wudoo or not??


Junior Member
:salam2: as i havent converted yet i was wondering on the implications of me reading the holy koran without performing wudoo. please if anyone can give the correct details i would really appreciate this as i do not want to be reading it whilst been seen in a unclean state.



Junior Member
i two faced this problem before i re-verted back to islam. so what i do is before i read the quaran i make sure i am as clean as i possibly can get.. wash every part of my body.. the quran is the words off allah.
I hope this helps, as i said i have been in the same position as you just recently

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member
Hi Zarqa

For the best state to read the Qur'an is the state of purity in Islam, as a muslimah, who submits only to Allah swt without any doubt and hesitation about it...

...You make ghusl (total wash - starting with putting water in the mouth and nose three times and then the whole body), say your shahada - that you freely and with full conscience bear witness that none (and nothing) has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad (saws) is His Messenger (Laa Ilaaha Il-lallaah Muhammadun Rasulullaah), and any other time (apart from when you are in a state of janaba (impurity)) you only need to make wudu to read the Qur'an with arabic containing in it.:)

As for a non-muslim, the rules do not apply to you, even though as a respect to the Qur'an, the above is the best way to apply insha'Allah.

And Allah knows best.


Junior Member

there are so many points writen by sister Aisha ... can you sister tell us are all of these points from an authentic source? it's just my concern ....

Jazaka Allah kheir.



Junior Member
thankyou that was really interesting, i am glad i now know and hopefully that advice can be used to other non muslims.


Junior Member

yah. the website is called themodernreligon.com. it gives an explanation to many topics. it gives a lot of info on things. i feel it is authentiic. if not, then please tell me.



Turn To Islam

Zarqa Islam is simple so therefore keep it simple.

You mentioned that you haven’t yet converted to Islam, Inshallah you will soon. I think Zarqa it really depends if you are reading a Quran that is written in Arabic text it's preferable for you to have Wudu or at least be in some state of purity.

Some Scholars would say because you are not yet Muslim and if your copy of the Quran is in English it would not be necessary for you to make Wudu for as long as you do not have any Arabic text in your copy of the Quran.

I think the best thing for you to do is take a bath or shower before you decide to read the Quran and if you have learnt to make wudu all the better for you.

Allah guide you to Islam soon Inshallah.

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member

yah. the website is called themodernreligon.com. it gives an explanation to many topics. it gives a lot of info on things. i feel it is authentiic. if not, then please tell me.


Well I need to make you aware and tell you that it is a sufi site sister.

So I had to remove your earlier post.

May Allah swt keep us in His right path.



On second thought...

Before I answer your question let me first clarify something. Are you reading the Glorious Qur'an or are you reading a translation of it in english? There is a big difference and if you are simply reading one of the translations of the Glorious Qur'an you DO NOT NEED to make Wudhu before reading that or touching it or carrying it etc etc etc. However, if you are talking about the actual Qur'an that is written in Arabic then the answer is yes you need to make Wudhu before placing a finger on it if you are muslim! Since you have not yet chosen to become muslim I strongly encourage you to do it so that you can be rewarded for all your efforts in studying and reading...
It is a profound blessing for you to be holding one of the translated copies of the Glorious Qur'an but in no way is it obligatory for you to make Wudhu before touching or reading ANYTHING in english/french/spanish etc etc etc. I hope that helps.


Junior Member
no sorry i didnt make it clear i was talking about the english versions. i thought this was to be true but thought it would be better to check.
many thanks to your replies