please delete my account


Junior Member
Assalamu - Alaikum!

I might not be aware of the situation that reach to this extent which results in requesting a cancellation of the account, but must i remind you that we are living in Age of Deception era, where not only the deception will be used with carefully planned to encourage mistrust and brainwashing on certain topics, which basically warrants legal trouble. Sadly, this is not limited to site only, but be aware of real life, and anywhere we go, and always remember to begin with 'In the name of Allaah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent', and seek protection from Allaah (SWT) against the method of deception which literally can steal our faith in a way we won't even realize.

So, please, be tough, and be strong. Don't let this minor issue disturb and encourage you to leave this site, and mind you, it is hard to find some proper and reliable Islamic sites 100%, and it's even harder to fit in those community, but Masha'Allaah, how we can get united in the name of Islam.

If you really want to leave, perhaps, better to contact a mod to comply with your request. I assume you really need consolation and support from the community to encourage you to face this 'Deception of Age', and move on. If that's case, we are happy with support you in anyways we can, but if you seriously want a cancellation of the account, then contact a Mod. We will miss you.

May Allaah (SWT) protects you, and us, and everyone, believers of Islam, against the hurdle and deception of age, Ameen!

As Salaamu Alaykum!


Assalaam walaikum,


Do you even know why she left? There is no deception on the members of TTI nor the mods.

She is the one who is deceiving herself.


Junior Member
I'm sorry but this is just getting out of hand now.

The sister wants her account deleted and no longer wishes to stay on TTI. Why is this thread turning into a plea begging her to stay?

This is exactly what I mean when I see more and more TTI members publicizing their departures. It's as if it they're meant to generate these types of responses where others are begging them to stay.

If you don't like the way the forum is run, fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we're all free to leave if we feel like we no longer belong here.

If there's an issue with how members are being treated, PM a moderator. And then leave if you still want.

But to publicly announce your feelings of discontent and inevitable departure is pretty much inviting others to put you in a position of power and plead with you to stay.

Like I said earlier, there are other (and better) ways to make one's point. Did this really have to be the way?

As for the rest? Based on her own preconceived notions, the sister seems intent on leaving.

Wish her the best and simply let her. Why turn this into such a drama? It does nothing but fuel the flames.

It always too early to conclude about anyone. Just try to peep if possible within the hurt heart.

Secondly,why would she need pleadings from TTI members? Does she needs to popularize herself?. Even if a face is popular on TTI it is of no significance?. Why?.Think.

It is for the sake of Allah (SWT) that other members plead her to stay on TTI.

Lastly,TTI is not a blunt end,there are always substitutes to switch on to.



your sister

once i made a post to delete my account , for two reasons,

1) my english is not good so no one respond to my posts and threads.

2) I belonged (past) to a daviant sect and here one member would always make posts against my sect.

then i thought , i am here to learn and to share about my religion so should not hurt me if someone does not respond and alhamdollilah , I left my deobandi sect but we should be careful about revealing others deviant beliefs in a derogatory manners .


Islam is a way of life
(video here)

ya Allah. Thats the video she was freaking out about? Uhh.... :SMILY231:
This is why we need to WATCH videos. READ lectures all the way. Dont just look at the title and say "Oh they want to make a bomb" Because thats what ignorant people do. Ignorant people judge a book by its cover and face value and dont try to see what is behind it.


Junior Member
Caution when using words...

Some can start a conversation or dialogue with a statement that grabs attention , But beautifully carry forward the conversations and end it proving first statement is wrong. Now remember its a continuous communication, and the audience would most likely listen to the end. Thats talent.

Now you try the same thing, with good intention and create a link to this recording but give the same "attention grabbing statement" as title, people will only remember that TTI has a link whose title is suspicious.

Thats whats happening to the "How to make a ****" link. i would not have even bothered to click it. and gone ahead and concluded that the member who posted the "How to make a ****" is indeed mischevious.

Its a public forum, and we have a name to defend. Its each of our responsibility.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,


Do you even know why she left? There is no deception on the members of TTI nor the mods.

She is the one who is deceiving herself.

Waleikum Salaam!

Whatever the reasons that may be, but we should be supportive at best. 'Deception' refers to many reasons which i am not familiar with the one's situation requesting a cancellation of account, therefore, in short 'Deception' to fit. If she is doing to herself, then we must ask why? We need to get to the bottom of the case, and solve this case with carefully and respectfully. After all, it's about our people. Educating him/her should be top priority, and please, Mod, don't comply with her/his request which serve no purpose of banning the account.

Just leave her/his a option to choose, either he/she wants to stay at this site, is welcome, and if decide not to stay at site any longer, then feel free to log off and be inactive of this site. Don't need to ban the account. Just give the account time, and i am sure the accountee's will come back after having experienced 'warm welcome' of other several sites.


Staff member

I'm not sure where anyone got the idea that her account would be deleted or banned. This isn't something we have a policy of doing.

I have nothing more to add; personally I never tell a person they have to stay, I just remind them, that if their intentions in coming here were for the sake of Allaah, to learn something, or get some sort of benefit, then they should stay for those reasons.

If those reasons disappear, or a person feels that benefit is being lost and more benefit would be off the forum, reading Qur'aan, attending actual Islaamic classes, learning and gaining in that manner, then by all means, avail yourself.

Do what's right for you and your aakhirah always, regardless of whether this forum is part of it or not.

May Allaah bless you all and bring you towards more good.


Assalaam walaikum,

I am in need of cookies. Do you realize how much I have learned. It is amazing. I am referring to the number of posts. Can I get a gold star or something.

I think we need to move to something more productive.

What are the things we do each day to follow the sunna.


MalikBrother wrote:
but must i remind you that we are living in Age of Deception era, where not only the deception will be used with carefully planned to encourage mistrust and brainwashing on certain topics, which basically warrants legal trouble.

True. I would remind everyone here of a certain type of deception involving a person known as an 'agent provocateur' which basically means an 'agent who provokes'. What this is, is an agent who is your enemy, but pretends to be your friend, and will encourage (provoke) you to do bad things of various sorts.

These will either be illegal things, and after you have taken enough illegal steps to get into trouble, the 'agent provocateur' will turn you in and have you arrested. Or else they might have you do something which might not be illegal, but which they know to be considered by most non-muslims as extremely rude, and which they know will make most non-muslims very angry, so if you do this rude thing that the agent encourages you to do, other people will end up becoming very angry and thinking very badly of Muslims.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

I am in need of cookies. Do you realize how much I have learned. It is amazing. I am referring to the number of posts. Can I get a gold star or something.

I think we need to move to something more productive.

What are the things we do each day to follow the sunna.

This thread sister is Sunnah in action. To bring back sister trying2learn to this community of TTI and make mends with her brothers and sisters is Sunnah in action...


Assalaam walaikum,


The sister made up her mind. She wrote what was on her mind and left and from what I can understand posted on another forum.
She misread one thread regarding the video. She did not post on any of the threads regarding the posting of fatawas by a non-Muslim.
She has not taken the time to understand the sensitivity of the issue. She made up her mind.
If the sister views this thread, InshaAllah, she will, I hope she understands the seriousness of the issue:

Muslims are so busy trying to be liked, as we have been painted to be the ugly enemy responsible for all the evils of the world, we fail, and I emphasize, fail, ourselves in trying to please so many others. There are matters of faith that can not be understood by someone who does not wish to become Muslim. We can not wish to please them. Our goal is to serve Allah.
No feelings should get hurt. We are beyond that. We have to serve Allah.

The entire situation is immature. There are some things that are reserved for Muslims. It comes with taking the Shahada. There are no and ifs and buts. It is.

Guests are most welcome. And most members will go out of their way to help those who are contemplating reversion. That is a good thing. If, however, they do not wish to revert they have to understand that the natural outcome is a division. A demarcation. A line. You are either Muslim or not. There are things that Muslims do i.e worship. A non-Muslim has no understanding of the concept of Muslim worship. We do it 24/7.

It just happened that a non-Muslim member posted fatawas. It made no sense. The sister did not ask why it made no sense. And I beg her to think. Sister, think for a minute.

I am still waiting for my cookies.


Junior Member
Inshâ'Allâh, the sister will be missed. May Allâh (`Azza wajal] keep her firm upon Tawhîd and Sunnah, âmîn.