Fantastic word game


Junior Member
Enjoy the the luxury that Allah has given you,but know that this life is but a illusion and Allah is at the journeys end


New Member

End the search for the shadowy pleasures of dunya and spend your time and energy preparing for the joys of akhira which is everlasting.


New Member

Believer in the truth of Islam strives to practice Islam first and analyze it later whereas a phony believer would analyze Islam to no end and end up not practicing Islam at all.


New Member
Much may have been said about Islam but if all the leaves in the world were to be paper and all the water in the seas were to be ink, it would still not be enough to say all that needs to be said about Islam.


New Member

Religion, as practiced by many non-Muslims, is an activity only indulged in on certain days, or in certain places, whereas Islam is a way of life which involves every single aspect of our existence from this world to the next.


I'm not what you believe
Elite is a little group of people who think to be powerful,while they are the "muppets" of shaytan.