Question: Haram to have pictures in the house?


Junior Member

I'm confused about this Hadith

Hadith - Bukhari 3:515, Narrated Abu Huraira

I heard Allah's Apostle
saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."

I have pictures of my grandmother and grandfather in my house does this mean the angles are not in my house?

Seeking Peace

Junior Member
sister what are you are referring to has been explained in the given link....

"It is worth noting that hanging up pictures of the dead is one of the things that renews grief and serves no useful purpose; it may even lead to some kind of veneration which goes against Tawheed. Let us not forget that the shirk committed by the people of Nooh (peace be upon him) started because they set up pictures and images of some righteous people who had lived among them. So be very careful."

and sister there are no ifs and buts when it comes to the Commandments of Allah S.W.T...Allah S.W.T knows better...

"May Allaah help us to do all that pleases Him and earn His forgiveness. And Allaah knows best. "

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Dead people's pictures were the door that lead Noah's people to worship idols.
When you intend to cure a disease, you may be ready to eradicate the illness from its deep origins, and worshiping idols beside Allah is the most dangerous disease known on earth, so after acknowledging this fact, you won't be surprised knowing that Ibrahim (Pbh) feared polytheism, for himself, and so did he for his children.
Wallaho A3lam


Junior Member
The problem is my mom has pictures of her parents and her nephews hanging on the walls I tried taking them down and told her it was haram she said "When I go to hell I'll worry about that" :(


Smile for Allah

Sister, I've gone through exactly all that about clearing the house of images and things. My mother had little porcelain dolls in the drawing room showcase, and some utensils with images on them, and also photoframes around the house. You will have to give dawah to her again and again. I tried for years and now alhamdulillah, my mother herself tries not to have any images around.

It was difficult at first, but try different angles, try and tell your mom angels won't come. If angels won't come, then how will blessings etc be sent to your home? How will dua be granted? etc etc. Wait for the right situation and use it to your advantage. Once, my mother was a little disappointed with some events in life, and she was wondering "why did so and so happen?" and I quietly advised that maybe Allah doesn't like all these images in our house, so how will we get barakah, etc.. It worked. Try it, sis.

Plus, go around and remove the things yourself. It's okay, you'll be scolded the first time, second time, third time, but inshaAllah keep giving dawah and quietly removing the photos and they'll get the message. It's actually even mukrooh to pray in a room with images around. So try praying in each room and go "oh no, prayer won't be completed here!" so you'll get an excuse to remove the unwanted materials.