made them. Is it correct way? actually im playing there game called 'FarmVille' i dont think it is bad game, but neither im in so big knowledge to say something more. Might be some advice please?

Sorry, i just didnt want to make a new tread so am asking here :) hope you do not mind :SMILY259:

sister even google is made by jews. trading with kaafirs is generally allowed. However, if a particular group of kaafirs is doing something specifically to harm islam and muslims then we should boycott them.

btw farmvile is a good game but i get bored quickly.


Junior Member
btw farmvile is a good game but i get bored quickly.

Same here. Although I like the "pieces of flair" because you get to send cute little buttons to friends. Feels like giving a gift :) They have some cute Islam buttons (and unfortunately, there are always bad ones mixed in, I ignore them, or if they're really bad, report them). I haven't been on FB as much lately... Too many other things going on :)

Abu Talib

Feeling low
When they see that tons of reports have been registered I am sure they would ban it or remove it according to there terms they do care about ethics and values about users.

So don't think we are promoting it. Its just a matter of click no violence nothing is required so don't worry
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