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    Free on hajj?

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    Free on hajj?

    maa shaa Allaah at least u live there, we r still in bilaadul kufr hehe... and ofcourse everybody want to do his 5th pilar of islaam; al hadj... May Allaah make it easy for every muslim allaahouma ameen
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    Free on hajj?

    djazaak Allaahu khayra, wallaahi its my dream to get there... I will have a look inshaa Allaah
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    Free on hajj?

    anybody? nobody? :girl3:
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    De gunsten van beproevingen

    Net wat ik nodig had... maa shaa Allaah
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    Uitkering van de socialedienst

    wa3alaykoum salaam na3am wat de broeder zegt klopt... Hij zei rahimahu Llaah oa dat de bovenste hand (de staat die je dus de uitkering geeft) beter is dan de onderste hand (de ontvanger). en dat wij als moslims zeg maar niet de onderste hand zouden moeten zijn...\\inshaa Allaah plaats ik hem...
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    A Letter to My Family -- From An Astranged Convert

    as salaamu3alaykoum maa shaa Allaah.. may Allaah help us all.. It is hard when your family is totaly against it but alhamdouliLlaah
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    trouwens shaykh al albaanie rahimahu Allaah is toch van mening dat t gezicht niet verplicht is om t bedekken.. heeft iemand zijn bewijzen hiervan?
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    haha ja je hebt gelijk zuster.. baarak Allaahu feek, maar, alles kan beter inshAa Allaah
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    soubhaan Allaah dan ben ik ook niet corect gekleed want ik draag lange khimaar.. dus mijn gezicht is ontbloot
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    as salaamu3alaykoum die schoonheid s toch relatief.. de lelijkste vrouw kan in iermand anders zijn ogen de mooiste vrouw zijn en vice versa,,,
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    How To Maintain Khushoo' In Prayer

    walaykoum salaam wa rahmatu Llaahi wa barakaatouh wa antoum fa djazaakoumo Llaahu khayra! na3am it is wal hamdouliLlaah! Allaahouma ameen.. baarak Allaahu feek sis :SMILY252:
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    How To Maintain Khushoo' In Prayer

    BismiLlaahir Rahmaanir Raheem As salaamu3alaykoum wa rahmatu Llaahi wa barakaatouh very benificial!!! How To Maintain Khushoo' In Prayer Author: Hussain al-Awaa'ishah Source: As-Salaat Wa Atharuhaa Fee Ziyaadatil Eemaan (Trans Abu Iyaad)
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    Fasting the first half or the entire month of Sha‘ban

    :salam2: Fatwa no. 6139 Q: I am a twenty-seven-year-old Saudi man. I went to prison and I began to worship Allah. I observe Sawm (fasting) on Monday and Thursday of every week, on three days of every month, the whole month of Rajab; nine days of Dhul-Hijjah; the ninth, tenth and eleventh...
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    Sha'ban; an overlooked month

    :salam2: The first question of Fatwa no. 2608 Q 1: There are days on which we voluntarily observe Sawm (Fasting) in Rajab. Should these days be in the beginning, middle, or end of the month? A: No specific Hadiths were authentically reported about the merit of Sawm in Rajab, except that...
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    SIHR - wat te doen?

    haha wal hamdouliLlaah
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    advising our parents

    walaykoum salaam wa rahmatu Lllaah alhamdoulillaah sis...
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    wa antoum fa djazaakoumo Llaahu khayra.. maa shaa Allaah djazaaki Llaahu khayra sister!
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    wa antoum fa djazaakoumo Llaahu khayra :blackhijab:
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    Jewels of guidance

    yw x :hijabi: