Saying the 'Salam' to a non-muslim


Junior Member

Lately, Im getting more and more confident of being a muslim, Alhuldulillah.

One day, I thought why do I always say 'Bless you' when someone sneezes when it means nothing to me & I should say 'Alhuldulillah'. Sooo now I say both. :D

Ive also started saying 'Assalam- u-Aliekum' to selected colleagues & I am more open is discussing Islam when anyone asks me about it.

What I want to know is that is there any hadith on saying the salam to non-muslims? Is it to be encouraged or not?




Junior Member
i do not think it is a problem. especially if they accept you as a muslim. my husband is not a muslim, and i always tell him salaam. Which he knows means peace. and he greets my fellow muslims the same way.


Junior Member

:wasalam: Alhamdulillah..may Allah increase you in your faith as well as us all Ameen!

Tay' to reply to a non-believer if he says salam to you:

If one of the people of the book greets you saying As-Salamu'alaikum, then tell him: Wa'alaikum (And upon you)! (Al-Bukhari, from Al-Asqalani, Fath Al-Bari 42/11 - Muslim 4/1705)

I recall a Hadith when once a man passed by Alayhis sallatu wassalam and said 'As-samalaykum' (may death be upon you) and Alayhis sallatu wassalam simply replied 'Alaykum or Wa'alaikum' (And you too!)

Note that it is very important to say the Salam with we understand and KNOW that it is the greeting of peace! :subhanallah:

Just to hint also; When meeting your fellow Muslim, lengthen the greeting Insha'Allah:

A man entered upon the Messenger of Allah :saw: and said,
'As-salaamu'alaykum.' The Messenger :saw: replied to the salam. The man then sat down and the Messenger :saw: said: 'Ten'.

Then another man came and said, 'As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatullah.' The Messenger :saw: replied. Then the man sat down and the Messenger :saw: said: 'Twenty.'

Then another man came and said, 'As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.' The Messenger :saw: replied. The man then sat down and Alayhis sallatu wassalam said: 'Thirty.' (Abu Daawood and At-Tirmidhee)

Look at how much loss of reward a person inflicts on himself by sufficing himself with only saying part of the salutation.
The person should say the entire salam so he attains thirty good deeds.

The least reward for a good deed is ten times the like; therefore, by saying the full greeting, one can earn three hundred good deeds or more (Insha'Allah).

Accustom yourself to completing the Salaam up to Barakatuh to obtain this great reward!

Do not forget however, when Alayhis sallatu wassalam sent letters to the emperors (non-believers); he :saw: began in the Name of Allah and said may peace be upon you.

I do not think that people indulge in such a practice in todays' generation but when it comes to the non-believers, then 'Alaykum or Wa'alaikum' is sufficient enough! (And Allah knows Best)

I hope this is ok ukhti, may Allah forgive my mistakes. If there's any good in what i've said, then its truely from Allah; All Praise is Due to Him Alone. Anything wrong, is purely from my side!

I leave you in Allah's Care
