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Sister in Islam
Salaam, saralou

I liked the article a lot - thanks for sharing it.
The funny thing is, though, a lot of my Syrian Muslim friends are really "white", too.
I guess maybe "foreign" is what these people are hinting at.
Masha'Allah that you're a flag bearer for Islam in the US - may Allah protect you and increase your iman, insha'Allah.



Assalaam walaikum,

Welcome to America. Now, imagine being a woman of color in the States.
I am dismayed that the adjective had to be thrown in there. Does it really matter.
The bottom line is you decided to join us. We have faced this our entire life. You ain't telling me something I did not already know.
Think of what it is like for a Black female Muslim.
There are more important issues facing us.


Assalaam walaikum,

My tone is not hard. It is a choice one makes. I do have great difficulty with the word white. The writer would have reached a larger audience by not using the color. She selected the word white. I am simply reacting to her limitations she has set.

I am writing as a Muslim. Why bring color into Islam. The choice of reverting to Islam has nothing to do with color. We have to be careful that we do not fall into the trap of color.

By making the statement life as a white Muslim you have divorced youself from Black, Hispanic, Pakistani, Afghani, Egyptian, Malay etc. Muslims.

I am seeing a pattern of writing from females that is very disturbing. The writer is comparing a state of being. She was unaware before her reversion. Now she has more insight.

Yet, she needs to grow more into Islam. There is no color in faith. The writer is still holding onto her color; this may include the prejudicies that come with her need to retain her identity as white female.

When a person writes they need to understand they will have feedback.


Sister in Islam
Salaam saralou,

I agree with you - she just didn't fit the stereotype of what a Muslim is perceived to be in the US, whether white or not. Hopefully, you're not facing too many problems because of wearing the hijab there - I applaud you actually. I'm facing a similar situation in the near future, and I have to say, I sometimes feel like taking the easy way out - but posts like this make me realise how wearing a hijab among people who make life hard for us is a form of jihad for Muslim women. Very honourable, and hopefully, much rewarded, insha'Allah.



Assalaam walaikum,

Sister..the fact she used the word white makes her article exclusive. It is as if a member of a country club came out to the street fair. I fully understand her plight..however from a global prespective it is still the country club world.

I have great difficulty with anyone who is stuck on race. She is the one stuck on race. She has decided that being a WHITE Muslim is hard. I have to stop from laughing. She has just reduced race relations in the US back to pre Civil Rights.

White female in the US has always been a safe place. She is the second on the pecking order. She will be hired before anyone except Jewish Male.

And that is reality in the US. She can take her hijab off and everything is as normal as blueberry pie. I can take my hijab off and nothing changes.


Junior Member
I kind of agree with aapa - being a white Muslim is a LOT easier than being any other kind of race in the US. I really hate it when white Muslims try to make it seem like they know what its like to be a minority, living in the US, but the reality is they still totally have it easy.

On the other hand, I didn't see the article as being so much of a "boo hoo, pity me, I'm [kind of sort of] a minority now", but more like an article aimed at non-Muslims to make them realize that Muslim doesn't always mean foreigner. But, I only skimmed it.

One of the problems with articles like this and others posted on here is that while they might honestly be the experience of the author, some readers take that one specific experience and assume it is also that way for everyone else.


Junior Member
I think if she used any other race besides white, this conversation would not be taking place in my humble opinion, and Allah knows best.


Sister in Islam

Do I feel a bit of deja vu coming on?
This sister posted the article and she relates to it because she's had the same experience. Nothing was said about this being the standard prescribed general experience of *white* Muslims in the US.
Let's be easier on each other - this forum is a haven for a lot of people.



Assalaam walaikum,

I know if the word white was not included this conversation would have been over.
I am waiting to see life as a fat Muslim..this is not Dr. Phil.

This forum is about the truth and growth. I was not being hard. In the interest of good reading it is important to give constructive criticism.


Guilt is the work of shaithan!

Asalamu Alaikum, I found this article and my experiences have been almost the same. Just thought I would share :).



Thank you for sharing this article sister
~May Allah swt reward you~Amin!

Don't let skin's colour stand in your way getting close to Allah swt!
Guilt is the work of shaithan!
Pleasing Allah swt is most wise thing to do:ma:
~May Allah swt help and guide us all~Amin!

:ma:eek:ur sisters is a very good example:

Female Professor of Neuroscience converts to Islam

~May Allah swt shower blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)



Sister why did you not post a video of a woman of color who reverted to Islam?
Let us have a balance here.


Sister in Islam

From the last sermon of Prophet Mohammed saas:

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone".



Junior Member
I use to love TTI and Alhamdulillah two sisters were very helpful in teaching me about the deen. I have never been much of a poster, but lately I really hate to post anything on here. We are all so quick to criticize others here and it really just makes me never want to come here. This makes me sad because I really do have a lot to learn about Islam and TTI has a special place in my heart.
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