Syria unrest: 'Tanks roll into Deraa'

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Reports from Syria say hundreds of troops, supported by tanks and other armoured vehicles, have moved into the southern town of Deraa, where anti-government protests first erupted last month.

One activist said security personnel were firing in all directions and electricity had been cut off.

Syria's human rights organisation says that at least nine civilians are now reported to have been killed in the coastal town of Jabla.

The BBC's Owen Bennett Jones said there had been rolling protests in Deraa for weeks.

This footage has not been independently verified by the BBC but appears to show an agricultural area around Deraa.

Abu Talib

Feeling low
Al Jazeera: Reuters: 200 members from the ruling Ba'ath party resign in protest of suppression of demonstrators

Al Arabiya: Reuters: 400 civilians killed since the beginning of the protests in Syria


Junior Member

The people of Syria need your duaa very much.

Just to let you know in 1983 there was a political movement in hama, different than today. They wanted to take power with fighting. In return the Allawi sect Asad family killed the whole town, 30,000 people with no trace of them.

They are still ruthless today as they are killing peaceful protesters and letting them lie on the street, anybody goes to help them they get killed too. Also they don't allow emergency services to assist.

Yemen is fine as an tentative agreement has been reached for Ali Abdullah to step down, now 20 days left and in return there will be no charges filed against him or his family. The majority of protesters are disappointed though, they want him brought to justice. Most of Yemen is shut down. Businesses are not opening and the people are increasing protests.

[EDIT] Correction on Yemen, it turns out that the opposition have not yet signed the agreement in Yemen, because there is an increase in killings by the current government. They want justice to be served because Ali Abdullah killed a lot of people. Till this point 4/28 the agreement is not signed by both parties and it looks like there gonna overthrow him forcefully. source

Most muslim countries of the world are plagued with corruption and collusion. May Allah restore the peace.



Junior Member
What is the allawi sect?Is it shia?And why does syria supports hizbollah?


I personally have never looked into allawi sect, so I have no real knowledge other than what I heard from al-jazeera news. Al-jazeera stated in one of its episodes that went into depth about syria, that allawi sect is a part of shia and that support from other shia comes to the government with respect to arms, information, and political clout.

according to some, zionist also assisted asad family into power too.

IDK about specifics to who from the shia support them.


Staff member
What is the allawi sect?Is it shia?And why does syria supports hizbollah?

Alawi sect is extremist sect, they are not Muslims. Even the Shia do not consider them Muslims. They basically worship Ali Radhiyallahu anhu. They openly drink alcohol and have many different beliefs as other Muslims.

Syria supports Hizbullah, because Iran is an ally. Syria is against the US and its allies, so it strategically aligns itself with other countries or groups which are also anti-american.

Syria has a security apparatus which is responsible for kidnap, torture and murder of thousands of people - Iran, Hizbullah, and their allies are not good at all and have no sincere care or love for Muslims. They use the media and the Palestinian issue as a brainwashing tool to be used with Muslims around their world.