Saudi Arabia - Jobs for Women


Lulu O' La Mer
Salaam dear brothers and sisters,

Does anyone know of jobs that sisters could attain in Saudi Arabia? I'm hoping to move there in a few years insha'Allah, and am trying to do some research now. Any help would be much appreciated.

JazakAllah Khayr


Junior Member
wa'alaikum assalaam wa rahamthulahi wa barakathuhu

there are women working as doctors,nurses,teachers,accountants in girls' schools,etc

you can work in labs etc where you deal only with women

this is the little i know..maybe someone else can help you more in sha Allah


Junior Member
i'm civil engineer search for job in KSA too , yes you can work there but what's your
skills/degree sis ? e.g you can teach english langauge to females students .


revert of many years

in the past women ould only work as teachers nurses and sometimes doctors
but slowlty this has changed,,with the opening of women only banks..and now women are employed in many companies and have finally started working in shops

BUT and a big but most of the postions apart from nurses..are predominantly for saudi women ,and its more diffiult for foreigners to find job opportunities


Junior Member
wa'alaikum assalaam

i have heard of women working in women's only offices in banks..i didn't want to mention it as it concerns a 'bank'..

i didn't know women work in shops...thanks...


New Member
in my opinion looking for a job in other country in GCC is better . because jobs for women in saudi arabia is so limited


Of course it depends on qualifications. Usually people who have English as their mother tongue are able to teach English, especially if you have some kind of ESL certificate. Theres many nursing jobs too, and all medical-related jobs.

Women work at banks too, but theres more and more competition with locals compared to the jobs mentioned above. Those are jobs that are easier to get compared to others.

The women jobs in shops are very limited.