Question: Brothers' marriage


Young Muslim

I want to know if it is halal to see your brothers wife and talk to her, because my brother is so restrictive that he doesn't even want his own brothers to see/talk to her. If it's halal I know he still wouldn't... but I just want to know.

In the future, if Allah allows me to get married, I would expose my wife to all of my brothers (If it is halal) because I trust all of them. I see no reason not to... it only strengthens the family bonds.


jannah sweetie
AsSalaam alaykum, I feel your brother is right as there is a hadith about brother in law being death for sister in law. She must keep her purdah and not be exposed to them as they are non-mahram to her. This is what Allah swt has guided us to do. Even her voice can be a temptation for them. Her voice is also an aurah I mean
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Well-Known Member
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Brother this a cultural question. What Islam teaches us is you should not be alone with a non-Mahram and you should keep good relationship with kin. It is also better to separate men and women that are non-Mahram in family gatherings, but this too is cultural mainly.

I would really be upset at my brother if he hid away due to protection of his wife or fear I would somehow try to corrupt her somehow. That thought never even crossed my mind, subhanallah. Your brother needs to improve his character, confidence, and mature a bit inshallah if he is saying such things. It is really a strange thought and even stranger that he has expressed this to you. Maintaining good relationship with you after marriage is very important, he should not marry a particular person if it will hurt family ties or pull him away from your family. Marriage should only strengthen and unite families, not cause division, fear, jealously, etc. This is of course as long as your family is not going against an Islamic principle or right of yours, you don't have to listen to them then but do what you think is best inshallah for your deen. Please be reasonable and sensible. Just because you see his wife or give her Salam does not mean it will lead to evil, rather it is common courtesy you should give out of respect to your sister and wish her the best. If you have evil thoughts then it is waswas of sheytan, just ignore it like you do all the time.

When you two are married you will see that most of these concerns are silly inshallah and you will mature up. When you are married you will have bigger problems then if your wife was seen or talked to by your brother. I think jealousy of your partner is good but taken to extreme, like this, will cause more harm then good as it is not needed. So get married first, then worry about this later inshallah. I don't think you have anything to fear. Just try to be kind and respectful as always and you will get along fine with your brother and he will become more comfortable around you with his wife/family in time inshallah.

I also dislike when a brother says, "Oh I am a father now" even though I been in close relations with the brother for many years and through the 9 months of pregnancy. Or worse, "I am the farther of 4 now" when I did not even know he was married or had kids. lol I pretty much write off these people as being my close friends or trustable at that point as they cannot even share to me this good news of a baby on the way to get my dua for them and they are so secretive. Nazaar (evil eye) is one thing, but these brothers have psychological problems in my opinion and I don't like such cold people that are afraid to talk about such simple matters. I don't think they can be trusted in a lot of ways and since they don't talk, they are really just there to use you and not be a good friend or brother to give you sound advice and wish you well (they just fear you). It is quite a hurtful thing to me, this is just my personal opinion and one way I use to judge friendships and people on. I see such brothers as quite backward, lacking good cultural norms and good character. I wish the brother all the best still and understand that everyone is different, but I just don't find much in common with such people as I am more of a transparent person.

And just the opposite if a brother tells me "I am getting married" or "my wife is pregnant" I feel such joy and get close to this brother as I can see he really loves me and wants to share this good news with me. I also make lots of dua and say mashallah to save him from Nazaar.


jannah sweetie
There is a hadith about a screen being purer for us ( meaning men and women being separate) salaam is ok but the segregation is not a cultural thing, this is Islam. You can still get together as a family but non-mahrams should sit in a separate room or house. Muslim families will enjoy better this way as we can relax more , laugh and have fun without any misunderstandings between partners.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It is purer and better as you say and closer to Islam as you say, I agree.

I wish I could separate men and women more in my family, but unfortunately in my case I have some non-Muslims in my family and not all are practicing so I must sit with non-Mahram sometimes in the same room. I am also one of the youngest in my family too, and it is very disrespectful for me to go boss everyone around and implement such things when I go to someones house as a guest. This will just push people further away from Islam and make me look even weirder than I am as practicing Muslim.

Do you think it, is better if I don't go to such families, friends or neighbors house and cut ties with them? Or sit with non-Mahram in the same room, while my wife is present? It is a hard question, I viewed it as cultural more, but you could be right. I just don't want to cut off all those in my life because of fear of something that I am not even fearful of (fitnah between my wife and I do due to others).

Because Islam teaches us to keep good relations with people, neighbors and especially family, and to mix into society and not live as a recluse, I feel it is better for me and to be involved with such people than to hide away. I can benefit mankind more by doing this and help bring people closer to Islam. If we all hide away in a shell then the word of Islam will reach few and will be very quiet... society will fall into darkness and sin. It is not for everyone and I am sure some people are happier to stay away and take this opinion of being reserved as better. I wish I could be that way but I think the better action is to mix a little with non-Muslims and non practicing people to make sure I offer a better view of life when the topic comes up. Elhamdulillah most people have the common decency to not bring up rude or haram topics around me as they themselves are close to Islam in many ways already.


Junior Member
Selamun Aleykum,

I think it is cultural absolutely. If I wanted to be segregated from my female non-mahram relatives, my family would throw me out. I would be causing so much disrespect if I didn't properly look at my cousin in the eye and talk to her. Not only with relatives, with other Muslims as well. When we have Muslim guests, we all sit in the same room, eat at the same table (males and females together). But of course the females sit close to the females while males sit close to the males. Even when the females and males sit apart in different rooms, they still talk to each other when greeting and leaving.

Even in my village in Turkey, where my relatives are more conservative, there is still a greater interaction between members of the opposite sex. I mean, this is how i was raised. I don't view it as wrong to sit and laugh with my female cousins because we were raised very close actually.

Would I be mistaken if I were to say that in general Turks tend to be more liberal Muslims? It makes sense since we are basically at the edge of the Muslim world. So much of Europe has penetrated into our society.
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Young Muslim
AsSalaam alaykum, I feel your brother is right as there is a hadith about brother in law being death for sister in law. She must keep her purdah and not be exposed to them as they are non-mahram to her. This is what Allah swt has guided us to do. Even her voice can be a temptation for them.

Please show me the hadith.

I'm an advocate of the separation of opposing genders, but my brothers wife now being a family member I believe there is a huge difference.

I'm not talking out of my own personal opinion but the opinion of majority of my family including my parents and my siblings. When for instance my brother stays at our house with his wife, they go into the kitchen while I have to wait for hours upstairs while they make breakfast. When they decide that they want to go into the living room, we have to vacate the area.
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jannah sweetie
AsSalaam alaykum, I will look for the hadith but it may take some time as I have a busy schedule right now and a lot of stress!


Junior Member
I have also read the hadith somewhere but it states that being alone with brother in law is as equal as death.. may allah forgivee me if im wrong.. and sorry brother i also dnt have the reference so sorry im not trying to be a scholar or something .. but its about a relationship between a B.I.L and a brothers wife... and that hadith informs us not ti be alone with our B.I.L but we can atleast talk to them while covering our awrah.. also what can be done in those situations wherethe people lives under ine roof i mean all B.I.L M.I.L at one place and in o e rroom? Its not possible to hide a bride from the B.I.L.. may allah forgive me if im wrong...


Junior Member here u can search it under the category of family fiqh and there are five to six answers rwgarding the relation between a B.I.l and brothers wife. I am sorry dont know how to copy paste the material... may be that can help.u..

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

Did you mean that one, sister Jannahsweetie?

‘Uqba b. Amir reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “Beware of getting, into the houses and meeting women (in seclusion).” A person from the Ansar said: “Allah’s Messenger, what about the husband’s brother?” Whereupon he said: “The husband’s brother is like death.” [Muslim 26/5400]

But what if woman is not alone (in seclusion) but hers husband is with her?


Young Muslim
What does that mean? "The husband's brother is like death"

I don't understand it, would someone kindly elaborate?

And also, I don't intend on being alone with my husbands wife, lol. I didn't say that... I want to know if it's haram to talk to her or to see here, not explicitly be alone with her... I can see how that would be different.


I read an answer on Islamqa and it has an answer to my inquiries. The answer states:

Al-Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy on him, said: "What is referred to in the hadeeth is all the husband’s (male) relatives apart from his father and sons. People customarily take the matter of a man being alone with his brother’s wife as being of little consequence; to indicate the seriousness of the matter, it was likened to death. Indeed, one should be more cautious about the brother-in-law than about a stranger. The phrase "the brother-in-law is death" may have a number of meanings:
  • That being alone with a brother-in-law may lead to disaster if a sin is committed, or may spell divorce for the woman if her husband cannot contain his jealousy;
  • Or: Beware of being alone with a non-mahram woman – fear this as you fear death.
That puts my primary inquiry at rest.
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sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

I just sended a hadith here what sister meant. Real meaning of it you should ask some scholar like imam.


jannah sweetie
Salam alaykum

Did you mean that one, sister Jannahsweetie?

‘Uqba b. Amir reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “Beware of getting, into the houses and meeting women (in seclusion).” A person from the Ansar said: “Allah’s Messenger, what about the husband’s brother?” Whereupon he said: “The husband’s brother is like death.” [Muslim 26/5400]

But what if woman is not alone (in seclusion) but hers husband is with her?
jazakillah sister herb