30 false claimants of Prophethood

False Claimants to Prophethood within the Muslim Community​

Among the signs of the Last Hour is the appearance of approximately 30 false claimants of Prophethood known as Dajjals.
Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Allah's Apostle said:

"The Hour will not be established until two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine, until about 30 dajjals appear, and each of them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle..."

(Related by Bukhari and Muslim)

The last of these Dajjals would be the False Messiah:

Once the Prophet of Allah said, while delivering a ceremonial speech at an occasion of a solar eclipse, as Samura son of Jundub reported:

"...Verily by God, the Last Hour will not come until 30 liars of prophecy will appear and the final one will be the One-eyed False Messiah."

(Narrated by Imam Ahmad as a sound Hadeeth).

In another authentic hadeeth, the Prophet of Allah informed that of 27 dajjals, 4 of them would be women:

Huthaifa narrated, that the Prophet said:

"In my Ummah (community/nation), there are 27 dajjals of liars, including 4 women (who will proclaim themselves Prophets). I am the last Prophet and none will come after me."

(Related by Imam Ahmad and Al-Tabrani as a sound hadeeth)

Therefore, there would be 27-30 Dajjals who would appear, 4 of which would be women and the last of which would be the False Messiah, who the true Messiah, Prophet 'Eessa ("Jesus") would kill. The Prophet of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) already closed the loophole of building a series of Prophets and confirmed the impossibility of any newcomer as a Prophet after him. The dajjals he mentioned that have already appeared are discussed below. As I find more of them, I shall list them.

1 - Musailama al-Kazzab: Among the first false claimants to Prophecy was Musailama al-Kazzab, who appeared during the time of Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be blessings and peace) and his Companions and caused numerous troubles among Muslims and had many followers. He eventually surrendered along with his supporters in Al-Yamam battle, led by the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and was killed.

2 - Sajah al-Kahenah: Along with Musailama in falsely claiming Prophethood, was his wife, Sajah al-Kahenah, although she later reversed her position after her husband, Musailama, had been killed.

3 - Saf son of Sayyad: Another False claimant to Prophethood that appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, was Saf son of Sayyad. He claimed he was a Prophet when he was on the threshold of adolescence, and was initially believed to be the False Messiah, as his characteristics were the same as those of the False Messiah. He later repented and embraced Islam.

4 - Tulayha son of Khwailid: Tulayha was another of the false Prophets who appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, but later repented and returned to the fold of Islam.

5 - Aswad al-Ansi: Also during the time of the Prophet and his companions was another false Prophet, named Aswad al-Ansi. He was based in Yemen and was killed by the Companions of the Prophet.

6 - Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi: A Shi’ite rebel, al-Mukhtar son of Abi Ubayd is also accused of being a False Prophet. He claimed to be a representative of the Mahdi. Millennialist connotations surfaced after Mukhtar's rebellion, following his announcement to the people of Kufa that he was a representative of the Mahdi.

7 - Mahmud son of al-Faraj: In Samara, a false Prophet by the name of Mahmud son of al-Faraj appeared in 849-850 CE with a claim that a Quran was revealed to him through the angel Gabriel. He is reported to have some followers in Samara and Baghdad. He was executed on the orders of caliph, al-Mutawakkil.

8 - "Bab": Another liar/false claimant to prophecy, and the predecessor of Bahaullah, was Mizra Ali Muhammad, who initially declared himself the "Bab" (Gate) to the Shi'ite's Mahdi, and eventually progressed into other claims. He was embraced by the Shaykhis sect of Shi'a , who were then renamed "Babis". Subsequently, he declared himself to be the Shi'ite's hidden Mahdi. After declaring himself the Mahdi, he moved on to call himself Nuqtiyiula and declared that the Quran and Muslim Shari'a were now abrogated. Shi'a and Sunni scholars condemned him and Bab faced a series of imprisonment, trials, and indignities before being shot dead by a firing squad in 1850.

9 - "Bahaullah": The self-proclaimed successor to the Bab, and another liar/false claimant to prophecy was Mizra Hussein Ali Nuri. In 1863 Hussein Ali, a prominent member of the Babi group, declared himself to be the person whom God will make manifest, whom the Bab had foretold. He also took the name Bahaullah (Glory of God) and formed a new religion, the Bahai faith. Bahaullah was banished from Persia and was eventually imprisoned in Akka-Palestine. There he wrote his main work, his Kitab-ul-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), and developed the doctrine of the Bahai faith into a comprehensive teaching.

10 - Elijah Muhammad: Elijah Muhammad, succeeding Wallace Dodd Ford, was another in the line of False Prophets. He founded the convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christanity to Masonry to Islam in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930s. He referred to it as the "Nation of Islam".

11 - Kareem Agha Khan: In the early 1970s, another false-claimant to prophecy appeared within the Ismaili sect of Shi'ism, who proclaims himself to be a manifestation of God on Earth and a spokesman for Allah.

12 - Rashid Khalifa: Then we have another False Prophet, Rashid Khalifa, who came from Egypt, and claimed there to be an intricate numerical pattern to the Qur'an revolving around the number 19 in 1974. Because of this, he claimed to be a Messenger of God, alongside Prophets Ibraheem (Abraham) and Muhammad, and founded the group called "United Submitters International", rejecting the hadeeths of the Prophet, and denounced ayats 9:128-129 of the Qur'an. For many years he was the Imam at the Tuscon Mosque in Arizona, where he was later stabbed to death in 1990.

13 - Al Mizra Abbas: Another liar, Al-Mizra Abbas, in 1233 AH/1818 CE, appeared in Tehran, Iran and died in Palestine.

14 - Shabbatai Zevi: Shabbatai Zevi was one of the False Prophets who appeared during a desperate period of Ashkenazi Jewish history in the 16th and 17th centuries, promising to lead his compatriots out of tzuresdike golus (painful exile) to dwell with the Lord in Eretz Yisroel (the land of Israel). It neither turned out as prophesised, nor did the high hopes of the Jewish colonies in Brazil.

15 - Saleh son of Tarif Burghwati: Saleh claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 125 AH. After ruling over his people for 47 years, in 174 AH he abdicated the throne in favour of his son.

16 - Abu Mansoor 'Eessa: Abu Mansoor 'Eessa claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 341 AH and ruled over his people for 28 years.

17 - Al-Harith son of Sa'id: Al-Harith son of Said claimed prophethood during the reign of the Umayyad caliph, Abd al-Malik son of Marwan. A number of royal soldiers were suspected of supporting him. He was executed in 698-699 CE.

18 - Mizra Ghulam Ahmad: Mizra Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian is a British-engineered false Prophet who appeared in India to quell resistance against the British colonialists. He claimed to be the Messiah as the similitude of Prophet 'Eessa, the Mahdi, a Prophet, a Messenger, and the second advent of Prophet Muhammad simultaneously. He invited his fiercest oppenent, Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari, to a prayer duel. He advertised his supplication to Allah pleading Him to annihilate the liar amongst the two in the lifetime of the truthful one, by Cholera or by Plague. He considered them to be the sign of Divine Anger and Punishment. Mirza subsequently died of cholera a year later.

19 - Muhammad son of Sa'id: Muhammad son of Sa’id is considered as one of the four infamous forgers of hadith. He distorted the hadith: "I am the seal of prophets and there is no prophet after me" by adding: "unless Allah wills {otherwise}". He is reported to have drawn his own conclusions from this addition and claimed prophethood for himself. He was executed on the orders of Abbasid caliph, Abu Jafar al-Mansoor.

20 - Mahmood Muhammad Taha: Mahmood Muhammad Taha was also a false claimant to prophecy who was based in Sudan, and he tried with maximum endeavor to mislead normal people from their Islamic way of life until he was beheaded in 1985.

21 - Jasmin?: A more recent individual who has appeared, and could potentially be a False Claimant to Prophecy is Jasmin. He appeared in 1998 in Bosnia, claiming the War of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the Battle of Armageddon, and claims that he is the Messiah, tasked by God to introduce the human community into the "golden age", and claims that his destiny has been described under the symbol and notion of a lamb.

22 - Dr. Dwight York: Another fairly recent false claimant to prophecy was Dr. York. In the late 1960s York, started calling himself "Amunnnubi Rooakhptah," and founded various quasi-Muslim black-nationalist movements (among these was the Ansaarullah Community) based on something called the "Science of Nuwaubu". In the 1990s, he changed his community from worshipping Allah to worshipping pagan idols. Soon thereafter, he claimed to receive divine revelation, forming his own cult of Nuwaubians, following, what they call, "The Holy Tablets", with beliefs, based on pantheism, with an anthropomorphic view of Allah. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with child molestation. In 2004, he was convicted, and sentenced to 135 years in prison.

23 - Riyaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi: Another claimant to Mahdihood and prophecy, is Gohar Shahi. He was born in 1941 in the Indian sub-continent. He had a traditional Sufi upbringing, and at age 34 he went on a 3 year spiritual retreat (which he says to have been under the guidance of a "divine spirit") into the mountains of Sehwan Sharif. Afterwards, he returned (claiming it to have been commanded by God), and started to preach his message of "Remembrance and Love of God", disregarding religion and its practices, also claiming that his image is implanted on the moon, gaining a significant number of followers. The Ulema have since issued various fatwas against him.

Allah save all the ummah from fitna of dajjal.


PS: if anybody has more information or something which should be correct then please massege me.


a lonely traveller
So are we still awaiting the rest 7 of these devils ?

I feel G W Bush is one of them coz he has said that GOD has spoken unto him.


Junior Member
just the other day my parents were talking bout this man that had claimed to be a prophet some years back. this was a 99.9% muslim country, sad part he had followers! he strated out small by saying he had some ,magic and gradually said he was an all powerful prophet of God.


Fear Allah

Didn't know that there was so many people claimed to be a prophet. May Allah save us from Dajjal. Ameen

JazakaAllah Kheir for the article


Staff member

Alhamdulilah, i know.

May Allah (S.W.T) protect us.




Didn't know that there was so many people claimed to be a prophet. May Allah save us from Dajjal. Ameen

JazakaAllah Kheir for the article


Islam is my life
Staff member
So are we still awaiting the rest 7 of these devils ? I would love to fight against these devils. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

I feel G W Bush is one of them coz he has said that GOD has spoken unto him.

I feel G W Bush is one of them coz he has said that GOD has spoken unto him

The first person also came to my mind after all :) .


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I had a Bahai'i lady in one of my classes once..It was weird how she referred to her religious figure and stuff (Bahaullah)..anyway

I pray to Allah to save us from the evils of such individuals..especially the Dajjal!



Junior Member

very interesting post, thank you... i was wondering what those bahai people were about.
i wonder how many of these false prophets could actually be classified as nut jobs...schizos? it would seem there would have to be something seriously wrong in one's mental make-up to make such a ridiculous claim... even sadder that people have been fooled into following these creeps.....

May Allah protect us all from such creeps and deception.


Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Assalammu Alaikum everyone. I would like to add there have been more than thirty people who have claimed Prophethood since the advent of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). In the fourteen centuries that have transpired, it has not just been people who claim also to be Muslim or have appeared in Muslim Majority nations, but also from places not associated with Islam or even say that he is a Prophet.

As we know the last and most famous Dajjal of them all, known in Ahadith as Al Masih Ad Dajjal [the False Messiah] will first say he is Allah, then later the Messiah. He will not necessarily appeal to Muslims as the Ahadith that speak of him say that 70, 000 of his followers will be Jewish.

While there is no Ahadith that say what defines a person to be one of the Thirty Dajjals, there have been in total been literally hundreds if not perhaps thousands of people that have claimed in some way to have been sent from Allah, some said they were Prophets, but many did not yet still said they received divine revelations. Does that make them a false Prophet or one of the Thirty?

Some people like the female teenager, Joan of Arc, in medieval France said Allah told her to lead an army against the British army when the two countries were at war. She herself was a peasant girl with no military or political experience. The British burnt her at the stake and accused her of being a witch after she defeated them several times in battle. Another man, called himself the Mahdi, and fought against the British in 1880s Sudan and won several victories against them as a religious leader. There are many examples of people who have said they are the Mahdi and were political and military leaders, are they Dajjals as well?

In the US, there have been hundreds of people who have claimed divine status with huge followings, but did not call themselves Prophets. Almost every decade, there are dozens of people who call themselves 'Messiah' or Jesus Christ or the reincarnation of other Prophets, such as the Prophet Elijah [known in Islam as Ilyas]. In the Jewish religion, it is not heresy for a man or a woman to say they are the Messiah. One of the most recent claims was made in 1994 by a respected Jewish priest.

Among black people over the centuries, George Baker or 'Father Divine' as he was more popularly known said he was 'God in the Sonship Degree', and many of his followers called him God. He had thousands of followers and people believed he was immortal until his death in 1965.

In the original article, Elijah Muhammad is mentioned as a false prophet, but his teacher, Wallace Fard Muhammad, initially also claimed to be a Prophet before declaring himself to be Allah, is he a Dajjal? There is some speculation that they both may have been members of another black religious organisation before making their claims; the Moorish Science Temple, where Timothy Drew Ali, also said he was a Prophet.

Among the American Indians, there are accounts of many leaders claiming to have been sent from Allah when fighting the white race over three centuries (1600s-1900s), the most famous being Tecumseh.

You could call such people, ' religious opportunists', because they fill the void and become the leaders that people are waiting for. People want to believe and it is not seen as hard by some to assume divine credibility when there will be many who will be taken in and accept semi divine stature of human beings with some charismatic features.

There is also the criminal kind and apocalyptic cults; people like Jim Jones, David Koreish and others and messianic cults who preach the end of the world and actually initiate it in their own part of the world.

Others have more fanciful claims; one Chines man in the 1820s claimed to be the brother of Jesus and led a powerful insurrection that led to the deaths of 20 million people. A Christian woman in 19th Century Russia believed she was carrying the resurrected Jesus. Rasputin in early 20th century Russia created his own religion (he still said he was Christian and members of the royal family were among his followers) and was made a Minister of State and quite literally ruled Russia in everything but name before being assassinated in 1916.

Today some groups still exist of former times that allow people of the present time to be re-incarnations or successors of original 'Prophets'. The Children of God founder and 'Prophet', David Berg, died in 1994, after his death, his wife became 'Prophetess', a position she holds to this day.

You don't have to say you are from Allah either. The Church of Universal Triumphant or CUT, held that Mark Prophet was a 'Divine Messenger'. After his death, his wife became Prophetess and still is. The Raelian cult holds that Claude Vorillon [I'm not sure if that is his name], a French journalist is a Messenger. Both groups believe they are divine emissaries of Aliens from other planets.

My point is where do you draw the line. Its not easy. Its very ambiguous.


False Claimants to Prophethood within the Muslim Community

Among the signs of the Last Hour is the appearance of approximately 30 false claimants of Prophethood known as Dajjals.
Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Allah's Apostle said:

"The Hour will not be established until two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine, until about 30 dajjals appear, and each of them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle..."

(Related by Bukhari and Muslim)

The last of these Dajjals would be the False Messiah:

Once the Prophet of Allah said, while delivering a ceremonial speech at an occasion of a solar eclipse, as Samura son of Jundub reported:

"...Verily by God, the Last Hour will not come until 30 liars of prophecy will appear and the final one will be the One-eyed False Messiah."

(Narrated by Imam Ahmad as a sound Hadeeth).

In another authentic hadeeth, the Prophet of Allah informed that of 27 dajjals, 4 of them would be women:

Huthaifa narrated, that the Prophet said:

"In my Ummah (community/nation), there are 27 dajjals of liars, including 4 women (who will proclaim themselves Prophets). I am the last Prophet and none will come after me."

(Related by Imam Ahmad and Al-Tabrani as a sound hadeeth)

Therefore, there would be 27-30 Dajjals who would appear, 4 of which would be women and the last of which would be the False Messiah, who the true Messiah, Prophet 'Eessa ("Jesus") would kill. The Prophet of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) already closed the loophole of building a series of Prophets and confirmed the impossibility of any newcomer as a Prophet after him. The dajjals he mentioned that have already appeared are discussed below. As I find more of them, I shall list them.

1 - Musailama al-Kazzab: Among the first false claimants to Prophecy was Musailama al-Kazzab, who appeared during the time of Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be blessings and peace) and his Companions and caused numerous troubles among Muslims and had many followers. He eventually surrendered along with his supporters in Al-Yamam battle, led by the first Caliph Abu Bakr, and was killed.

2 - Sajah al-Kahenah: Along with Musailama in falsely claiming Prophethood, was his wife, Sajah al-Kahenah, although she later reversed her position after her husband, Musailama, had been killed.

3 - Saf son of Sayyad: Another False claimant to Prophethood that appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, was Saf son of Sayyad. He claimed he was a Prophet when he was on the threshold of adolescence, and was initially believed to be the False Messiah, as his characteristics were the same as those of the False Messiah. He later repented and embraced Islam.

4 - Tulayha son of Khwailid: Tulayha was another of the false Prophets who appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, but later repented and returned to the fold of Islam.

5 - Aswad al-Ansi: Also during the time of the Prophet and his companions was another false Prophet, named Aswad al-Ansi. He was based in Yemen and was killed by the Companions of the Prophet.

6 - Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi: A Shi’ite rebel, al-Mukhtar son of Abi Ubayd is also accused of being a False Prophet. He claimed to be a representative of the Mahdi. Millennialist connotations surfaced after Mukhtar's rebellion, following his announcement to the people of Kufa that he was a representative of the Mahdi.

7 - Mahmud son of al-Faraj: In Samara, a false Prophet by the name of Mahmud son of al-Faraj appeared in 849-850 CE with a claim that a Quran was revealed to him through the angel Gabriel. He is reported to have some followers in Samara and Baghdad. He was executed on the orders of caliph, al-Mutawakkil.

8 - "Bab": Another liar/false claimant to prophecy, and the predecessor of Bahaullah, was Mizra Ali Muhammad, who initially declared himself the "Bab" (Gate) to the Shi'ite's Mahdi, and eventually progressed into other claims. He was embraced by the Shaykhis sect of Shi'a , who were then renamed "Babis". Subsequently, he declared himself to be the Shi'ite's hidden Mahdi. After declaring himself the Mahdi, he moved on to call himself Nuqtiyiula and declared that the Quran and Muslim Shari'a were now abrogated. Shi'a and Sunni scholars condemned him and Bab faced a series of imprisonment, trials, and indignities before being shot dead by a firing squad in 1850.

9 - "Bahaullah": The self-proclaimed successor to the Bab, and another liar/false claimant to prophecy was Mizra Hussein Ali Nuri. In 1863 Hussein Ali, a prominent member of the Babi group, declared himself to be the person whom God will make manifest, whom the Bab had foretold. He also took the name Bahaullah (Glory of God) and formed a new religion, the Bahai faith. Bahaullah was banished from Persia and was eventually imprisoned in Akka-Palestine. There he wrote his main work, his Kitab-ul-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), and developed the doctrine of the Bahai faith into a comprehensive teaching.

10 - Elijah Muhammad: Elijah Muhammad, succeeding Wallace Dodd Ford, was another in the line of False Prophets. He founded the convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christanity to Masonry to Islam in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930s. He referred to it as the "Nation of Islam".

11 - Kareem Agha Khan: In the early 1970s, another false-claimant to prophecy appeared within the Ismaili sect of Shi'ism, who proclaims himself to be a manifestation of God on Earth and a spokesman for Allah.

12 - Rashid Khalifa: Then we have another False Prophet, Rashid Khalifa, who came from Egypt, and claimed there to be an intricate numerical pattern to the Qur'an revolving around the number 19 in 1974. Because of this, he claimed to be a Messenger of God, alongside Prophets Ibraheem (Abraham) and Muhammad, and founded the group called "United Submitters International", rejecting the hadeeths of the Prophet, and denounced ayats 9:128-129 of the Qur'an. For many years he was the Imam at the Tuscon Mosque in Arizona, where he was later stabbed to death in 1990.

13 - Al Mizra Abbas: Another liar, Al-Mizra Abbas, in 1233 AH/1818 CE, appeared in Tehran, Iran and died in Palestine.

14 - Shabbatai Zevi: Shabbatai Zevi was one of the False Prophets who appeared during a desperate period of Ashkenazi Jewish history in the 16th and 17th centuries, promising to lead his compatriots out of tzuresdike golus (painful exile) to dwell with the Lord in Eretz Yisroel (the land of Israel). It neither turned out as prophesised, nor did the high hopes of the Jewish colonies in Brazil.

15 - Saleh son of Tarif Burghwati: Saleh claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 125 AH. After ruling over his people for 47 years, in 174 AH he abdicated the throne in favour of his son.

16 - Abu Mansoor 'Eessa: Abu Mansoor 'Eessa claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 341 AH and ruled over his people for 28 years.

17 - Al-Harith son of Sa'id: Al-Harith son of Said claimed prophethood during the reign of the Umayyad caliph, Abd al-Malik son of Marwan. A number of royal soldiers were suspected of supporting him. He was executed in 698-699 CE.

18 - Mizra Ghulam Ahmad: Mizra Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian is a British-engineered false Prophet who appeared in India to quell resistance against the British colonialists. He claimed to be the Messiah as the similitude of Prophet 'Eessa, the Mahdi, a Prophet, a Messenger, and the second advent of Prophet Muhammad simultaneously. He invited his fiercest oppenent, Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari, to a prayer duel. He advertised his supplication to Allah pleading Him to annihilate the liar amongst the two in the lifetime of the truthful one, by Cholera or by Plague. He considered them to be the sign of Divine Anger and Punishment. Mirza subsequently died of cholera a year later.

19 - Muhammad son of Sa'id: Muhammad son of Sa’id is considered as one of the four infamous forgers of hadith. He distorted the hadith: "I am the seal of prophets and there is no prophet after me" by adding: "unless Allah wills {otherwise}". He is reported to have drawn his own conclusions from this addition and claimed prophethood for himself. He was executed on the orders of Abbasid caliph, Abu Jafar al-Mansoor.

20 - Mahmood Muhammad Taha: Mahmood Muhammad Taha was also a false claimant to prophecy who was based in Sudan, and he tried with maximum endeavor to mislead normal people from their Islamic way of life until he was beheaded in 1985.

21 - Jasmin?: A more recent individual who has appeared, and could potentially be a False Claimant to Prophecy is Jasmin. He appeared in 1998 in Bosnia, claiming the War of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the Battle of Armageddon, and claims that he is the Messiah, tasked by God to introduce the human community into the "golden age", and claims that his destiny has been described under the symbol and notion of a lamb.

22 - Dr. Dwight York: Another fairly recent false claimant to prophecy was Dr. York. In the late 1960s York, started calling himself "Amunnnubi Rooakhptah," and founded various quasi-Muslim black-nationalist movements (among these was the Ansaarullah Community) based on something called the "Science of Nuwaubu". In the 1990s, he changed his community from worshipping Allah to worshipping pagan idols. Soon thereafter, he claimed to receive divine revelation, forming his own cult of Nuwaubians, following, what they call, "The Holy Tablets", with beliefs, based on pantheism, with an anthropomorphic view of Allah. In 2002, he was arrested and charged with child molestation. In 2004, he was convicted, and sentenced to 135 years in prison.

23 - Riyaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi: Another claimant to Mahdihood and prophecy, is Gohar Shahi. He was born in 1941 in the Indian sub-continent. He had a traditional Sufi upbringing, and at age 34 he went on a 3 year spiritual retreat (which he says to have been under the guidance of a "divine spirit") into the mountains of Sehwan Sharif. Afterwards, he returned (claiming it to have been commanded by God), and started to preach his message of "Remembrance and Love of God", disregarding religion and its practices, also claiming that his image is implanted on the moon, gaining a significant number of followers. The Ulema have since issued various fatwas against him.

Allah save all the ummah from fitna of dajjal.


PS: if anybody has more information or something which should be correct then please massege me.
24. Mirza Gulam ahmad qadiyani from india, (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdi, in the likeness of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfilment of Islam's eschatological prophecies, as well as the Mujaddid (renewer) of Islam. [1][2][3] In 1888, he announced that he had been divinely instructed to take a pledge of allegiance from his supporters and form a community and stipulated ten conditions of initiation,[4] taking the pledge at Ludhiana from about forty of his supporters on 23 March 1889. An event that marks the formal establishment of the Ahmadiyya movement. [5][6] The mission of the movement, according to him, was the revival of Islam through the moral reformation of society along Islamic ideals, and the global propagation of Islam in its pristine form.[7]

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
24. Mirza Gulam ahmad qadiyani from india, (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdi, in the likeness of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā), in fulfilment of Islam's eschatological prophecies, as well as the Mujaddid (renewer) of Islam. [1][2][3] In 1888, he announced that he had been divinely instructed to take a pledge of allegiance from his supporters and form a community and stipulated ten conditions of initiation,[4] taking the pledge at Ludhiana from about forty of his supporters on 23 March 1889. An event that marks the formal establishment of the Ahmadiyya movement. [5][6] The mission of the movement, according to him, was the revival of Islam through the moral reformation of society along Islamic ideals, and the global propagation of Islam in its pristine form.[7]

I have a large volume of literature on refutations and expositions of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed ma'shallah.

A significant point about him today however, over a century after his death, is that he has more followers now (in their millions) and still expanding compared to 20, 000 in his lifetime. The increase is less from population proliferation 'from within' and more from propagation and active evangelisation of their religion and aqeedah worldwide.