Allahu Akbar! Fasting 6 days of Shawwal : The Reward of an entire year of fasting


Well-Known Member
Fasting 6 days of Shawwal : The Reward of an entire year of fasting:

Abû Ayyûb al-Ansârî (Ra) relates that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says:

"Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days of fasting in the month of Shawwâl, it will be as if he had fasted the year through." [Sahîh Muslim (1163)]

The month of Shawwâl is singled out for the observance of extra fasts, since this month follows immediately after Ramadan. The six days of voluntary fasting are to the obligatory fast of Ramadan what the Sunnah prayers are to the obligatory prayers.

Al-Nawawî (Ra) observes: Scholars have explained that it is like observing a year of fasting because the reward of one's good deeds are multiplied tenfold. Therefore fasting the month of Ramadan is like fasting for ten months and fasting six days in the month of Shawwâl is like fasting for two months.[Sharh Sahîh Muslim (8/56)]:

Subhaanallah! How generous is Allah who loves to give abundantly to his slaves.

Fast the 6 days on Mondays, Thursdays and the white days:

It is even more rewarding to fast on the days where it is Sunnah to do voluntary fasts such as each Monday and Thursday and the White days (13th, 14th & 15th of each Islamic month).

The 3 white days during the month of Shawwal will fall on: 13th Shawwal will be on Wednesday 29th July, 14th Shawwal will be on Thursday 30th July and 15th Shawwal will be on Friday 31st July.

Fast consecutively?

Most scholars state that one does not have to fast these 6 fasts consecutively as they may be fasted in any order throughout the month of Shawwal.

Make up obligatory fasts first?

Many scholars state one must make up for the obligatory fasts before fasting any voluntary fasts for there is no guarantee how long one may live. Other scholars state one may fast obligatory fasts later on and fast these 6 fasts first if there are too many to make up for or if the days are long etc.

Combine intention of fasts?

Many scholars state It is valid to combine the intention of making up missed Ramadan fasts with the sunnah of fasting the six days of Shawwal, though the main intention must be to perform the Qadha fasts although performing both separately is greater in reward.

Do not delay in doing good deeds:

We may not get such an opportunity again so we should not delay in doing good deeds lest we are taken by Death and our good deed accounts get closed forever. So the opportunity to do good is NOW as we may not have a tomorrow.

We have until Friday 14th August to keep the 6 fasts which is when the month of Shawwal ends.


Well-Known Member
Fasting the 6 days of Shawwal on the White days which begin tomorrow:

It is more rewarding to fast the 6 fasts of Shawwal on the Sunnah days of fasting such as Monday and Thursdays and the White days (13th, 14th & 15th of each Islamic month).

They are called white days as the moon is brightest during these three days. The white days begin from tomorrow - 13th Shawwal will be on tomorrow Wednesday 29th July; 14th Shawwal will be Thursday 30th July; 15th Shawwal will be Friday 31st July.

We may not get such an opportunity again so we must never delay in doing any good deeds lest death overtakes us.

We have until Friday 14th August when the month of Shawwal ends.


Well-Known Member
The last 6 days of Shawwal are from tomorrow (Monday 10th August):

The Reward of fasting these 6 fasts is like fasting for an entire year!

In the Hereafter we will be in so much regret when we finally see with our own eyes the huge amounts of rewards we missed out on in this world!

So this is a most valuable opportunity for those of us who have not fasted these 6 fasts to fast from tomorrow until Saturday to gain these immense rewards.

Know that death may come at any second so we may not get this opportunity ever again!