saba urooj

Junior Member
:salam2: ................BROTHER N SISTERS..............."if God bestowed human beings wth reason,(the ability of thinking)then wt was the need to send Prophets for the guidance of human beings"..please comment on this. sme1 has ask me this question.


Junior Member

I am using my simple brain to answer this question. Yes we have been provided with reason, but look how many times in history we have used flawed reasoning to get ourselves in trouble. Thin of it like a boat with an engine. The engine is great and has a lot of horse power, but without someone to guide the rudder then it will be directionless.

We are the engine and Allah SWT send his prophets to be the guide.

Once again this is my puny little brain so may Allah forgive me if I got it wrong.




Staff member
wa alaykum salam

Sis Shyhijabi, masha'allah that was a very beautiful reply! I loved the anology... masha'allah :)


saba urooj

Junior Member
:salam2: sister..lke ur reply,,,,,,,,,,,,,well wot i gv her my ans,was really stupid 1,i told her:blackhijab: "luk reasong mind always put up ques"s n ans 2 them is being given by ppl wth more I.Q 2 satisfy him,,,,,,,,,,,n always practical things(prophethood),r more useful n helpful then theory part.ppl nevr forgot practical things in thr livs.:girl3: dnt knw if i make afool of myself thru this :girl3: :shymuslima1:

I am using my simple brain to answer this question. Yes we have been provided with reason, but look how many times in history we have used flawed reasoning to get ourselves in trouble. Thin of it like a boat with an engine. The engine is great and has a lot of horse power, but without someone to guide the rudder then it will be directionless.

We are the engine and Allah SWT send his prophets to be the guide.

Once again this is my puny little brain so may Allah forgive me if I got it wrong.




Junior Member

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. I'm sure you know that there are some mathematical theories that are so complex, that only a few geniuses could make them. When we learn them, we understand them, and we can use them and apply them. Now think, if only a couple people on earth could create these formulas and think of them, WHO would be able to correctly identify the creation of the heavens and the earth? Who would be able to identify the true creator of everything that exists?

Logical reasoning may lead a person to believe in "higher power", but without guidance, this person will merely be going off their own ideas, which is almost impossible to get right. Therefore, messengers have been sent in order to instruct us and guide us. Without guidance, we would be lost, and would not know how to live our lives properly in the sight of Allah.

This is the way I see it. I hope this is correct and easy to understand.




We are lazy. Human beings want to eat, sleep, have fun and forget important things.
We are selfish. We all want to make sure our needs come first. It is me first and foremost and the rest later.
Our egos need constant attention.
We are very is part of our nature...some of it is good...some not so good.
We are given the gift of life. Buried in our sprits is our duty to Allah. We are his representatives...did we not take the responsibility of remembering Allah while we are on this plane?
In His wisdom and His mercy..He sends us messengers who remind us of our duty to Allah.


Junior Member
Humans always go astray. Always. Even in non-religious history. Over time, things get distorted and forgotten and we need people to remind us of the truth.


New Member
asalam aleikum

i believe reason is why Allah COULD send the prophets, for someone to understand something they need to be able to reason. the prophets are a guidance for those who can understand and contemplate.

In school you might have really bright students but if they come into class everyday and play hopscotch the only thing they will be good at will be hopscotch but when a seed is lain within their minds they will develop it further and that is why thinking man is held responsible for his actions, the animals dont get judged, the mad man and the person asleep are not held accountable for their actions because they can not reason.

but without guidance noone would know God, did you ever hear about the scientists in america who had some really weird belief and so commited suicide on a particular day beause they thought they would be picked up by a comet and all those people who join cults thinking they are uponm true guidance, they do that because theya re looking for something but they have no real guidance.

Allah could have left us to fend for ourselves after all he was the one who touched Adam AS after creation and brought out all his descendants and asked us if he was not our lord and we all answered Yes but in his mercy and love he sent us guidance because Insan (man) forgets and the guidance is nothing more than a reminder



New Member
:salam2: ................BROTHER N SISTERS..............."if God bestowed human beings wth reason,(the ability of thinking)then wt was the need to send Prophets for the guidance of human beings"..please comment on this. sme1 has ask me this question.
Salamm.. my brothers and sister
Yeah.. that true sarah..
Allah send the prophet to guide us...
all of the prophet is a human not angel.... or something different from us..
WHY?? because we can follow all of sunnah from our prophet.. no excuse because we are same creation with our prophet..
need food, water and all basic thing......


New Member
:salam2: ................BROTHER N SISTERS..............."if God bestowed human beings wth reason,(the ability of thinking)then wt was the need to send Prophets for the guidance of human beings"..please comment on this. sme1 has ask me this question.
and don't forget.....
Allah send MUhammad for all creation in this universe....
for all human being.... (muslim or not muslim....)....
thats why we need to tell/dakwah to the non muslim..
what is ISLAM....

~sorry my english is not very good~
~hope u all can get my point~



Please do not apologize for your English. If a point is is universal and all who read understand it.


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaykum,
"There's no worse manifestation of using flawed reasoning than suicide bombing of innocent civilians and thinking that it's something that pleases God!!"
Although I agree ayman1 that suicide bombing against innocent civilians are totally haraam, and it is flawed reasoning that leads one to beleive that by doing such an act it will lead to gaining the pleasure of Allah, just the same as those who innovate in this already perfect religion, seeking therewith to gain the pleasure of Allah by the made up novelties constitutes flawed reasoning due to 'deviation' in the understanding of Islam. However, these do not categorise as being the 'worst manifestation of flawed reasoning', as surely, the rejection of Allah(the One and Only, the Eternal the Absolute, Who was not Begotten, nor did He beget and there is non comparable unto Him) is the biggest folly, the worst manifestation of evil, reasoning and is based upon conjecture and following ones own desires.
My dear Ayman1, my purpose was not to 'refute' you as such as i understand the intent of your comments in the context you gave them, but i just felt that it was best to clarify in case someone else understood the comment without their correct context, and I ask Allah to forgive me if I have said anything wrongly.


Junior Member

I am using my simple brain to answer this question. Yes we have been provided with reason, but look how many times in history we have used flawed reasoning to get ourselves in trouble. Thin of it like a boat with an engine. The engine is great and has a lot of horse power, but without someone to guide the rudder then it will be directionless.

We are the engine and Allah SWT send his prophets to be the guide.

Once again this is my puny little brain so may Allah forgive me if I got it wrong.



This is a good reply and I would like to add another similarity to it.
All the high tech devices we use today are created by certain geniuses for our convenience and when we need to make such devices work we ask the maker of the device or a helper/guide/serviceman and then refer to the manuel provided along with such devices.If we use a Nokia brand we will not look at the manuel of a Sony device which is ridiculous.

Hence our Creator being Allah has provided the manuel the Quran and a guide our beloved Prophet (SAW).



Junior Member
salam all
i think that allah prophets was showing more mercy from allah to humans by teaching them the way to win in this life and i will look at that from a different view which is that allah send alot of prophets and we only knows 25 of them that was described in qoran but look at us the poor humans at this world las far as i know there is about 1 1/4 billion muslim in this world and 1 33/4 christians and 17 million jews so guss what even after gods help whith the prophets half of this earth still dont belive in god and as we all know unbelivers will end up in hill so just imagin if god sent no prophets to us how many unbelivers will be on earth and how many people will end up in hill so i thank god every moment that am a muslim and that he sent us all thos prophets to guid us other wise who knows what kind of losers we will be know and dont forget that we count moshrekeen as belivers but if we cut the moshrekeen from christians belivers in this earth wont be that much so thanks god for every thing