"NO" to dogs????????

asalaf salih

Junior Member
Avoid sins

Sally A. the dog mentioned in sorat al kahf is before the comes of our prophet. Like drinking alcohol.. The second thing if somebody really want to defend a matter try to come with the dalil. a passage from al Koran or a sahih hadith. We are not allowed as Muslims to use our opinion in a fiqh matter why? cos the only peopole whom have enough knowledge and authority to do that are the scholars.
Znas 10 s given you more than enough evidence to avoid touching DoGS. We all love dogs. But we are not the one who makes the decisions
The almighty Allah has done that. You just have to obey or commit a sin. The choice is yours.
salam alaikum

It is prohibited to keep them in home, you can easily put them in your yard/garden.
no problem in touching, you can touch them.

but the saliva of dog is najis, so if you find the dog wet(it cleans its body with its tounge), your wudhu will be gone, otherwise there is no problem.

that what I know

Allah knows the best
wassalamu alaikum


so brother where allowed to touch dogs if there not wet? but if a dog cleans his body with his saliva which is najis does'nt the whole body become najis too? because no matter what it'l still have saliva everywear on its fur (just dried up), im abit confused so please touch on that point!

Jazakallah :wasalam:

asalaf salih

Junior Member
let the dog out

Just no where sis we are not allowed to touch them. A donkey is not najis even his skin gets wet. Why? we call them Attawafin like cats en camels. Animals around us.
But soubhanah Allah the dog is najis. We also do not ask why the pork is haram eating it. We call it al inqyyad ''follow. Sometimes we don' t have to use our minds solving a matter witch is already solved.
Al hallal is clear and al haram is clear. And in between some things witch seams to be hallal or maybe haram. Avoid them!
Allah al mousta3aan


Junior Member
Asalam alaykom

Animals are a creation of god they are very bueitifull and i enjoy being around
In times i need peace i watch animal programs and take my dog for a walk
they are unalike humans but should be treated fairly.
we have limites from god as to touching them or having them in are homes but they are not disgusting it is thier nature to do what they do as long as u dont copy them lol urll be fine ;)


Junior Member
Personally I don't think that any of the animals are haram because why do you think god created them if they are truly haram...yes for a test but for example the animals with nails such as rats are haram to eat but not to handle...the pig haram to eat but not haram to touch(but better not (ful of desies and nasty)

but almost everyone have an answer because there is no sure source that proofs this...even in the souret al'khaf there is a dog with some peopole so why would there be one if its haram...

Yes i think this is truee..

I know its not good to hear what people say, but i heard dogs aren't good because the bark of the dogs scare the angels away..or something happened with our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding the bark :/