Salat reminder for Blackberry


Junior Member
I have a salat reminder on my Treo but ive changed phones. Anyone know if there is a salat reminder program for the Blackberry? I couldnt find anything on Google.


Junior Member
What did people do before


What did the ummah do before all of these salat alarm for computers, watches, adhan clocks etc were invented.

Are our lives so bust that we need an alarm to remind us about worshipping Allah (swt)??


i do not have a salat reminder/adhan clock


Asslamo Allaikum,

Blackberry is a hideous device, get rid of it...dude!

I have a salat reminder on my Treo but ive changed phones. Anyone know if there is a salat reminder program for the Blackberry? I couldnt find anything on Google.


Muslim Student
I think its good to use those programs when you are in place where is no masjid there and you cant hear athan, people in the past they get reminded by hearing the athan, and also now but in muslim countries and area where close masjid is available.


New Member
Salat reminder now available for blackberry

I found an app on Handango that seems to do a pretty good job-- it's just called "Salat". I think the website was salatapp[dot]com

* Updates prayer times automatically based on GPS location
* Comes with configurable alarm settings
* Shows Qiblah direction on map

Hope that helps!


New Member the best prayer app for BlackBerry

Salaam ‘Alaykum brothers and sisters,

I agree with the previous post, Salat is the best app if you carry a BlackBerry.

It uses BlackBerry maps to provide you with the direction to Mecca and automatically updates prayer times as you travel from one location to the next. With Salat, you have no excuse for missing a prayer!

The audio call to prayer that comes with the app is very soothing as well.

Give it a try!




Is it available for iPhone? I may consider the iPhone if Quran verses are available on it with recitation sound.


Yes brother Iphone has IPray program IQura'n program they even have IAthkar and IZakat and they are all free Thanks to Allah and then to IslamIPhone people who worked hard on it and made it available to there muslim brothers and sisters with no charge just for the sake of Allah May Allah reward them with jannat alferdaous Ameen. As for Blackberry it is nothing compared to IPhone