Allahu Akbar! Change your Life Forever During these Blessed days and nights


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Al-Hasan Al-Basrī (Ra) once said during the funeral of a man:

"Make full use of your health & free time before the day of distress & accounts comes upon you."

If we waste this life then we may I be of those whom Allah describes: "Therein (in Hell) they will cry-out, "Lord, take us out of here. We shall act righteously and behave different to what we did before." They will be told, "Did We not allow you to live long enough for you to seek guidance? Did We not send a warner to you? Suffer (the torment). There is no one to help the unjust." (35;37)

So this could be our last opportunity. We are in the best of days so let us turn to Allah in repentance and make a firm intention to obey and get closer to him.