Do watch..

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Junior Member

I think that every hadith and aya has got an explanation, that's why we need the tafsiir for the quran and with the hadith you've got a lot of scholars who wrote books or have tapes with the explanation of the ahadith. Like sh.Ibn othaymien rahimullah he's got tapes on sahih bukhari and tafsiir of the quran

laysa moeshkila alkathiri, I didn't get hurt, May Allah increase us in our knowledge insha'Allah and in our Imaan.



What is the relation between madhabs and understanding hadeeth?


they interpret it for u . It makes it easier for u...rather than u interpret it on ur own...shaitann whispers...u interpret wrongly....very dangerous indeed...

But some people say...

Abu Haneefah said: “This is my opinion, but if there comes someone whose opinion is better than mine, then accept that.” Maalik said: “I am only human, I may be right or I may be wrong, so measure my words by the Qur’aan and Sunnah.” Al-Shaafa’i said: “If the hadeeth is saheeh, then ignore my words. If you see well established evidence, then this is my view.” Imam Ahmad said: “Do not follow me blindly, and do not follow Maalik or al-Shaafa’i or al-Thawri blindly. Learn as we have learned.” And he said, “Do not follow men blindly with regard to your religion, for they can never be safe from error.”

Yup i agree...BUT if imam shafii was wrong...imam Nawawi would have change it...[ Note: both imam shafii n imam Nawawi are from shafii mazhab but imam nawawi is a later scholar]


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum brother alkathiri,

You wrote the following comment on post #13 on this thread:

But it scares me when salafi scholars say things about the 4 imams..

Could you please quote those sayings with the source?


And you wrote the following is post #14 on this thread:

the mazhabs also follow the quran and sunna.. why not follow them...
it just do not make sense when someone says things abt taqlid when they do not realise some taqlid contemporary salafi scholars

Who dares to challenge in that the followers of mazhabs are wrong???

You know what's wrong? Blind following the math'habs is wrong. It's when one studies in one school of Islamic Jurisprudence [Hanafi, Maaliki, Sha'f'i or Hanbali] and also blindly follows what the Imam of the math'hab said, even when there's evidence from the Qur'an or the authentic Sunnah that contradicts the Imam's saying.

This topic has been discussed and the brothers Mabsoot and Imad have posted quotations from the 4 Imams that stress that people should follow the correct view that has stronger evidence even if it goes against their opinions. Read the thread by clicking the following link:

Best regards,


Wassalamu Alaikum



I think that every hadith and aya has got an explanation, that's why we need the tafsiir for the quran and with the hadith you've got a lot of scholars who wrote books or have tapes with the explanation of the ahadith. Like sh.Ibn othaymien rahimullah he's got tapes on sahih bukhari and tafsiir of the quran

laysa moeshkila alkathiri, I didn't get hurt, May Allah increase us in our knowledge insha'Allah and in our Imaan.


Precisely...thats why my advice is to follow one imam...y?

if not u have multiple interpretation , n which do u follow?


Junior Member

I'm a ukht sorry.. it wasn't I wrote that post before but I was looking something up so i didn't read the post brother alkharti posted u about needing the madhab. and u posting about understanding the hadith and madhab connection.

But I read an article about it..i'll look it up and post it insha'Allah. Because I don't like to post without having daliil .




they interpret it for u . It makes it easier for u...rather than u interpret it on ur own...shaitann whispers...u interpret wrongly....very dangerous indeed...

But some people say...

Abu Haneefah said: “This is my opinion, but if there comes someone whose opinion is better than mine, then accept that.” Maalik said: “I am only human, I may be right or I may be wrong, so measure my words by the Qur’aan and Sunnah.” Al-Shaafa’i said: “If the hadeeth is saheeh, then ignore my words. If you see well established evidence, then this is my view.” Imam Ahmad said: “Do not follow me blindly, and do not follow Maalik or al-Shaafa’i or al-Thawri blindly. Learn as we have learned.” And he said, “Do not follow men blindly with regard to your religion, for they can never be safe from error.”

Yup i agree...BUT if imam shafii was wrong...imam Nawawi would have change it...[ Note: both imam shafii n imam Nawawi are from shafii mazhab but imam nawawi is a later scholar]

How does that give any basis for saying i need to follow a madhab?

Clearly all i need are Scholars who can interpret hadeeth IF it needs interpreting.



I'm a ukht sorry.. it wasn't I wrote that post before but I was looking something up so i didn't read the post brother alkharti posted u about needing the madhab. and u posting about understanding the hadith and madhab connection.

But I read an article about it..i'll look it up and post it insha'Allah. Because I don't like to post without having daliil .


Sorry, i wrote akhee, then checked, then edited, sorry.



How does that give any basis for saying i need to follow a madhab?

Clearly all i need are Scholars who can interpret hadeeth IF it needs interpreting.

akhi lets say, imam A and B have same opinion about takbir in prayers and the 2 imams have different opinion on fasting.. who do u follow...?

i think i read 75 % of the things the 4 imams have same agreement on..


Junior Member
salam bro its not confusing look the four imans have nothing to do with what the people of the madhabs are doing today what people are doing today is saying that look im shafi and what ever he said im going to follow even if iy goes against the prophet the quran or the companions
this goes for all the madhab followers today

so were the iman made a mistake and we all make mistakes the madhab people still follow him up till today

example abu hanifa may allah reward him he made a mistake he said that a woman can get married with out a wali but in al bukari theres a hadith that the prophet said that no marraige is permissable with out a woman having a wali so therefore we have to take the saying of the prohet

so what we do is follow the prophet and the salaf as a hole because if we looked at all the companions and there student and there students you will clearly see all there sisters and daughts got married with a wali

get it bro



salam bro its not confusing look the four imans have nothing to do with what the people of the madhabs are doing today what people are doing today is saying that look im shafi and what ever he said im going to follow even if iy goes against the prophet the quran or the companions
this goes for all the madhab followers today

so were the iman made a mistake and we all make mistakes the madhab people still follow him up till today

example abu hanifa may allah reward him he made a mistake he said that a woman can get married with out a wali but in al bukari theres a hadith that the prophet said that no marraige is permissable with out a woman having a wali so therefore we have to take the saying of the prohet

so what we do is follow the prophet and the salaf as a hole because if we looked at all the companions and there student and there students you will clearly see all there sisters and daughts got married with a wali

get it bro



YES follow the prophet SAW as interpreted by the imams , scholars...


Thank you for the video

Salam walykoum.

I was happy to see the first video ,cause i was confused my self about the madahib,but when i saw the second video it got me going again wondering what i should felow.:(


Junior Member
bro very simple take the quran and the sunna and understand it how the companions understood it salf just means companions and there students and the students of the companions students




To my bros and sis, lets not fight over this ....i thinks this argument will go on even after our generations....

Sorry to all of u here....


akhi lets say, imam A and B have same opinion about takbir in prayers and the 2 imams have different opinion on fasting.. who do u follow...?

i think i read 75 % of the things the 4 imams have same agreement on..

Easy, the one who gives Saheeh hadeeth, there will not be contradictory hadeeth, and suppose somehow you argue there are two sunnah ways of doing this, then you see how the salaf did it. Actually you see how the salaf did it in the first place alongside the hadeeth.


Salam walykoum.

I was happy to see the first video ,cause i was confused my self about the madahib,but when i saw the second video it got me going again wondering what i should felow.:(

The second video isnt contradictory to the first, they go hand in hand.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum brother alkathiri,

You did not answer my question about the following statement you wrote on post #13 on this thread:

But it scares me when salafi scholars say things about the 4 imams..

I asked this question because I know that Salafi scholars actually praised the Four Imams. Please go to the following website:

You can view two religious opinions [fatwas] of the Standing Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' in Saudi Arabia [chaired by Sheikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Abd-Allah ibn Baaz] that contain this praising of the Four Imams.

To view the first fatwa, go to the following website:

Insert number 12548 in the field, then press Enter. Then click on the word المزيد on any of the the results that appear.

This is that Arabic text of that fatwa:

س: قرأت في كتاب ألف في لغتنا حيث يقول مؤلفه إن موقف الأئمة لأصحاب المذاهب في الإسلام أبو حنيفة ، أحمد ، مالك ،

والشافعي وغيرهم كموقف بولس في دين المسيح إذ يصرفون الناس من الحقيقة إلى أهوائهم مع وجود الأدلة الواردة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فجاءوا بآرائهم بعد هذه الأدلة، فما هو الرد عليه؟ ويقول إن مقلدهم وتابعهم كفار حيث يتبعون الناس ويتركون ما قاله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.

جـ: الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على رسوله وآله وصحبه.. وبعد:

أولا: أن أئمة المذاهب الأربعة وهم أبو حنيفة ومالك والشافعي وأحمد بن حنبل من فضلاء أهل العلم ومن أتباع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ومن أهل الاجتهاد والاستنباط للأحكام الشرعية من أدلتها التفصيلية وما قاله المؤلف المذكور من أنهم يصرفون الناس عن الحقيقة ويتبعون أهواءهم كذب وبهتان عليهم وليس مقلدهم بكافر فإن الإنسان إذا لم يكن من أهل المعرفة بالأحكام واتبع أحد المذاهب الأربعة فإنه لا حرج عليه في ذلك وقد صدر منا فتوى في المذاهب الأربعة هذا نصها: (المجتهدون من الفقهاء كثير وخاصة في القرون الثلاثة التي شهد لها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم بالخير وقد اشتهر من بينهم على مر السنين أربعة أبو حنيفة النعمان بن ثابت في العراق وأبو عبد الله مالك بن أنس الأصبحي في المدينة المنورة وأبو عبد الله محمد بن إدريس الشافعي القرشي عالم قريش وفخرها وأبو عبد الله أحمد بن محمد بن حنبل الشيباني إمام أهل الحديث وقدوتهم وفقيه أهل العراق في زمانه.

وأسباب شهرتهم كثيرة منها انتشار مذهبهم في البلد الذي نشأوا فيه أو ارتحلوا إليه على مقتضى السنة الكونية كأبي حنيفة وأحمد رحمهما

الله في العراق ومالك في المدينة والشافعي في مكة ومصر ، ومنها نشاط تلاميذهم ومن أخذ بمذهبهم وبنى على أصولهم واجتهادهم في الدعوة إلى مذهبهم في بلادهم أو البلاد التي رحلوا إليها كمحمد بن الحسن وأبي يوسف مثلا في العراق وابن القاسم وأشهب في مصر وسحنون في المغرب والربيع بن سليمان في مصر ، وتلاميذ الإمام أحمد في الشام والعراق . ومنها تبني الحكومات للمذهب ولعلمائه وتوليتهم إياهم المناصب كالقضاء وفتحهم المدارس لهم وإغداق الخير عليهم من أوقاف وغيرها، ولم يدع أحد منهم إلى مذهبه ولم يتعصب له ولم يلزم غيره العمل به أو بمذهب معين إنما كانوا يدعون إلى العمل بالكتاب والسنة ويشرحون نصوص الدين ويبينون قواعده ويفرعون عليها ويفتون فيما يسألون عنه دون أن يلزموا أحدا من تلاميذهم أو غيرهم برأي بعض بل يعيبون على من فعل ذلك ويأمرون أن يضرب برأيهم عرض الحائط إذا خالف الحديث الصحيح ويقول قائلهم (إذا صح الحديث فهو مذهبي).

ولا يجب على أحد اتباع مذهب بعينه من هذه المذاهب بل عليه أن يجتهد في معرفة الحق إن أمكنه ويستعين في ذلك بالله ثم الثروة العلمية التي خلفها السابقون من علماء المسلمين لمن بعدهم ويسروا لهم بها طريق فهم النصوص وتطبيقها ومن لم يمكنه استنباط الأحكام من النصوص ونحوها لأمر ما عاقه عن ذلك سأل أهل العلم الموثوق بهم عما يحتاجه من أحكام الشريعة لقوله تعالى: سورة النحل الآية 43فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

وعليه أن يتحرى في سؤاله من يثق به من المشهورين بالعلم والفضل والتقوى والصلاح).

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء

عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز

نائب الرئيس
عبد الرزاق عفيفي

عبد الله بن قعود

عبد الله بن غديان

To get the second fatwa, go to the following page:

At the top field, enter the following phrase:

الأئمة الأربعة

And choose the phrase هذه الجملة in the third field opposite the words نوع البحث. Then click on the button بحث at the bottom of the page.

Click on the word المزيد of the first result.

This is that Arabic text of that fatwa:

س3: من يقول إن التقليد كفر مطلقا وفسق وشرك وينسبون إلى الأئمة الأربعة الكفر والضلال فماذا حكمه وهم يقولون هذا رأي علماء الحرمين والمملكة السعودية والكويت .

جـ: الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على رسوله وآله وصحبه.. وبعد:

أ- ليس كل تقليد كفرا بإطلاق أو فسقا أو شركا، بل الصواب أن في حكمه تفصيلا يعرف من الجواب على السؤال الثاني فيما تقدم.

ب- لم يدع أحد من الأئمة الأربعة إلى مذهبه ولم يتعصب له، ولم يلزم الناس بالعمل به أو بمذهب معين، إنما كانوا يدعون إلى العمل بالكتاب والسنة -رحمهم الله- ويشرحون نصوص الدين،

ويبينون قواعده، ويفرعون عليها، ويفتون فيما يسألون عنه مع الدليل من الكتاب والسنة، دون أن يلزموا تلاميذهم أو غيرهم برأي أحد معين من علماء الأمة، بل يعيبون ذلك، ويأمرون أن يضرب برأيهم عرض الحائط إذا خالف الحديث الصحيح، ويقول قائلهم: (إذا صح الحديث فهو مذهبي) وعلى المسلم أن يجتهد في معرفة الحق بنفسه إن استطاع ذلك، ويستعين بالله ثم بالثروة العلمية التي خلفها السابقون من علماء المسلمين لمن بعدهم، والتي يسروا لهم بها طريق فهم النصوص وتطبيقها، ومن لم يستطع فهم الأحكام من أدلتها واستنباطها لأمر ما عاقه عن ذلك سأل أهل العلم الموثوق بهم عما يحتاجه من أحكام الشريعة، رجاء معرفة الحق بدليله قدر الاستطاعة لقوله تعالى: سورة النحل الآية 43فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ وعليه أن يتحرى في سؤاله من يثق به من المشهورين بالعلم والفضل والتقوى والصلاح. وبهذا يعلم أن الأئمة الأربعة براء مما اتهموا به وأن ما نسب إليهم من الكفر والضلال زور وبهتان.

ليس من علماء الحرمين مكة والمدينة ولا من سائر علماء المملكة السعودية من يذم أئمة الفقهاء مالكا وأبا حنيفة والشافعي وأحمد بن حنبل ونحوهم من علماء الفقه الإسلامي ولا من يزدريهم، بل المعروف عنهم أنهم يوقرونهم ويعرفون لهم فضلهم وأن لهم قدم صدق في خدمة الإسلام وحفظه وفهم نصوصه وقواعده وبيان ذلك وإبلاغه والجهاد في نصره والذود عنه ودفع الشبهة عنه وإبطال ما انتحله المنتحلون وابتدعه

المفترون فجزاهم الله عن الإسلام والمسلمين خيرا.

يدل على موقف علماء الحرمين وسائر علماء المملكة السعودية من الأئمة الأربعة موقف تكريم وتقدير عنايتهم بتدريس مذاهبهم ومؤلفاتهم في المسجد الحرام بمكة المشرفة والمدينة المنورة وسائر مساجد المملكة السعودية وفي جامعاتها وعنايتهم بطبع الكثير من كتبهم وتوزيعها ونشرها بين المسلمين في جميع الدول التي بها مسلمون.

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على عبده ورسوله نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم.

اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء

عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز

نائب الرئيس
عبد الرزاق عفيفي

عبد الله بن غديان

I apologise for not translating the fatwas into English since it's getting quite late here and I probably should log off soon.

Best regards,


Wassalamu Alaikum


New Member
i do recall that the salafi saparated them selfs from the main body of the ummah by siding with british ww1 and help to destroy the islamic state which was ruled by sultan abdul hameed the khilafah of islamic state


Junior Member
I have read alot of posts by some very enthusiastic young people regarding salafi's .I recognise the vigor of youth in your posts but I also see the naiveness and lack of insight that come's as a result of being inexperienced .I donot feel I need to force my opinion or way on anyone .But as a muslim it is my duty to give you advice because I too have been where you tread .
Firstly clean your heart and do salatul tauba .Seek forgiveness for all your sins.
Then do 2 nafl salatul hajah and ask Allah for guidance in this matter.put aside all your convictions cry to Allah and say "ya Allah , I will be destroyed in my ignorance if you do not guide me .Guide me to the truth in this matter no matter if I am right or wrong .Show me the straight path and help me stay steadfast on it ".Really cry for guidance .Allah will not forsake you.Insha-allah.
Try reading these because it will increase you in knowledge and understanding.Allah is the guide I pray he will guide us all .
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