Islamic Misconception Clarified : Terrorism Is NOT Allowed

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Do you remember, some members in this very forum were trying to justify the burning of the jordanian pilot? One brother promised me to write a private message for his arguments, which he never did. However, I am sure he had this very verse in mind, which you have also copied:

"It is not for a prophet to have captives of war until he inflicts a massacre in the land. You (muslims) desire the commodities of this world, but Allah desires for you the hereafter"
(verse 8:67 Quraan)

Assalammu Alaikum Brother Saif, I suspect you are referring to me. Allow me to explain I was studying full time and working when I had my discussion with yourself and had little time to spare. Initially I was interested and willing to take the conversation forward, but have since changed my mind, although not it is because of yourself or the topic itself, but due to the way the forum has become. But, before I conclude allow me to say this, it is not that I agree the Jordanian pilot should have been executed by immolation nor is it that I support IS. My point is from a military strategy on the perspective of IS, I can understand why he was killed that way. Please remember I am not defending them, nor does this mean I agree with most of what they say and do. One purpose was scare tactics; to frighten countries from participating from air force sorties against them and withdraw. The UAE for one stopped because it was afraid its pilots might go through something similar if caught. Another purpose was that if he was personally released, he would don his regular uniform and bomb IS territory as soon as he was out and it would not be soldiers he would kill, but large numbers of civilians as long as he would be in service throughout the war. Remember again, why he was there in the first place; he was a fighter pilot with orders to drop as many bombs as possible and he was there to kill and destroy. Now that I have said what I want to say I will end it here and refrain from further conversation on this issue.


Junior Member
I am not a scholar in tafseer but I am sure that Quran presents absolute justice and mercy to our world if understood and practiced with pure intention. It is a heavenly balance to shower the mercy and compassion of our creator to our troubled dry world.
Scholars may differ in some topics , still we should deal with our differences with spirit of brotherhood and understanding and try our best to learn the truth.


Junior Member
Sorry brother Mohammad , I thought you are the one who asked me to contribute . What you wrote is very clear and right. People should study Quran as a whole . They should learn about the circumstances at the time of revelation . The corruption that Quran cured. The challenges that faced the message of tawheed.
Sorry I think I mistook you for another person who seems to think I am totally wrong on the matter...

Sorry about that brother or sister I am new here and still getting used to how everything works

sorry again about that.


Junior Member
What you said is very false, and instead of helping explain islam, after I took the time to write all of that, you have enough nerve to put me down.

And you think you can clarify the issue with the copy paste that you posted? Your 'tafsir' is not explaining the verse it is talking about a entirely different topic and no one has a clue what in the world that tafsir is rambling aboit and I don't see Quraan and sunnah to explain the verse in your post and I don't even see the verse in question being addressed. You see I don't care what scholars say or said. Scholars and not infallible. Bring me Quraan and sunnah.

I mean after all the good I put in the article, I wrote not copy pasted like you, you still manage to critcise!

I can't interpret the verse exept based on Quraan and Sunnah, and scholars opinions are not wahy.

Secondly, As the Hadith said the verse is referring to prisoners of war. That is what the Hadith said. And the reason is to make the enemies fear early on. Extreme groups kill everyone not just prisoners of war.

So I try to defend islam and your reply is insulting me and putting me down? Are you jelous that you did it before you or what?

Your post did no help to the matter. Your 'tafsir' did not even talk about the verse and it did not explain anything at all.

Go away brother your clueless, sorry.


Junior Member
Sadly, some misled Muslims stigmatize beautiful Islamic teachings and giving a bad name to the concept of khilafah.
Killing the innocents non combatants non Muslims is prohibited in Islam.

But oft repeated incidents of killing of innocents Muslim children, women and old men doesn't make the world feel bad.
This killing has been taken for granted as if this issue were of no importance.

Anybody hear me?
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