Why should I Turn to Islam?

that's interesting. I have a new respect for Islam (whether I join or not). I have some conflicting beliefs. I was born Christian and have become quite bitter the last few years. I witness evil people living life with no worries while nice persons suffer through their implied good deeds. The Moral compass has become ineffective and without consequence. I have not, however, stopped believing in a higher power, just stopped believing that good deeds lift you up and bad deeds bring you down. I believe in God, I believe we were created by him and he loves us unconditionally and i love him back, but I do strike out at him from time to time for reasons I can't explain. I feel lost, not from religion but life in general.

May God guide you on the right path and broaden your knowledge.

There has been a few threads on here regarding suffering and why good and bad things happen to people, just have to look for it.

For a Muslim this life is a test. The stronger your faith is, the more tests and trials Allah (God) will put on you so that you can return to him and know that it happened for a reason. Allah is the All-Knower, All-Seer.

So in reality, we should be looking/expecting tests in our life; it makes us stronger people. If you read Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh) life look at all his trials and tribulations, losing all his loved ones around him(i.e family, wife). Those trials are almost impossible for a person to bear. Some people have harder tests than others, depending on their level of faith so that they return to their Creator. Hopefully, this is your test and may you be strong and open minded.

walaakum salaam (peace be upon you)


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Innvertigo, if you dont mind me ask you a question...!?

What the purpose of our life ? ...what is the purpose of your life on the earth. why are you here in this universe?



I don't believe anyone on Earth knows the answer to those questions. If I could answer those questions my problems would be solved. The most we can do is guess.


Staff member
that's interesting. I have a new respect for Islam (whether I join or not).


Thank you for your respect which is mirrored upon you likewise. I would like to make sure that you knew that Islam is not a cult. It is not something you can join and give up. Islam is a way of life. It’s a belief that encompasses everything we as humans do. I know that you stated that you do not want to be a slave. In my view, we are all slaves. Whether we are slaves to fame, fortune, the media, drugs, rulers, food etc., we are still slaves. What is freedom? There is NO freedom without rules. Interestingly, even our concept of Freedom is based on rules. ‘To be free ones situation must conform to such and such’ Our vision of Freedom is based on what has been drilled into ourselves from the very start. However, just imagine a society in which there were no rules; it would be complete chaos. A person may class this society as Free, but is it really? Are our societies free? There are always laws to abide, rules to go by, to maintain order and security.

In the same way, Islam defines our roles as humans, it defines the reason for our creation and it tells us our final destination and how to get there. Does this sound restrictive? I don’t feel it is so. We are being given a guideline, a road map to a destination. We are given purpose, a goal to strive for, control over our lives to an extent that no Bill of Rights could obtain.

You don’t lose individualism when you become Muslim.

Individualism as classed by the dictionary:

1. pursuit of personal goals: the pursuit of personal happiness and independence rather than collective goals or interests

When striving to achieve Paradise we are pursuing our personal goals to the maximum. Paradise may be a collective aim, but it is an individual achievement. And only Allah knows who will be granted Paradise and who will not.

2. personal trait: a personal peculiarity or trait

You don’t lose your personality when you are a Muslim. Look at these forums. I am sure you will notice that every User is different. Every person has different opinions, views, feelings, making us who we are. But, we are United by Islam. We are united by a brotherhood and sisterhood that surpasses any bloodlines because we are connected by faith.

Islam gives freedom, within limits. Whatever is not prohibited is allowed. We’ve been told what is best, and depending on how much we love our Lord and our Prophet :saw: and our Hereafter is how much we will strive to do what we have been told is best.

And as for suffering, it is a test from Allah. We do not live in a cartoon world where the ‘good guys’ always defeat the ‘bad guys’ and everyone lives happily ever after. This line of differentiation is shallow, for who besides the Almighty Allah has the right to decide who is bad? Any person can change. For all people, suffering, hardship, loss, pain, is given as a test. Islam teaches the reward of patience. In many places in the Quran it is mentioned that in these tests, the patient, those who preserve, shall come out victorious in the end.

If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good), We give to men by turns, that Allah may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allah likes not the wrong-doers. (3:140)

You shall certainly be tried and tested in your wealth and properties and in your personal selves, and you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you (Jews and Christians) and from those who ascribe partners to Allah, but if you persevere patiently, and become pious then verily, that will be a determining factor in all affairs, and that is from the great matters, [which you must hold on with all your efforts]. (3:186)

Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Saabirin (the patient ones, etc.)? (3:142)

And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.). (2:155)

For every hardship a person receives there are two reliefs, whether it is here in this world or in the Hereafter. So we are patient in hopes of the reward and await that relief that we are garunteed.

So verily, with the hardship, there is relief,
Verily, with the hardship, there is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs). (94:5-6)

Why strive? Why be patient? Because we aim to achieve the pleasure of Allah and an eternal Hereafter in Paradise:

Allah has promised to the believers - men and women, - Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein forever, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of 'Adn (Eden Paradise). But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme success. (9:72)

And the Purpose of Life…

Simple: To Worship Allah :)

I have not created Men and Jinn except that they may worship Me (51:56)

I thank you for reading, and forgive me if I have caused any offence or have said anything wrong. I have placed things only as I see them.

:SMILY206: Welcome to TurntoIslam, and most important... May you be guided to the Straight Path. :SMILY259:

Oh... and I also think you should read The Holy Quran- English There's a menu you can use to scroll through all the Surah's in the Holy Quran and find their meanings.

Bye :)
Innvertigo: Like I've said "The Creator does not leave his Creation unanswered"

Please read about the story of the angels and the Jinn to answer this fundamental question about life.

In Islam, angels don't have free will, they are obedient to God. Iblis (satan) was a Jinn, they are invisible creatures to us but we are not invisible to them. Jinns have free will (they can get married, have children, live and die) just like us human beings.

Most Jinns are wicked but a few are good, Iblis was one of the worthy Jinns that was brought up to the heaven with the angels, and when God said prostate and bow down to Adam (peace be upon him), all except Iblis refused. He said I am better than humans, 'I am made of fire, they are made of Clay.' Iblis asked Allah (God) to grant him life until the end of time and he would make all humans go astray and not believe in the true Creator (Allah). Further more:

The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb 'Janna' which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence. However, (as will be seen) the affect which the world of the Jinn has upon our world, is enough to refute this modern denial of one of Allah's creation. The origins of the Jinn can be traced from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Allah says:

"Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire"
[Surah Al-Hijr 15:26-27]

Thus the Jinn were created before man. As for their physical origin, then the Prophet has confirmed the above verse when he said: "The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire". It is this description of the Jinn which tells us so much about them. Because they were created from fire, their nature has generally been fiery and thus their relationship with man has been built upon this. Like humans, they too are required to worship Allah and follow Islam. Their purpose in life is exactly the same as ours, as Allah says:

"I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me"
[Surah Ad-Dhariyat, 51:56]

Jinns can thus be Muslims or non-Muslims. However, due to their fiery nature the majority of them are non-Muslims. All these non-Muslim Jinns form a part of the army of the most famous Jinn, Iblis- the Shaitan. Consequently, these disbelieving Jinns are also called Shaitans (devils). As for the Jinns who become Muslims, then the first of them did so in the time of the Prophet when a group of them were amazed by the recitation of the Qur'an. Allah orders the Prophet to tell the people of this event:

"Say (O' Muhammad): It has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened and said; 'Indeed we have heard a marvelous Qur'an. It guides unto righteousness so we have believed in it, and we will never make partners with our lord'"
[Surah Al-Jinn, 72:1-2]

In many aspects of their world, the Jinn are very similar to us. They eat and drink, they marry, have children and they die. The life span however, is far greater then ours. Like us, they will also be subject to a Final Reckoning by Allah the Most High. They will be present with mankind on the Day of Judgment and will either go to Paradise or Hell.

hat which clearly distinguishes the Jinn from mankind, are their powers and abilities. Allah has given them these powers as a test for them. If they oppress others with them, then they will be held accountable. By knowing of their powers, we can often make sense of much of the mysteries which go on around us. One of the powers of the Jinn, is that they are able to take on any physical form they like. Thus, they can appear as humans, animals trees and anything else. Over the last few years the interest in the subject of aliens and UFO's has become heightened. Programs such as the X-files and the Outer limits have increased the popularity of the theory that aliens exist. Thousands of people have sighted strange looking creatures all over the world. These sightings however, have still not proven substantially that aliens exist. Rather - and it seems more plausible all the sightings of such creatures were just Jinns parading in different forms. So the next time you see something that looks like E.T, its most probably just a wicked Jinn trying to scare and confuse you!

If a person does become possessed, then the name of Allah has to be used in expelling the Jinn. If we look at the practice of the Prophet and his companions, we find many duas (supplications) to exorcise the Jinn. All these duas invoke Allah to help the possessed person. How contrary this is to many modern-day exorcists. Many exorcists, Muslim and non-Muslim, often invoke the names of others besides Allah to exorcise the Jinn. When the Jinn does leave, these people believe that their way was successful. However, this is a ploy of the Jinn, as it knows that if it obeys the exorcist, then it has succeeded in making him worship others besides Allah i.e. commit shirk. The Jinn often returns when the exorcist leaves, as it knows that nothing except the words of Allah can stop it from oppressing others.

It is not only humans which are possessed, but also animals, trees and other objects. By doing this, the evil Jinn hope to make people worship others besides Allah. The possession of idols is one way to do this. Not so long ago the world-wide phenomenon of Hindu idols drinking milk, shocked the world. From Bombay to London, Delhi to California, countless idols were lapping up milk. Ganesh the elephant god, Hanuman the monkey god and even Shiva lingam, the male private organ(!), all seemed to guzzle down the milk as if there was no tomorrow! Unfortunately people were taken in by this (including Muslims) and many flocked to feed (?) the Hindu gods. Anyone who knows about Jinn possession, will undoubtedly know that this is a classic attempt to make people commit shirk. And it worked, as many people started to worship these lifeless pieces of wood and marble. Anyone with half a brain would say to themselves, 'why on earth does a god need to be fed?!! Surely if Ganesh, Hanuman or Shiva were divine then they wouldn't need feeding?' However, such common sense seemed to be lacking as the Jinns played havoc with these gullible people.

Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians. Because the Jinn can traverse huge distances over a matter of seconds, their value to magicians is great. In return for helping them in their magic, the Jinns often ask for the magicians to sell their souls to them and even to Iblis. Thus the magicians take the Jinn and Iblis as lords besides Allah. In our day, some of the feats performed by magicians and entertainers are without doubt from the assistance of the Jinn. Making the Statue of Liberty disappear, flying across the Grand Canyon and retrieving a ship from the Bermuda Triangle, have all been done by the Jewish magician David Copperfield. There is NO way that a man could do such things without the assistance of the Jinn. It would not be surprising therefore, if David Copperfield had sold his soul to Iblis himself. Because of their involvement with the Jinn, and its result in shirk, the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said: "The prescribed punishment for the magician is that he be executed by the sword". Some may argue that this is barbaric, but if, the likes of David Copperfield truly had powers, then they could just put their heads back on again!!

One of the most frequent activities associated with the Jinn, is fortune telling. Before the advent of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) fortune-tellers and soothsayers were wide spread. These people would use their associates from the Jinn to find out about the future. The Jinns would go to the lowest heaven and listen to the Angels conversing amongst themselves about events of the Future which they heard from Allah. The Jinns would then inform the fortune-tellers. This is why before the time of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) many fortune-tellers were very accurate in their predictions. However, upon the Prophet's arrival the heavens were guarded intensely by the Angels, and any Jinn who tried to listen was attacked by meteors (shooting stars):

"And We have guarded it (the heavens) from every accursed devil, except one who is able to snatch a hearing and he is pursued by a brightly burning flame"
[Surah Al-Hijr, 15:18]

ne of the biggest manipulations of the Jinn is through visions. Through these visions the Jinns are more likely to lead people away from the worship of Allah then any other way. When a person sees a vision in front of his eyes it is something which is very hard to explain away. Only by having knowledge of the world of the Jinn and conviction in Allah, can a person fight such a trial. The countless numbers of visions of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary over the centuries has been a popular choice for the devils. It almost seems as if leading Christians astray is the most easiest trick for the Jinns! Not only are Christians fooled by these visions, but often the Jinns possess and begin to talk from their voices. To the Christians this is known as the tongues of the Angels and thus a proof for their faith. However, the amount of unintelligible nonsense and rubbish which is heard is a clear proof that this is in fact the tongues of the devils! For other people, visions of their parents or relatives are commonplace. By taking on the form of peoples parents, the Jinns can convince people that the souls of dead people still mix with the people of the earth. This is why so many people believe in ghosts.

The onslaught of satanic visions has also hit the Muslims. Many Muslims claim to have seen visions of the Prophet Muhammed (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) and even Allah! By doing this, Shaitan is able to lead astray the weak Muslims. Through such visions, Muslims are often told that the commands of Islam are not applicable to them. The Jinns tell them that Prayer, Fasting, Hajj etc. are not obligatory for them. It is a great deception and unfortunately one which has been very effective. The extent of satanic visions still continues to this day. The recent death of Diana Princess of Wales sparked off great love and adoration for this woman. In fact the grief of the British people was such, that it was as if Diana was something divine. No sooner had the mourning of Diana reached its peak, that visions of her were already being seen at Hampton Court Palace! If these visions did occur, the desire of Iblis and his army of Jinn to capitalise on this event, was evident. Such visions are clear attempts by Iblis to lead mankind away from the path of Allah.

The world of the Jinn is one which is both sinister and intriguing. By knowing of this world we can explain many of the mysteries and issues which bother us. By doing this we can avoid the extremes which the people have gone to; nothing being more extreme then worshipping others besides Allah. By learning the Tawheed of Allah, we defend ourselves from these hidden allies of Iblis:

"Indeed he (Iblis) and his tribe watch you from a position where you cannot see them"
[Surah Al-A'raf, 7:27]

Maybe there is a Jinn sitting in the corner of your room right now, or even one behind you. If so, then how will you deal with this creation of Allah? Learn Islam properly and you will be able to deal with all of Allah's creation - and not just the Jinn. By becoming true Muslims and followers of Islam, the fear of Iblis, Jinns and anything else will leave us - nothing will touch the Believer unless Allah wills.

Hopefully I did not overwhelm you, but if you understand the story of the angels and the jinn it would answer your questions about the purpose of life (to worship Allah) and more.

walaakum salaam (peace be upon you)
it seems like a whole lot of work. So many rules and regulations. I respect that you believe in something but it seems you have to give up your individualism for a belief. I don't believe that it matters how many times a day you pray nor what direction you face but rather when you do pray you mean what you pray for. (quality, not quantity). I do respect people that follow their believes to a "T" but that lifestyle would never be able to fit into what i do on a daily basis, i'm a busy person and perhaps this is for those that have more time.

i don't know how praying, each time, for 5 or 10 min can be a work. Perhaps it's a work for people who have a weak soul

Allah says in Sura N°2 The Cow (al-Baqqara) Aya 45
"Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who are humble"

Howerver, Spending, times and times Playing video games, watching Tv, exercising bodybuilding :SMILY346: or playing rugby or any other activity, is easy, No!!!

i am not giving those examples to state that we don't need to practice it.
No, I am just asking how prayer each time for 5 or 10 min can be a work or a burden :astag: whereas time is spending sometimes in stupid things.
But i know the views are not the same...


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
I don't believe anyone on Earth knows the answer to those questions. If I could answer those questions my problems would be solved. The most we can do is guess.

The answer is availabe, all you have to do friend is to just read the Quran, the answer to your question is given by Allah (God)

(وما خلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون) الذاريات/56.)
(And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me) Quran 051.056

Everything in the creature have a purpose in this creature, if we look around we will find there is nothing in this universe is without a goal even the tiny micro, so do you think is it possible that alll the creation frin ocean, mountains , planets, galaxies and systems has created from Vain for nothing?

the first thing comes to the mind of a person when he look and consider skies earth, and the universe that there must be a goal for creation, there must be a goal for existence...!? whats the goal for creating you?...

Read the Quran just read it as you read other books..and if you want we can send you one for free.

take care for now



New Member
assalammualaikum...i think it's agood question...the answer is ...in islam everything is perfect....from the litlle thing to the global ..ALLAH has gave a guidance to lead all human to the right way...there is no doubt!!!..more you search in islam ....and getting more you want to know about ALLAH...


New Member
assalammualaikum....yap!!that's exactly.....it's just only the people really beleive in ALLAH it can make everything easier ....when you pray with true heart...you can feel it..how calm and happy your life ..then you don,t need go to "disco"..or "drink"..to solve your life problem ....it's automaticcally ALLAH will lead you to the right way...because ALLAH will aways love you and remember you if you will not forget ALLAH and remmember ALLAH always!!!


From an ordinary Light bulb to Laser!

Hi Innvertigo,

I can see that my family members have given some great answers to your questions.

Let me first and foremost tell you that we are not commanded by Allah to convert anyone to anything and you are not under any compulsion. We are however encouraged to positively spread the message of Islam and I thank you on behalf of everyone here for interacting and having a dialogue with us; it’s been a real pleasure.

I accept the fact that I am a slave. I am a slave to Allah & I pray and work hard everyday to ensure that my bonds of slavery get stronger by the day, by the minute and by the second.

As I have previously stated that I wasn’t always practising Islam & when I wasn’t it was still a slave. I was a slave to my desires, my looks, wealth, time, my job, good-looking women, fast cars, maintaining a grand life style; you have to forgive me because a lot of those memories are a little hazy (if you get the hint).

Now I am a slave to one master i.e. Allah; I have shunned my multiple masters.

So how has that affected my life personally?

You know an ordinary light bulb spreads its energy in different directions, it gives out light, but it’s weakened because its spread its wings everywhere. However the same energy when focused results in a Laser.

The difference between my past life (serving multiple masters) to now (serving one Master) is that personally I am more focused and better prepared to face the rigours of daily life.

Now you say that you want to be a free man; I said the same something & that is precisely why I turned to Islam (to shun multiple masters). If you consider your life I am sure you will realise the presence of many masters.

Hope we can continue the dialogue in good faith.


I don't believe anyone on Earth knows the answer to those questions. If I could answer those questions my problems would be solved. The most we can do is guess.


Junior Member
You know an ordinary light bulb spreads its energy in different directions, it gives out light, but it’s weakened because its spread its wings everywhere. However the same energy when focused results in a Laser.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh,

MasyaAllah! Beautifully said, Globalpeace!




It is definitely better to be the slave of Allah than be the slave of material benefits or being busy with world life.

One gives you satisfaction the other makes you greedy, desperate , frutrated and stress and many more


Tamed Brother
that's interesting. I have a new respect for Islam (whether I join or not). I have some conflicting beliefs. I was born Christian and have become quite bitter the last few years. I witness evil people living life with no worries while nice persons suffer through their implied good deeds. The Moral compass has become ineffective and without consequence. I have not, however, stopped believing in a higher power, just stopped believing that good deeds lift you up and bad deeds bring you down. I believe in God, I believe we were created by him and he loves us unconditionally and i love him back, but I do strike out at him from time to time for reasons I can't explain. I feel lost, not from religion but life in general.


Its all about the satisfaction of heart. If you have all the luxuries of the world but you dont have the satisfaction of your heart then everything is meaningless.

So if a person has faith in the One God and he 'wishes' to follow God's guidance then it is very much easier for him to do what God has told to do.

You can understand in the example that , a person who has the will he climbs the Mount Everest and feels very happy. But a person who does not have will he will not even get up from his bed to switch off the light.

I hope you are totally honest in your thoughts and you ponder about your existence and why should you obey God. Following is the Chapter from Quran to answer your questions, read it carefully with your maximum pray to the God that you want to know the true path and you will be enlightened about why should you obey and thank God, if God has decided about you:

001.001 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.​
055.001 (Allah) Most Gracious!

055.002 It is He Who has taught the Qur'an.

055.003 He has created man:

055.004 He has taught him speech (and intelligence).

055.005 The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed;

055.006 And the herbs and the trees - both (alike) prostrate in adoration.

055.007 And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice),

055.008 In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance.

055.009 So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance.

055.010 It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures:

055.011 Therein is fruit and date-palms, producing spathes (enclosing dates);

055.012 Also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-smelling plants.

055.013 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.014 He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery,

055.015 And He created Jinns from fire free of smoke:

055.016 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.017 (He is) Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests:

055.018 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.019 He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together:

055.020 Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress:

055.021 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.022 Out of them come Pearls and Coral:

055.023 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.024 And His are the Ships sailing smoothly through the seas, lofty as mountains:

055.025 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.026 All that is on earth will perish:

055.027 But will abide (for ever) the Face of thy Lord,- full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour.

055.028 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.029 Of Him seeks (its need) every creature in the heavens and on earth: every day in (new) Splendour doth He (shine)!

055.030 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.031 Soon shall We settle your affairs, O both ye worlds!

055.032 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.033 O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass!

055.034 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.035 On you will be sent (O ye evil ones twain!) a flame of fire (to burn) and a smoke (to choke): no defence will ye have:

055.036 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.037 When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment:

055.038 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.039 On that Day no question will be asked of man or Jinn as to his sin.

055.040 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.041 (For) the sinners will be known by their marks: and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.

055.042 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.043 This is the Hell which the Sinners deny:

055.044 In its midst and in the midst of boiling hot water will they wander round!

055.045 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.046 But for such as fear the time when they will stand before (the Judgment Seat of) their Lord, there will be two Gardens-

055.047 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.048 Containing all kinds (of trees and delights);-

055.049 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.050 In them (each) will be two Springs flowing (free);

055.051 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.052 In them will be Fruits of every kind, two and two.

055.053 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.054 They will recline on Carpets, whose inner linings will be of rich brocade: the Fruit of the Gardens will be near (and easy of reach).

055.055 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.056 In them will be (Maidens), chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched;-

055.057 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.058 Like unto Rubies and coral.

055.059 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.060 Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good?

055.061 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.062 And besides these two, there are two other Gardens,-

055.063 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.064 Dark-green in colour (from plentiful watering).

055.065 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.066 In them (each) will be two Springs pouring forth water in continuous abundance:

055.067 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.068 In them will be Fruits, and dates and pomegranates:

055.069 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.070 In them will be fair (Companions), good, beautiful;-

055.071 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.072 Companions restrained (as to their glances), in (goodly) pavilions;-

055.073 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.074 Whom no man or Jinn before them has touched;-

055.075 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

055.076 Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty.

055.077 Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

055.078 Blessed be the name of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour.

Al-Qur'an, 055.001-078 (Ar-Rahman [The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving])

May Allah Belss your heart with Islam.



assalammualaikum...i think it's agood question...the answer is ...in islam everything is perfect....from the litlle thing to the global ..ALLAH has gave a guidance to lead all human to the right way...there is no doubt!!!..more you search in islam ....and getting more you want to know about ALLAH...

No offense but nothing except God is perfect. No religion is perfect, ie: radicals in Christianity, islam, jewish, hindu..etc..



It is definitely better to be the slave of Allah than be the slave of material benefits or being busy with world life.

One gives you satisfaction the other makes you greedy, desperate , frutrated and stress and many more

Slave is a relative term, slave to me means no freedom, I want to believe because I want to. I still like my work, my friends, my music. It's what makes me, me. Everyone from time to time becomes unhappy with life. I'm pursuing a path of exploration. I want to see the liknesses and differences between religions. Believe me, to date this is the deepest i've ever explored Islam. If you knew me you'd know that this is a huge step for me.


Hi Innvertigo,

Your search is welcome & it has been a pleasure discussing with you. Please read my earlier message & you will realise that you are not under any compulsion and we are under NO obligation to convert you.

Our job is to deliver the message and seek guidence.

We are all here to help you in your quest

Slave is a relative term, slave to me means no freedom, I want to believe because I want to. I still like my work, my friends, my music. It's what makes me, me. Everyone from time to time becomes unhappy with life. I'm pursuing a path of exploration. I want to see the liknesses and differences between religions. Believe me, to date this is the deepest i've ever explored Islam. If you knew me you'd know that this is a huge step for me.


I hope you are totally honest in your thoughts and you ponder about your existence and why should you obey God.

I am totaly honest, I pray everyday that god gives me just a hint to why I exist. As cheezy as that sounds I'd pray to be more accepting and knowledgeable about why i'm here. I have had a lot of hate in my life and have done some things i'm not proud of. Now all I want is knowledge.


You & me; Both

You and me; both
You and me; both

I am totaly honest, I pray everyday that god gives me just a hint to why I exist. As cheezy as that sounds I'd pray to be more accepting and knowledgeable about why i'm here. I have had a lot of hate in my life and have done some things i'm not proud of. Now all I want is knowledge.
Slave is a relative term, slave to me means no freedom, I want to believe because I want to. I still like my work, my friends, my music. It's what makes me, me. Everyone from time to time becomes unhappy with life. I'm pursuing a path of exploration. I want to see the liknesses and differences between religions. Believe me, to date this is the deepest i've ever explored Islam. If you knew me you'd know that this is a huge step for me.

Busy is also a relative term.

I think you are taking the literal word of slave and referring to maybe being chained up and taken everything away from you. That is NOT what slave means in Islam. Islam gives you freedom, you just need to read your rights, just like if you are living in the US or any other country, you abide with their laws.

Freedom is also a relative term. Is running around butt naked freedom? Human beings have free will but you have to live life with limitations and shame, and God has set all the rules for all of us. Free will is the best gift from God to us. You have a choice to wake up in the morning with a purpose and hope or you can rest assured and never wake up. If the Creator created you with a purpose and that is to worship him, you become a slave to your Creator. I hope you agree that human beings are a creation.

Of course God is perfect, but if the Creator left his creation with something so perfect and how He wants you to obey him, then isn't God's religion or way perfect, because it is what God has set forth? I really encourage you to read the Holy Quran with an open heart just like you would with any other religions you are studying.

How do you worship your Creator: By prayer, pleasing him with good actions and deeds, giving charity, treating your family, neighbors well, being obedient, humble, attaining knowledge, getting your education, helping the poor,etc. I wish you the best for your search of Truth.

walaakum salaam (peace upon you)