BBC Interview with Babar Ahmed

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Wasalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraakaatuh,

I thought he would get out after that petition thing =(. I prayed so hard he be freed. I suppose it wasn't best time for his freedom. Allaah knows best and we accept His decree.


Staff member

The petition won the case a discussion somewhere, not in parliament like it was supposed to be.


Annoying, they've used the Qur'aan as a background sound track, just for effect.

Anyways, grim case, very grim, may Allaah aid the oppressed.


Junior Member

The petition won the case a discussion somewhere, not in parliament like it was supposed to be.


Annoying, they've used the Qur'aan as a background sound track, just for effect.

Anyways, grim case, very grim, may Allaah aid the oppressed.

Assalaamu 'alaykum

Ameen, everyone keep this brother in your supplications because the decision is going to be made next Tuesday on whether or not he will be extradited to the US and stand trial there. And we all know how cruel the US is going to be towards this brother. It's so sad and heartbreaking :(