Hifz program at my masjid!


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum -

I just wanted to share the good news that my masjid is now having hifz class (Qur'an memorization) for adults. It started May 2nd, is every night between maghrib & isha. This is the only time since I've become Muslim that they're offering this to people over the age of 13.

Since I don't know my Arabic, he is starting me from rock bottom - the alphabet. I just had my first week - the teacher is very young (well, to me) - he seems to be in his mid 20s - and quite strict. He hasn't quite yet whacked my knuckles with a stick but I'm not ruling it out! However, thanks to ALLAH and then to this teacher's techniques, in just 5 days with him I now know my letters, the "fathah, dammah, kesrah" sounds and we're now working on "sukoon" alhamdulillah. Inshallah, by Ramadan I hope to be able to read the Qur'an un-aided.

Make dua for me please! Its hard to teach this old dog new tricks!

JazakAllah khair


Praise be to Allah!
Wa `alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaah

O how amazing is it that the person who has the Qur'aan in his chest, and acts by it... then Allaah raises him in ranks! May Allaah make us all from the people who seek knowledge for His Face

Wassalaamu `alaykum


Junior Member
May Allah help you. In our masjid IA we are memorizing BAQARAH. Make dua for me please.


Junior Member
After two weeks of working with the kaida (not sure how to spell that, I'm referring to the starter book students use to learn to read the Qur'an) my teacher told me for homework he wants me to get my copy of the Qur'an and see how many letters I can recognize.

Last night before bed without any assistance but ALLAH's I read the first line of Al Baqarah! It was one letter at a time, sounding it out like a child, but I did it alhamdulillah!


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi,

That's brilliant, akhi Danyal MashaAllah. It's great to hear that you are making big strides in reading Quranul Majeed. This should serve as a good motivation for all us brothers and sisters here on TTI to enhance our level of knowledge as well.

May Allah azz zawajal make it easy for all of us. Ameen


OntheWayOf ALLAH
assalam alaykum ya brother

MasaAllah it is very wonderful step. inshaallah you will achieve your aim and read Quran in Ramadan :) Just keep in mind here some old women learnt Quran in a very short time.. They were about 70 years :) you see when you decide upon something and ask Allah from heart you can achieve everything !!!


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuah,

mashaAllah, may Allah make it easy for you and reward you with good.


Staff member
Wa-alaykum-us-Salaam wa'Rahmatullaah,

May Allah (subhaananhu wa ta'aala) make it easy for you, grant you and us all beneficial knowledge. Ameen.

Fantastic news. I agree with sister dilek, may Allah make it easy for you to read the Qur'aan before Ramadan arrives and allows us all to live that long to see Ramadan.

You quest reminds me of someone close to me - really eager of wanting to read the Qur'aan in Arabic, with proper pronunciation instead of having to read transliterations. In the end, Alhamdu'lillaah they made it, and Insha'Allaah so will you.

Keep sharing with us your progress. :)


Junior Member

Akhi keep on going. Arabic is not hard, although it seems hard, that is Shaytaan's whispers. The Qur'aan is not hard either, and if you say so, that is contradictory to the verse:

And We have indeed made the Qur'aan easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? [54:40]

Also, say: Rabee zidnee 'ilma (My Lord, increase me in knowledge.)

May Allaah azza wa jal grant you abundant knowledge of the Qur'aan, ameen.