Article Last Surahs of the Quran and Blessings


Junior Member
Humans are fragile and easily susceptible to the worldly problems. For every dilemma a person’s face, any uncertainty a person sinks into or any celebrations they come across the believer turns back to the Quran. The peace it holds for a believer is beyond comprehension as it a source of guidance having solutions for all problems. Quran is a word of Allah, reciting it is like talking to the merciful Lord of the universe, recites any Quranic Surah with translation, and the message it would be clear enough to extract its meanings. It is a divine portal to distinguish between right and wrong and possesses the cure for all issues as stated:

“Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).” [2:185]


The ending Surahs of Quran contain extensive Barakah referring to the events that takes place pre Islam galvanization. The last chapters reveal stories regarding Islamic events that occurred in the history of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Surah Nasar:

It is the 110th Surah of Quran that linguistically means “victory”, the conquer blessed to prophet Muhammad by his lord in war. The Surah reflects that time when Allah guaranteed his messenger that multitude of worshippers will enter Islam all the Muslims need to do is remain humble and calm as the day is near when Islam will flourish beyond the shores.

Surah Massad:

It is the 111th Surah of Quran and speaks about the worst enemy of Prophet Muhammad i.e. Abu Lahab. He and his wife were the greatest oppose of Allah’s messenger and never let go of anything that inflicts pain and miseries upon the Prophet. In this divine chapter Allah says that they both are the dwellers of hell and will remain there till eternity. The message is, actually, for the enemies of His beloved messenger that no matter what, the place for opposes will be hell where they will rot.

Surah Ikhlas:

It is the 112th Surah of Quran that proclaims the oneness of Allah almighty. The message in the verses is clear enough that there is no worshipping deity, but Allah and has neither son nor any family. These are denied to the proofs when the clan of Bani Israel who spread the falsehood regarding the miraculous birth of Jesus by saying that he is the son of Allah, which Allah refutes through these verses by saying that he is all alone and has no son. Tauheed is one pillar of Islam, hence the utmost responsibility of a Muslim to declare Allah the omnipotent deity.

Surah Falaq:

This is the 113th Surah of the Quran and addresses towards seeking refuge in Allah from the trials and tricks of Satan. Allah has revealed this Surah when a wicked magician with the evil spells made Prophet ill. The shield from all malevolence and mischievous acts, wards of Satan, spells of black magic and evil eye. Memorizing this Surah and reciting when a person feels feeble strengthens the faith of a Muslim and embark power against devilish tyrants.
