What does Alcohol do?

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
"Alcohol is considered by most medical authorities to be a depressant of the central nervous system. But it is possible to feel stimulated from having had a drink.

This is because alcohol can dull or depress the higher brain centres before interfering with motor area functions.

The drinker can be in control of his movements and speech, yet the areas that regulate thinking and reasoning and feeling are kept from functioning properly.

Thus a person who is drinking wine may be more active because he is behaving in ways that are normally under control and not because he is actually stimulated.

When a person takes a drink of alcohol, it is not like water going through a hose, nor is it like taking food products. There is a definite metabolic effect and yet there is non digestive process involved.

The reason for this is that alcohol passes right through the walls of the stomach and small intestine. It is readily absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries it immediately to the brain and the central nervous system.

Alcohol affects the human body much more quickly than do ordinary foods which must be broken down by enzymes and digested before they can pass into the blood." (Islam Forbids Intoxicants and Gambling by Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqi, P 16-17, 1981)

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
"Some people think that a small quantity of alcohol can do no harm. But it is one of the myths which the scientific analysis has already exploded.

Even such a tiny concentration of alcohol in blood such as 0.15% (i.e. one seventh of one per cent) impairs the faculties so much that driving becomes extremely dangerous....

The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) laid down the principle: if a large quantity of something is intoxicant, and if a cup of anything is intoxicant, then even a drop of it is also unlawful." (Islam Forbids Intoxicants and Gambling by Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqi, P 37-8, 1981)

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
"O Believers! Surely Wine and games of chance [i.e. any and every form of gambling], shrines, and diving devices, are an abomination of Satan's work.

Avoid them
, that you may prosper.

Only would Satan sow hatred and strife among you, by Wine, and games of chance, and turn you aside from the remembrance of Allah, and of Prayer"

Will you not therefore, abstain from them." (Qur'an, 5: 90-91)

Personal Comment: There are a few points of interest here.

First, the verse is addressed to the best of the best [the believers known as Al Mu'Mineen]. Because they are those who will unconditionally accept all Commands, Injunctions, Prohibitions and Recommendations without question and do so with perfection. It is not for the lesser followers as there will be hesitation among many and some may not obey at all.

Second, a reason is given as to what it is- an 'Abomination of Satan's work!'. In layman's terms, this means if you truly value your religion as your first identity [the way some people do towards their country] and are true loyalists to the Divine Government of God, this is enough for you to despise it. It is a tool from your greatest enemy, Satan Himself, who has declared war on the human race and is doing his utmost to bring us down in every way. Why would you even want to think of drinking as good or as something that might not be that bad, if the devil is the one who markets it and could in effect control and destroy you through it. Its is nonsensical.

Third, what will it do? By accepting it, you are first demonstrating disloyalty to God, then you are allowing yourself to be pulled further and further away into the darkness that drinking can cause and thereby distancing yourself from Divine Protection, Divine Favour and Divine Support by following His Enemy.

Fourth, social drinking can lead to any and everything else including addiction and the vices that can result from it. Only by completely absolving yourself from it can save you from the temptation, the avenues of danger and even bad company that can stem from innocent drinking to begin with. The first casualty may be a loosening of religious devotion, making time for silent prayer and remembering the Divine Purpose of our existence. The more you drink, the less likely you will be as great a pious worshipper as the one who never drinks.

Fifth, a general appeal is made. Even if you do not understand the reasons and dangers behind drinking, give it up if you truly believe in Allah. He is telling you He knows better and wants only the best for you. What is better is that you leave it completely, even if you don't see that much wrong with it and even some benefits as well.
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Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Allah gives a definition of who or what constitutes a believer. Each Muslim should reflect on how close they resemble the following traits-

"Verily, the Believers are those whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned and when the revelations are recited unto them, they increase their faith, and who trust their Lord." (Qur'an, 8: 2)

Personal Comment: The list is not very large, so theoretically the qualities and attributes should be easier to follow.

First, in addition to love, affection and worship a Muslim feels fear of his Lord; the fear of one day standing before Him personally as one illustration of both awe and the feeling of being unsure and uncertain of our fate before Him once we are in His Divine Presence.

Second, full and total acceptance of all Divine Legislation, Decrees, Frameworks and Recommendations from the Qur'an and Sunnah as the best and greatest source of human development for both this life and beyond. The more we listen, the more we are convinced of the Divine solutions.

Third, absolute loyalty and trust in Allah in every way for and within every situation throughout our lives. This includes to not have trust in anyone else in either the same way or lesser forms. Finally it also means to never lose hope, suffer a lack of faith or to lose heart in the face of hardship and adversity even when things look really terrible and the believers are treated or seen in contempt and branded as evil or wrong.