Marriages In Islam

Sidra Rasib

As-Salamu Alaykum,

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Marriage in Islam is a contract (Nikaah) between the husband and the wife outlining the basic responsibilities and regulations within the couples relationship. In Islam it is advised to have at least two witnesses present during the contract (Nikaah)

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “There is no marriage except with a wali and two witnesses of good character". Narrated by al-Bayhaqi from the hadeeth of ‘Imraan and ‘Aa’ishah; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 7557

Marriage in Islam holds good values and helps men and women to control their sexual desires towards the opposite sex. Islam recognizes the value of sex and companionship and advocates marriage as the foundation for families. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:"Marriage is my Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet) and whoever does not follow my Sunnah is not my true follower" (Ibn Haiah, Babun Nikah).

You can tell from the Hadeeth above the importance of a Muslim individual to get married in Islam.

As you must have heard about the love of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) towards his first wife Bibi Khadija (ra). Let me start by telling you some facts about Bibi Khadija (ra).

She was known as one of the most noble and had a superior status amongst those around those times. She was the most respected lady and known for her decency and wisdom. In spite all of this she was also the wealthiest lady in Makkah, Even before she became a Muslim she never worshipped an idol.

Allah selected to accompany the Prophet in his struggle to carry on the message at its most vulnerable stages. Khadijah, whose name in Quraish was “the pure woman” married the man whose name was “the honest and trustworthy” What a perfect match ...

The year that Bibi Khadija (ra) had passed away, the campanions called that year 'The year of grief'. The love of Bibi Khadija (ra) stayed in the Prophets (pbuh) heart. Many years later, he would be sitting with Aisha when someone knocks on the door and a voice asks for permission to enter. The Prophet said: 'Khadijah' and hastened to open saying 'Oh Allah, make it Haala' (Khadija’s sister) and it was Haala.

And when he sacrificed animals, he used to send gifts to Khadijah’s friends, so much that Aisha got jealous and said: Khadijah, as if the whole world is only Khadijah. The Prophet said (in its meaning):'Aisha, don’t speak badly about Khadijah, I love her and I will love whoever loves her.'

Another day, when the Muslims captured the Prophet’s son in law, Al-Aas ib Al-Rabei, who was not a Muslim and was fighting against him in Badr, his wife Zainab (the Prophet’s daughter) wanted to ransom him. She sent him Khadijah’s necklace and when the Prophet saw it he recognized it and sobbed. Then he said to his companions (in its meaning): 'if you see it fit to give her back her prisoner and her necklace, do.' The companions were moved by the Prophet’s grief and agreed. He gave the necklace back to the man and said (in its meaning) 'take the necklace back to Zainab and tell her to keep Khadijah’s necklace safe".

As you can tell that the prophet loved his first wife so much, that he would get tears over seeing her things.

It is explained in the Quran that you can marry up to 4 women, only if you treat them well and equal. If not it is considered a sin. Also you may marry who you choose but then again there are ways of explaining it to your parents and having their agreement to the marriage.

And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan-girls, then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (the captives and the slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice. An-Nisa Verse No:3

Having said that, I have heard many stories about force marriages and arranged. I am no one to decide any ones future and nor are you. Allah knows best ! As Islam describes marriages to be a control over sexual desires, do you not think it would be in every ones best to let the girl/boy to choose or agree on their future partner .. then again Allah knows best ...

The responsibilities of both the husband and wife are:

- The wife should seek to be a source of calm and rest for her husband
- Husband and wife must seek to sexually fulfil each other whenever needed in order to remove that need or want from one another, in this way can they help one another.
- The wife should be receptive to her husband and his needs, and the husband should remember Allah to purify his mind before intercourse.
- The husband must live with his wife in a correct and courteous manner
- Women are required to be devoutly obedient to their husbands
- Both husband and wife should cover each other like a cloth and honour each other
- The husband should show his affections and his love to his wife and the same for the wife

And many more ....

May Allah Guide Us To His Jannah



Junior Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شكرا لكم على هذا الموضوع الهام و لو أتبعنا و صية رسو ل الله صلى الله
عليه و سلام لفزنا في الدنيا و الأخرة


Junior Member
In the name of God the Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah

Thank you for this important subject and if We followed and will dock for Allah
Peace to him and we won in this life and the Hereafter

Sidra Rasib


Yeah I totally agree with you brother, marriage itself is a big responsibility and there's no doubt about that..

And polygamy in Islam is permitted as long as you follow Islamic scriptures. I've listed a few verses from the Quran below.

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." (Quran 30: 21)

" live with them ( wife or wives) on a footing of kindness and equity”

How ever, We might not be as able as the people back then, the sahaba's and the Prophet himself.

Hope this helped brother



Asalaam alaikum,

So are you suggesting sister that men are weaker in faith today as are the sisters? And please be so kind as to back up that we are not able to fulfill the commandments of Allah.

Sidra Rasib


I think you misunderstood what I said sister ...

I did not say men are weaker in faith today ... as you can clearly see what I meant to write is that men can not meet the standards of 'our beloved prophet and sahaaba's' as the Satan is more apparent today e.g. through media etc.

And as far as following Allah's (swt) commandments, I did not say that we can not fulfil it. Mashallah brothers and sisters show so much love and appreciation towards Islam today.

Hope that explained it sister

Allah knows best ..



Asalaam alaikum,


You have to forgive me but I can't let you off the hook with what you wrote. It is a generalization and an opt.

The media is powerful but that is not the reason men are not marrying more than one woman. Many of the sisters are forgetting that this is part of the deen. They are the ones who make a lot of fuss. For some reason Muslims are caught up in the financial insecurities. They can not afford more than one wife.

If I am not wrong it is more than affording more than one wife. It is being able to be just. Our sisters get really scared. They do not want to share the husband. They reduce marriage to a physical entity; which it is not.

When we discuss marriage in Islam we have to discuss it in its entirety. And that includes all that Allah subaha wa taala has made permissible.

Sidra Rasib


Sister I totally agree with what you are saying, the main issue itself within polygamy is the women getting fussy.

The point I was trying to bring across was that no one can meet the status of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) by this I mean men do not have the same pure thinking as our Prophet. Don't get me wrong I'm not being sexist towards the men, there is not creature or human made on earth as perfect as our beloved Prophet (pbuh)

I am not against polygamy.

Thank you for sharing your views ...




Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)

Please can you porvide the chain of narrations from where you have extracted the hadiths..
Specially the one which speaks about the Jeaoulsy of Aa'ishah(R.A.) and Khadijah (R.A.) ?

Sidra Rasib


Brother if you watch this clip, Sh. Omar Suleiman talks about a different time when a similar sort of situation took place. And also read below for hadeeths nrother.

In Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5.166 Ayesha herself narrates:

"I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Khadija though I did not see her, but the Prophet used to mention her very often, and whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadija. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadija in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadija," he would say, "Khadija was such-and-such, and from her I had children."

On another occasion, Aisha said to Prophet Muhammad (saw), when he mentioned Khadija (sa) in her presence: Sahih Bukhari Hadith: Volume 5, Book 58, Number 168:

Narrated Aisha: Once Hala bint Khuwaylid, Khadija's sister, asked the permission of Prophet to enter. On that, the Prophet remembered the way Khadija used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, "O Allah! Hala!" So I became jealous and said, "What makes you remember an old woman amongst the old women of Quraish an old woman (with a toothless mouth) of red gums who died long ago, and in whose place Allah has given you somebody better than her?" Prophet Muhammad (saw) became very angry at this until his hair stood. Moreover, al-Bukhari narrated that Aisha confessed:
Sahih Bukhari Hadith: Volume 5, Book 58, Number 166:

Sahih Muslim 31:5976

'A'isha reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) did not marry any other woman till her (Khadija's) death.

Sahih Muslim 31:5975

Then again I am not saying that Bibi A'isha (ra) was not a good role model or was not a good character, she was given the status of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) wife, you must be a good character to get this status.
In the Quran it states:
“Impure women belong to impure men and immoral men to immoral women.” – [Surah Nur, Verse 26]

Our prophet was pure and his lord commanded in the Quran for pure men to marry pure women. From this we can tell Bibi A'isha's (ra) purity from this.

Hope you did not misunderstand what i wrote and hope this helped.

May Allah guide us all.. Ameen



Junior Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ممن أنت خائف هذا موضوع هامة جدا لأن رسول الله حثنى بكترة الأود تكاثروا تناسلوا فإني مباهي بكموا الأمم يوم القيامة و أنظر إلى الغرب
و خاصة المسؤلين منهم متزوجينو لهم زوجات غير قنونين و لا نقول شرعين و لو وفقت لهم الكنيسة لتخدوا كلهم 2,3 أو 4 زوجات.


Junior Member
In the name of God the Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah
Who are you afraid of this very important subject because the Messenger of God urged me Bactrh lion's offspring multiply, I Mbahi Pkmoa nations on the Day of Resurrection and look to the west
And private officials Mtzojino of them have wives and is not to say Guenonin Cheraan and if they got off the church to all Tkhaddoa 2.3 or 4 wives.


Junior Member
تكاثروا و تناسالوا فاني مباه بكم الامم يوم القيامة‎
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم تكاثروا و تناسلوا فاني مباه بكم الامم يوم القيامه او
كما قال صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم.‎


Junior Member
AlphaIn the name of God the Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah
This is a very important subject and that is the first Muslim to marry even Aaddoa multiply
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and multiplied offspring, I proud of you, or the United Day of Resurrection
As the true Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace.