Turkey Headscarf and Secularisim


Dream of His Slavery
Aslamoelakum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

This is worth watching video about suitation of a Muslim country.Remeber that is what others want in all Muslim countries but insAllah that will not be happen if we throw away so called modernism Islam and idealogy like that.


Looking for Prayers,
Javied bhatti


Come as you are..
It is very sad and very true.. but inshallah a time will come that muslims gain power in this country again.

And there are lots of muslims there in Turkey.

We came through a lot of mistakes to this day. But we still have the right itiqat in Turkey and good muslims.


Junior Member
salam>that video mad me so sad but is tru>>>>>>>>>>ilive in europian country i wear my hijab alhamdullilah and in sha_ALLA iam thinking to wear nikaab >>>>>>>>>>>>>> what they are doing they think will stop islam >>>>>>>>>>>>they don't not that islam will never stop never never >>ena nazalna adekra wa ena lahu lahafedun>>>>>>>>>>>>ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR>>>>>>.ALLAHUMA ONSUR ALISLAM WA AL MUSLIMEN>>>>ALLAHUMA AMEEN