Stop congress from censoring the web sign the petition


Junior Member

I'm sure the brothers and sisters living in america heard about The SOPA and PIPA petitions to censor the web to fight piracy but these petitions will affect websites like wikipedia.Sign the petition if you love the web :)

And Guys make sure you share this with everyone!!! Its only typing your email address and and zip code , your name is optional.

If you want to know more about the legislations watch the video brother Ershad posted below, very informative.


Junior Member
essallamou allaikoum هذا هو التجسس على الاسلام و المسلمين حتى يحاربننا و لكن لن يفلح و الله متمم نوره و لو كره الكافرون


Junior Member
essallamou allaikoum This is spying on Islam and Muslims, even Iharbennina, but will not work and is integral if Nora and unbelievers


Junior Member
السلام عليكم جمعة مباركة و لن ترضى عنا اليهود و لا النصارى حتى نتبعى ملاتهم اي ملاة الكفر و الالحاد و يقولوا لنا الشعار تقارب الاديان و لا يجد على الارض الا دين الاسلام و لو ما حرفوا اليهودية و النصرانية لكانوا اتابعوا دينا الحنيف الاسلام


Junior Member
I'm signing it!
Fri blessing you peace and will not accept us, Jews and Christians do not even Ntbay Mlathm any amusement park disbelief and atheism and tell us the logo convergence of religion and can not find on Earth, but the religion of Islam and what if they changed the Jewish and Christian, they would Atapawa our religion Islam Tradostion google


Junior Member

Brother El Qouds this is not spying on Islam this is the US government acting crazy.

Im not sure what you are trying to say, would you like to say again in your own words without using Google Translation ? :)


Junior Member

I read a funny fact today on facebook. it said, according to SOPA if someone illegally uploads a Michael Jackson's song he will receive 5 year sentence but the doctor who was accused of killing Michael Jackson got only 4 years in prison!!!! wow.