Salam wa aleikum


New Member
bismillahi rahmani rahim

salam wa aleikum wr wb,

my name is Manuela and I am a new german muslim. I turned back to the Islam in november last year alhamdoulillah.

I hope I can learn more about this wonderful religion from this site.

may allah take care of you all.

wa aleikum wa salam

your sister manuela


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Wa RAhmatullah,

welcome to the website sister Manuela. May Allah bless you and keep you happy - amin.

look forward to hearing more from you,



Junior Member
walikum O salam wr wb
welcome to this site sister, and welcome to Islam.
just wanted to say welcome to you, and i hope to see more postings by you in forum:)
wasalam wr wb
your brother in islam!
Welcome Sister Manuela

Assalamo Alaikoum sister Manuela.
I am realy so happy to know that you convert in last november.
Lhamdolillah that Allah guides you to the truth.
We hope hearing from you incha'Allah and that you will contribute with us.


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
willkommen zu Hause :)

assalamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi,
willkommen Schwester, es freut uns alle, dass Du konvertiert hast, fühl Dich inshAllah wie Zu Hause wa assalam.